Remembering and forgetting Flashcards
How can we measure forgetting
recall test
recognition test
What is a recall test
recall of events, story recall (hard to score)
free recall of lists of nameable items (% recalled),
cued recall e.g. paired associates (% recalled)
serial recall (% in correct position)
What is a recognition test
ability to discriminate “old” from “new” items (% correct)
Who was Ebbinghaus (1885) and what did he do?
learned many lists of 13 nonsense syllables to criterion (2 correct serial recalls), and then relearned each after a variable interval
Forgetting is orderly, explain
forgetting, measured appropriately, can often be described by a simple mathematical function of the retention interval (here a power function)
What causes forgetting?
orderliness of forgetting might suggest some inevitable decay process: loss from storage.
but this can’t be the whole story:
- information not recalled now may be recalled later
- further prompts or cues may succeed in eliciting recall
so some cases of “forgetting” due to retrieval failure not loss
moreover, some memories show essentially no loss over time
Why does a longer retention interval not necessarily increase forgetting?
no forgetting of school class-mates over 30 years (assessed using yearbooks (Bahrick et al., 1975, J.Exp.Psy:Gen)
“flashbulb” memories (e.g. JFK assassination, 9/11 attack)
but forgetting of former students by teachers does increase with interval —>
teachers subsequently encounter many more students
so, forgetting attributable to interference from other similar memories?
How can we test ‘interference’ v decay theories?
under normal circumstances, retention interval — time in storage — is confounded with the number of other experiences accumulated during the interval.
so, control the interval, vary intervening experiences
if forgetting due to interference, then p(recall) should decrease with more exposure to similar stuff, with time held constant
How is some forgetting clearly attributable to interference?
‘paired associate” learning (1940s,1950s): participant must learn (say) 10 arbitrary pairings between “stimulus” and“response” words.
P learns List 1 to criterion
then learns List 2 to criterion
test on either List 1 or List 2
later recall of List 1 worse when List 2 was learned afterwards - retroactive interference
later recall of List 2 worse when List 1 has been learned before - proactive interference
implication: retrieval difficulty increases when other similar material has been learned, holding retention interval constant.
How are time v intervening (similar) experiences predictors of event forgetting?
at end of season, two rugby teams recalled games played: clear forgetting over a season (though some games are more memorable)
each player missed some games:
- if control for time, the number of games played during the interval is a significant predictor of forgetting
- but not vice versa.
in general, there is ample evidence that retrieval failure is increased by interference from similar material
What factors influence p(retrieval)?
processing at encoding/acquisition
consolidation after encoding
(more on) Interference from other memory traces at retrieval
similarity of encoding and retrieval contexts
[underlying theme: memory is an associative system, not a container]
What is organisation at acquisition
deliberate rote rehearsal does increase later recall
hence the primacy effect in free recall – first few items get more rehearsals
but mere rote rehearsal is a relatively ineffective learning strategy
What do incidental memory exps show?
processing the meaning of, and actively organising, the material are effective learning strategies
Mandler (1967) study
groups 1 and 2 sorted words on cards into 2-7 categories of their own devising
group 1 were also told to try to learn the words. Group 2 were not
no difference in a later recall test (if control for N of categories).
group 3, who just placed the cards into columns while trying to learn the list, remembered less than Groups 1 and 2.
Moral of organisation at acquisition
organising the material is what produces effective acquisition, not effort to learn (by itself)
What is depth of processing at acquisition?
Craik and Tulving (1975) study
Craik and Tulving (1975) study
showed a series of unrelated words, and gave one of three orienting tasks:
is it written in upper/lower case?
does it rhyme with X?
does it fit into a sentence(e.g. “The man broke his ____”)
later unexpected recognition test
Moral of depth of processing at acquisition
processing the meaning is better than processing surface form
(unless: details of surface form are what you are required to remember – “transfer-appropriate processing”)
What do mnemonics demo?
the power of appropriate elaboration at acquisition
one-is-a-bun mnemonic for sequence learning
first, learn the rhyme
to learn a sequence: form a vivid image representing the rhyme item for position X in interaction with what you want to remember at position X
remembering: Just go through the rhyme
Method of loci
first, memorise a route around a familiar building or garden, so that you can walk around it in your “mind’s eye”
learning the speech: At each point in the route, form a striking image representing the idea you want to mention at that point
remembering: Traverse the route, reading and interpreting the images.
What does learning form?
What does retrieval do to associations?
activates them
Why do mnemonics work?
they bind ideas to a pre-established framework which organises them (e.g. serial order, in the case of the method of loci and ‘one-is-a-bun’)
imagery encourages formation of rich nexus of associations between the frame “hook” and the concept attached to that hook.
forces exhaustive retrieval attempts
General moral of associations, retrieval and mnemonics
effectiveness of learning involves forming associations among representations that already exist in the mind, including representations of
elements of the new experience/fact
elements of the context
elements of prior knowledge