Renaiisance Notes Flashcards
Where did the Renaissance begin?
English Renaissance
When did it reach England?
200 years later
What flourished?
Literary, artistic, and intellectual development
What curriculum did universities add?
Humanities: history, geography, poetry, and modern language
What was invented by Gutenburg?
Printing press
What did more writers write in?
Age of exploration
Thirst for knowledge initiates this
What did Italy do?
Monopolized trade routes to Asia
What did Portugal and Spain do?
Seek an all sea-route, helped by compass and astronomy
What does England?
John Cabot discovers found land in 1497
Protestant reformation
Leads to formation of Anglican Church in England
How was the church corrupt?
Indulgences, mob-style hits in Church, protest, and defiance of Catholic Church
What do Erasmus and Thomas More focus on?
Mortality and religion
What did Martin Luther do in 1517?
Nailed 95 theses to the door of church in Germany
What did he intend to do?
To begin a debate and reform within Catholic Church
What happened that was not intended with the 95 Theses?
Ends up splitting the church
What do the Protestants split into?
Lutherans and Calvinists
What years was the Tudor dynasty?
It was a period of ____ and ______ expansion for England
Stability and economic
What does a Henry VII do?
Ends war of the roses, restores England’s shattered economy and domestic peace
What did Henry VIII do?
He begins catholic; writes a book attacking Luther and pope dubs him “Defender of the faith”
What marriage was when Henry VIII wanted an annulment?
Catherine of Aragon so that he can marry Anne Boleyn
What does the pope do?
He refuses but Henry remarries anyway
Act of supremacy
Henry assumes ful control of church in England,
severs all ties with Rome,
Seizes Catholic Church’s english properties
Sells of monastic lands,
Ruthlessly suppresses all opponents including monks, Friars,etc.
What did Henry VIII do to Thomas More?
Beheaded him when More refused to renounce Catholicism
Edward VI
King from 9-15( 1547-53)
What is the book of common paper?
English replaces Latin in Anglican Church
Mary I
Edwards half sister
Restores Catholicism and authority of pope
Marries Philip III of Spain
Violently represses Protestants
What is Mary I nickname?
Bloody Mary
Elizabeth I
Mary’s half sister
Intelligent, strong-willed and unmarried and childless
What did Elizabeth I recieve?
Renaissance education- became great patron of the arts
What did they call the period of the Renaissance?
The Elizabethan Period because she had such a great influence
What does she return and renew and institute?
Return- Book of Common Paper
Renew- Act of Supremacy
Institutes- religious tolerance
What did she do to the French and Spanish?
Manipulated them and outwitted them for decades
[Promised marriages(falsely)]
Who did many Catholics consider as true queen of England
Mary Stewart because they didn’t recognize Henry VIII marriage to Anne Boleyn
What did Elizabeth I do to Mary S.?
House arrest for 19 years
What did Mary do?
Plotted to kill Elizabeth I but Elizabeth would always get the killers but she always spared Mary
What happened that Mary S. got beheaded?
She got convicted for plotting to murder Elizabeth
What happened when she got beheaded?
Spain declares war of England
And were mad about privateers plundering ships
What happens in 1588?
Spanish Armada gets destroyed and emergence of England as a naval power
James VI
Jacobean era (also path of the arts)
- King James Bible
- English translation
- 54 scholars, 3 years
Thomas More
* written in Latin
What is Utopia about?
Depiction of ideal society free of superstition and prejudice
Thomas Wyatt
Translated Petrarch
Writes first sonnets in English
Henry Howard
First one to use blank verse
Blank verse?
Unrhymed iambic pentameter used in plays
What did Shakespeare write during James’s reign?
Dark tragedies
What do Enlgish pets reject
Narrative poetry of Chaucer
What do English Poets turn to?
Lyric poetry
Lyric poetry?
Expresses speakers feelings in vivid, musical language
Iambic pentameter
Stanzas of 8 and 6 lines
Repeating rhyme sequences
Sonnet cycles?
Series of sonnets that are put together to tell a story
Who wrote the first great sonnet cycle?
Philip Sydney.
Edmund Spenser
The Faerie Queen
The Faerie Queene
Epic poem dedicated to Elizbeth
What are nine line units called?
Spenserian stanzas
Christopher Marlowe
Pastoral verse
Idealizes simplicity of rural life
William Shakespeare
Greatest sonneteer
Goes from Petrarch to Shakespearean
What was drama influenced by?
Greek and roman drama
Drama in which central characters meet disaster or misfortune
Hero- good character that errs because of hubris(pride)
Humorous situation with happy resolution
Shakespeare and Marlowe
Tragedies, comedies, histories, tragicomedies
Brilliant language
Unparalleled insight into human nature
Sympathy for all social classes
Sir Walter Raleigh
History of the World
Thomas Nashe
The Unfortunate Traveller
Francis Bacon
Novum Organum - Latin scientist