Religion Study T4 2024 Flashcards

To study for Religion grade 6 last test. 🐹🦇👻🎃🥝


What is the Significance of the Eucharist?

(In relation to Thanksgiving)

  • The word Eucharist means thanksgiving
  • During the Liturgy of the Eucharist we GIVE THANKS to God for the gift of Jesus who gave his life for the forgiveness of our sins to give us everlasting life
  • In the Liturgy of the Eucharist the priest says the words Jesus once said at the last supper (“This is my body which is given for you)
  • When the bread and wine are consecrated, they become Jesus’s body and blood and he is truly present with us for this sacred meal
  • The eucharist nourishes our souls
  • We remember Jesus’s sacrifice
  • We celebrate what Jesus and God did for us and acknowledge their presence in our lives

The above notes are a basic overveiw.

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What Are the 4 Main Parts of the Mass?

(and explain each one briefly)

(EXTRA INFO: the Mass is divided into 4 main parts and each section allows us to encounter Jesus in a different way :)


Introductory Rites (We Gather):
○ Jesus is present as we gather as a catholic community, welcoming us into His presence and preparing our hearts for worship.
2. Liturgy of the Word (We Listen):
○ Jesus speaks to us through the readings, especially in the Gospel, where we hear His words and actions.
3. Liturgy of the Eucharist (We Give Thanks):
○ Jesus is present in the consecrated bread and wine, which become His Body and Blood, nourishing our souls and connecting us deeply to Him.
4. Concluding Rites (We Go):
○ Jesus is with us as we are sent out into the world to live His teachings, bringing His love, mercy, and kindness to others.

(These are the basic notes, more information may be used)

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List at Least 4 Ways that Jesus is Present During Mass.

(There is a total of 5 options, you only need to list 4 but 5 is better)

EXTRA INFO:) Jesus is present in multiple ways throughout the Mass. List the key moments where we can experience his presence.

  • In the people gathered (Introductory Rites): When we gather as a community, Jesus is with us. As He promised in Matthew 18:20, “For when two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” This shows that Jesus is present in the community as we come together to pray and worship. We are part of a Catholic family and when we join together Jesus is present.
  • In the priest: The priest acts in the place of Christ during the Mass, especially when celebrating the Eucharist. He represents Jesus, offering prayers on behalf of the people.
  • In the Word of God (Liturgy of the Word): Jesus is present in the readings, especially the Gospel, where we hear His teachings, words, and actions. The Scriptures are one way that Jesus speaks to us and teaches us about God’s love.
  • In the Eucharist (Liturgy of the Eucharist): This is the most profound way Jesus is present in the Mass. The bread and wine are transformed into His Body and Blood during the consecration. When we receive the Eucharist, we are receiving Jesus Himself.
    In the assembled community (Concluding Rites): After the Mass, Jesus is still with us as we are sent out into the world to live according to His teachings. The final part of the Mass reminds us that Jesus goes with us as we live out our faith in everyday life.

(These are basic notes, with different wording to what I learnt)

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How Do We Live the Mass in Our Daily Lives?

(What should we learn and remember from attending Mass)


The Mass isn’t just something we attend once a week. It challenges us to take the love, forgiveness, and mercy of Jesus out into the world. By participating in the Mass, we are reminded of the following:
* Love and forgiveness: Just as Jesus forgives and loves us, we are called to forgive and love others.
Helping those in need: Jesus taught us to serve others, especially those who are less fortunate. After Mass, we are sent to be His hands and feet, helping those around us in our families, school, and community.

(These are basic notes, with different wording and less info)

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How Does the Eucharist Connect to the Last Supper?

(Give at least 3 examples)


The Mass is deeply connected to The Last Supper. When Jesus gathered with His disciples the night before He died, He shared bread and wine with them and said, “Do this in remembrance of me.” This moment is the foundation of the Eucharist. Here are some important connections between the Last Supper and Mass:
* Sharing the bread and wine: Just as Jesus did at the Last Supper, we share in the bread and wine during Mass.
* Jesus giving thanks: At both the Last Supper and in the Mass, Jesus gives thanks to God for His blessings.
The words of Jesus: The words spoken by Jesus at the Last Supper—“This is my body… This is my blood…”—are repeated by the priest during Mass, making the connection between these two events clear and powerful.
* Table / Altar: We receive the eucharist at the altar, like how Jesus had the last supper at a table
* The Eucharist is a reinactment of the last supper
* The priest does and says what Jesus did at the last supper
* We acknowledge God’s presence just as Jesus did
* We are gathered together as a catholic family
* We understand God’s love, similar to the way that Jesus did

(not all dot points need to be stated, just the main ideas)

Once agian, these are simply basic prompt notes.

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What are We Called To Do as Part of the Catholic Faith?

(What are we challenged to do, what are our values etc)


We are challenged to live and love how Jesus did and would want us to (to love onanother as Jesus did, show forgiveness and mercy and spread Jesus’s teachings and messages). We must treat others how we would want to be treated and love thy neighbour just as Jesus wanted.

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