Religious Experience Flashcards
What is religious experience?
A direct or indirect experience of God
There is no singular definition or criteria as there are a variety of experiences and interpretation
What is religious pluralism?
The idea that all religions have valid insights into God and that Christianity is not the only true faith
What is the difference between noumenon and phenomenon?
Numenon= there is reality as it really is
Phenomenon= there is reality as the five senses present it to us
How does Hick describe religious experience?
Different human responses to one divine reality
What is Hicks pluralistic hypothesis?
A devout Christian and a Buddhist might both experience the same divine reality, but one will perceive God the Heavenly Father but the other would experience Nirvanel
What is the analogy of the Elephant and the blind men representing?
Religious experience may be different and the people may perceive it as different God’s or higher beings, however everyone who has a religious experience is experiencing the same divine reality
What did Wittgenstein say about the nature of religious experience?
‘Seeing as’- when we see something it must look like something
The experience if the divine can be interpreted by us as God but it could be something very different and even ordinary with a rational and scientific explanation
What did Hick say about the nature of religious experiences?
Developed Wittgenstein’s idea of ‘seeing as’ in ‘experiencing as’
He saw religious experiences as different interpretations if one truth about the universe
What did James say about the nature of religious experiences?
Religious experiences can be genuine without being real or divine
What are James’ four criteria for a religious experience and what do they mean?
Ineffability- behind the ability of our words to express
Noetic quality- gives knowledge unlike any other human experience
Transience- experience is short but life changing
Passivity- no will if one’s own during this experience
What are over beliefs?
A belief that requires more evidence than it actually has. Individual bias and will of something if greater than the objective evidence for something
What is Swinburne’s principle of credulity?
We ought to believe things as they seem unless and until we have evidence that they are mistaken
Trusting religious experiences is like trusting your ordinary senses
What is a criticism of Swinburne’s principle of credulity?
Some people could lie about their religious experiences
What is Swinburne’s principle of testimony?
Those who do not have experience of a certain type of thing should believe others who claim to have thus experience
What is a criticism of Swinburne’s principle of testimony?
People present all sorts of weird, crazy testimonies. We don’t accept those ideas even though the people proposing them might seem otherwise
What did Persinger do?
He said religious experiences are simply a product of brain chemistry and function. They stem from activity in the temporal lobe
He created the ‘God helmet’ which he thought could stimulate religious experiences artificially by stimulating parts of the temporal lobe
What did Richard Dawkins say about religious experiences?
They are a minipulation of events that at the time seem unexplainable but have a scientific explanation
They can also be a manifestation of a psychological need for a sense of meaning in a persons life
Did the God Helmet work for Dawkins?
EXAMPLE: Fatima Miracle of the Sun (1917)
How many appearances did Our Lady of Fatima make to the three children?