Religious Education Flashcards
Why is R.E taught in school?
It help students to understand what people from different religions believe and how they live.
It helps people to relate to their environment and understand it
What is religious education?
It is a term used to describe the teaching of the religious concepts in school.
What is a Myth?
An ancient traditional story often about God or Gods
What is a Doctine?
The teaching of a particular religion.
Ethical dimension
Religion affects the way people behave. It helps people to decide what is right from wrong.
Legal diemension
Legal codes are different laws associated with a religion.
Laws based on the teaching of the Qur’an
What are the 5 aspects of self?
Physical, Spiritual, Moral, Sexual, Social-cultural Self
What is creation?
To bring something or someone into being
What are the names of Noah’s sons?
Who and what were on the ark?
Noah,his wife,sons,and their wives, and every animal of each gender
What was shown as prove for the promise God made with Noah?
A Rainbow
How long was the flood?
40 days and nights
How many pairs of animals are clean and unclean?
7 unclean and 1 clean pair
Who are the 3 different names of Allah during the creation of earth?