religious experiences Flashcards
A mystical experience
- When a person feels as if they’ve gained spiritual truth beyond normal understanding.
- Example is St Theresa of Avila having inner visions of Christ.
A conversion experience
- When a person changes their beliefs or way of life.
- Example of this is Saul in the New Testament converting to Paul.
William James four criteria
- Passive
- Ineffable
- Noetic
- Transient
James is a pluralist
- James believes that all religions are true.
- However, cross cultural similarity could explain why religious experiences are similar.
James not hallucinations
- James believes that religious experiences aren’t just hallucinations as hallucinations don’t have life changing experiences.
- However, it could just the someone’s interpretation of a hallucination. Jean Paul Sartre supports this.
Jean Paul Sartre
Religious experiences completely depend on the persons interpretation of it.
Religious experiences are just illusions imagined by the mind to overcome various psychological states.
Edwin Starbuck
Studied conversion experiences and noticed a parallel between them and finding our identities between the ages of 15 and 24.
Ludwig Feuerbach
The appeal of religion is immorality. Christianity promises life beyond death if someone is willing to buy into this concept and accept Christ. Religion is just where people project their fears.
Humans have a ‘love for the fantastical.’ So, people add details when they pass on the story which leads to a mistrust of whether religious experiences happened, or if it is exaggerated.
John Cottingham
If an experience is ‘numinous’ it is easy to presume that it is religious however people have experience of art and nature which could also be called numinous.
Robert Kirkwood
Imagine if your friend told you they saw a pig with wings, you wouldn’t believe them as from your experience that is impossible. It is the same with religious experiences.
Principle of credulity means that we should believe something is true unless we can prove that it is false.
John Leslie Mackie
if a mystical experience can be explained psychologically then mystical experiences have no authority even for the person who experienced it.
- Did an experiment where he exposed individuals to weak magnetic signals, many of the subjects reported feelings that were like religious experiences.
- However, this could just be one way of God showing himself.
Mobbs and Watts
Near death experiences can be explained biologically through observations of humans and the brain.
Betrand Russel
‘the fact that a belief has a good moral effect upon a man is no evidence whatsoever in favour of its truth.’
William James validity
The validity of someones claim can be tested by the effect on the recipient. He uses the analogy of medicine; we know a medicine is good because of its good effect on the subject.
Conversion experience life changing
- Religious experiences must be genuine as conversion experiences can have life changing effects.
- However, Russell argues that just because something has a good moral effect, it doesn’t say anything about it’s truth.
Swinburne principle of testimony and credulity
We should believe something is true unless we have reason to believe otherwise.