Religious Language Flashcards
What do cognitivists believe about religious language?
It makes truth claims about the world which are either true or false
What do non-cognitivists believe about religious language?
It is neither true nor false; it does not describe the world but serves another purpose
Who created the Verification Principle?
The Vienna Circle (weak verification added later by Ayer)
What is the Verification Principle?
A statement is meaningful if it is either analytic (true by definition) or synthetic (verifiable by observation)
What is weak verification?
Ayer’s idea that some statements which are only partially verifiable are still meaningful (e.g. there are mountains on the far side of the moon)
What text did A.J. Ayer write outlining the verification principle and weak verification?
Language, Truth, and Logic
Name a strength of the Verification Principle
It is clear and easy to follow / it allows us to accurately describe the world / it has no time for superstitious or unprovable beliefs, e.g. flat earth or racism
Name a weakness of the verification principle
It does not pass its own test - there is no way to verify the verification principle / without Ayer’s weak verification it does not allow statements about history / with Ayer’s weak verification it potentially allows religious statements too - see Hick / Wittgenstein’s Language Games could be used as a response
What is eschatological verification?
Hick’s argument that, using weak verification, religious statements are verifiable eschatologically (at the End of Days/after death)
What theory is eschatological verification a response to?
The Verification Principle/weak verification
What parable does Hick give to support eschatological verification?
The Parable of the Celestial City
What is Hick trying to show in the Parable of the Celestial City?
That while both travellers have equally valid views, only one of them will be verified in the long run
Give a strength of eschatological verification
It shows that the Verification Principle could allow religious statements, allowing meaningful religious discussion
Give a weakness of eschatological verification
It still implies that religious statements are unverifiable while we are alive, and therefore does not help us to have religious discussions
Who created the Falsification Principle?
Karl Popper
What is the falsification principle?
A theory is scientific if we know what evidence it would take to disprove it
Who applied the falsification principle to religious statements?
Antony Flew
How does Antony Flew demonstrate that religious statements are unfalsifiable?
Using the Parable of the Gardener
Who do the two explorers represent in the Parable of the Gardener?
A theist and an atheist
What does the garden represent in the Parable of the Gardener?
The world
What expression does Flew use to explain that the concept of God becomes meaningless due to the refusal to falsify it?
“The death of a thousand qualifications”
Give a strength of the Falsification Principle
It aligns with how scientific theories are actually formed (better than the Verification Principle) and allows a wider range of statements / it uses a rational argument to explain why religious statements are meaningless
Give a weakness of the falsification principle
Not all statements are scientific and using it the way Flew does risks reducing the world to a set of theories / Hare’s bliks or Wittgenstein’s language games could be used as a response
KNOW THE SPEC: What are the two main CHALLENGES to religious language?
Verification and Falsification
KNOW THE SPEC: What are the RESPONSES to the challenges to religious language?
Eschatological verification
Language Games