ReligiousExperience Flashcards
William James’ definition of religious experience
‘the feelings, acts and experiences of individual men in their solitude, so far as they apprehend themselves to stand in relation to whatever they may call the divine’
James’ criteria of a mystical experience
Passive, Ineffable, Noetic, Transient
Not in control of the experience; feeling of being taken over by a more powerful being.
Cannot be described / difficult to put into words
Experience does not last long but its significance is out of proportion with its duration
Provided new knowledge or insight
A change of heart and turning around of one?s priorities, following a new direction.
Corporate religious experience
A religious experience shared with many people
Swinburne’s Principle of Credulity
Things are as they seem to be, unless we have evidence to the contrary
Swinburne’s Principle of Testimony
We should assume people are telling the truth, unless we have good reason to believe otherwise
What is a religious experience?
It can be divided into claims of direct experience of the divine or God, and claims of indirect experience of God through aspects of ordinary experience.
What three terms summarise Jame’s approach?
Pragmatism, Pluralism and Empiricism
What is pragmatism?
A concept is considered true if it works satisfactorily in practice; looks at the practical consequences or effects
What is pluralism?
Values all religiouns and none
What is empiricism?
Knowledge / truth is found through observation, experience and the senses
What are St Theresa of Avila’s two criteria of a genuine religious experience?
It should fit in with the teaching and traditions of the church and should lead to positive changes in character
What is James’ conclusion about religious experiences?
‘The only thing that it unequivocally testifies to is that we can experience union with something larger than ourselves and in that union find our greatest peace.’
What types of conversion does Starbuck name?
Volitional and self-surrender
What is a volitional conversion?
A gradual change and slow development of new moral and spiritual habits.
What is a self-surrender conversion?
A sudden, pivotal or crisis experience (physical / emotional) followed by a change of life in which the subject ceases struggling against and surrenders to the new psychological center.
When did Starbuck argue that most conversions took place?
Between the ages of 15 and 24
What did Starbuck suggest about the psychological reasons for conversion?
‘conversion is in its essence, a normal adolescent phenomenon’
What is a corporate religious experience?
A relgious experience that happens in a group
Give three examples of corporate religious experiences.
Toronto Blessing, Children of Medjugorje and Pentecost (Acts 2)
What is the Toronto Blessing?
It is described as a move of the Holy Spirit and manifests in various ways including speaking in tongues (unlearned languages), animal noises and uncontrollable laughter.
How has the Toronto Blessing been criticised?
It could be mass hysteria (psychological or sociological factors) or demonic activity.
What are the positive outcomes of the Toronto Blessing?
Changed lives, healings (spiritual and physical) and strengthened marriages
Why do critics of the Toronto Blessing say it leads to a God unworthy or worship?
They question why God chooses to act on a small group rather than the persecuted church or those starving etc
How can St Paul’s conversion be explained psychologically?
He felt guilty about persecuting Christians and had a nrevous breakdown, hightene anxiety which caused it
How can St Paul’s conversion be explained physiologically?
It could have been epilespy, as bright light, collapse and blindness can be symptons
What is Freud’s psychological challenge?
It is caused by the need for a father figure; religion is an illusion and neurosis
What is the challenge from subjectivity?
Religious experiences tend to be private and can only be subjective and of value to the individual
What is the challenge from physiology?
Biological or neurological factors, such as electrical activity in the brain could account for the emotions and sensations of religious experience.
What did the Hardy Institute find out?
30-45% of Britain?s population claim they have been aware of a power or presence beyond themselves.
What is John Hick’s “experiencing as” argument?
We may all experience the same things, but simply perceive things in different ways.
Why does Kant say it is logically impossible to experience God?
Because God is a noumenal reality and we are rooted in the phenomenal world of the senses.
What does James say are the most important factors in a religious experience?
The fruits of a religious experience - the effects that can be observed
Name four fruits of a religious experience (James)
A conviction of something beyond; elation/freedom; met a friendly power; change in the emphasis of life