Religious Changes Flashcards
When did Henry marry Catherine of Aragon?
June 1509
When did Henry become Supreme Head?
When did Cranmer become Archbishop of Canterbury?
What did Henry write in 1521 criticising Luther?
The 7 sacraments
What title was Henry given by the pope?
Defender of the Faith
When did Henry end his marriage to Catherine and marry Anne?
When was the Act of Supremacy enforced?
What did Cranmer investigate?
Historical evidence support Royal supremacy and found that Henry didn’t have to obey the pope
What was the Erastian view of kingship?
That the king should be head of the church
When was the Supplication against the ordinaries drawn up and what was it?
It was a petition to Henry complaining about the clerical abuses - Cromwell drew it up
Who became Archbishop of Canterbury?
Thomas Cranmer
What happened in April 1533
Cranmer led convocation and discussed the validity of Henry’s marriage and the marriage was annulled
What was the Act in Restraint Appeals?
It meant that Catherine couldn’t make a legal appeal to the pope
When did Henry break with Rome?
What was Henry’s own religious beliefs?
He was a catholic but reforms took place due to his desparation for a male heir to the throne
Who influenced his religious beliefs?
Anne, Cromwell and Cranmer
What was Edward’s religious beliefs?
He was a devout Protestant
Who were Edward’s Lord Protectors?
Somerset and Northumberland
What changes did he make?
repealed acts made at the end of Henry’s reign
Why did Northumberland take over?
Because somerset was involved in a coup (to exclude Mary from the succession in favour of Jane Grey)
What did Cranmer publish in 1547?
Book of Homilies - had a protestant slant
What changes were made by Cranmer?
issued an English version of Mass
What did Cranmer do in 1552?
A protestant book of Common Prayer - Catholic stone alter replaced with a wooden table and clergy had to wear plain vestments
What was the 42 Articles enforced by Cranmer in 1553?
confirmed English faith as Calvinist Protestantism
What did the new series of injunctions enforce?
all images to be removed from churches
Why did parliament meet in 1547?
to repeal the Act of 6 Articles and dissolution of chantries
What was the Act of Uniformity in 1549?
enforced the English book of common prayer
What happened in 1550?
Parish churches had to surrender catholic books
What were Mary’s beliefs?
Devout Catholic who wanted to restore rome
Who helped her with religious changes?
Reginald Pole and her husband Philip
How did Mary receive Papal absolution?
The pope’s legate Reginald Pole granted it when she repeal every act passed since 1529
How many bishops sis Mary appoint?
6 e.g. Thomas Goldwell
How many catholic titles did Pole encourage to publish?
When and wheat was the church synod enforced by Pole?
In 1555-56 to improve the education of clergy and encouraged seminaries
How many monastic institutes did they Pole and Mary find?
Which Edwardian bishops did Mary burn?
Latimer and Ridley in 155-1556
How did parliament react to the religious changes?
there was some protestant opposition in parliament
What did parliament oppose to?
the 2 bills First Fruits and Tenths (payments to the church) and Exiles Bill (confiscations)
What were Elizabeth’s beliefs?
Moderate protestant and preferred a compromise and had a mixture of beliefs (some traditional)
Which minister influenced Elizabeth?
What did Elizabeth and Cecil achieve together?
A religious settlement
Who’s power did they need to undermine?
The Lord’s power
How did they undermine the Lords’ power?
provoked a debate leading to a catholic walkout
Bishop White and Watson were arrested for not taking part and so protestant bishops appointed in their place
Signed a peace treaty with France
What was Elizabeth’s first parliamentary bill of 1559?
enforced her royal supremacy but the Lord’s rejected this
Which 2 bills were introduced after Easter?
Act of Supremacy and Act of Uniformity
Which act was rejected?
Act of uniformity
What oath was enforced?
Oath of loyalty
What was the Act of Uniformity?
It was a compromise that Catholics could still believe in transubstantiation and the return of vestments
Who did Elizabeth leave matters of doctrine to in 1559?
to convocation but she was able to intervene
What was passed under the pressure of Puritan convocation?
Article 29 which denied transubstantiation
What articles did Covocation want?
39 but Elizabeth said 38 (later on became 39)
What were the articles that were defeated?
6 Articles - appearance and church service radical and surplice