REMEDIES for breach of trust - personal Flashcards
what aree examples remedies in trust
- termination of the trust
- perosnal remedy agisnt the brecahing trsutee
- perosnal remedy agaunst 3rd parties who hgave assisted breach or knwoingly recvieved trust
- propietray remedy
practical perosnal remedies for breaching trustee
- compel performance
- order an injuction to stop the breach
- replace trustee
perosn remedies is they have lost or trustee has benefitted
- account of profits of the gains made by the trustee
- ask for compensation for the loss suffered
account of profits
trustees must account for profit created form a) conflict of interest or b) advantage taken from knowledge or opputunity as they are trustee ) chirside v fay
phillips v boardman
- the trustee may reeive a geenrous allowance for work and skill it it would b unjst not to do so
compensation for loss
trustee must account for the moeny lost to trsut property caused by their breach
chirnside v fay
c and f developing land, c left and starting developing alone, psuhed f out and profited all to himself, court ordered c to pay account of profits minus an allowance for himself, c was allowed some as he had done all the work despite being dishonest
spencer v spencer
Mr. S and two others were trustees of a family trust set up for Mr. S’s children. The trust eventually ran out of funds and couldn’t pay an allowance to Mr. S’s disabled son. This financial loss was due to the trustees’ failures, including not recovering debts owed to the trust, missing rent payments, and paying excessive fees to Mr. S. As a result, they were ordered to compensate for the loss, calculated based on what should have been in the trust fund. Despite Mr. S’s personal fault, all trustees are jointly liable.
things that limit trustees laibilty
- exclsuon clause in trust deed
- throigh statute, 131 132 trsyst act
exlcusion clauses
- there may be an exlcusion clasue in the trust deed that excludes liabilty for those duties that are not mandatory
southland hospital board
- affirms the contra preferentem rule, clasue to be interpreted agisnt the trustee
spencier and spencer two limb disnhoensty test
- what did the trsut know of the deed and beleive abt action (subj)
- what an honets and reoable perosn knowing what the trustee knew, have acted in the same way
no EXPEMPTION clause may exclude trustee liabilty for any breach arising from trustees dishonesty, wilful conduct or goprss negligec
when court is deciding whether gross neglignece has occured, they must consider
- circumtsnaces, knowldge, skill, nature of breach, purpose or trustee appiontment andof the trust itself
statutory protection
131- releive trustee if acted hoenstly (sp v sp test)
132- If a trustee breaches trust at a beneficiary’s request, the trustee can recover losses from that beneficiary’s share.
- Is there an express trust ( 3 certaintys)
- who are trustees
- what duties so they owe (mandatory v defalut)
- did the trustee prima facies breach a duty ( case law)
- trustee to prove otherwsie , can they rely on exl clause or stat prov
- if not waht remedy is appropriate