Religion,Relationships and families Flashcards
what is the definition of
1) Cohabitation
2) Procreative
3) Celibacy
4) Agape
5) Promiscuous
1) When a couple live together but not married
2) To reproduce (make babies)
3) Choosing to not have sex before marriage
4) Selfless love, taught by Jesus, non-physical
5) Having a lot of casual sexual relationships
what is the definition of
1) Marital
2) Adultery
3) Unitive
4) Consummated
1) Within marriage
2) Sexual intercourse with someone that you are not married to
3) Bonding (uniting) people together
4) completed or fulfilled
what does this tell us;
” God created humans in his image, in the image of god he created him; male and female.” (Genesis 1:27)
1) Shows how important human life is to God
2) Suggests men and woman are equal
3) Complementary to each other
Sex should be …..
marital should be after marriage
unitive this means bring 2 people together
Procreative to make children
1) why should sex be marital?
2) what is the quote for this?
1) Vows are made before God
Catholic marriage is a sacrament god is part of it
Sex, love, and commitment is a gift from god
2) “ The sexual act must place exclusively within marriage or it is a grave sin”
1) why should sex be unitive?
2) what is the quote for this?
1) Sex bands the couples and deepens their love
They become closer
They totally give themselves to each other
2) “ The two shall become one flesh”
1) why should sex be Procreative
2) what is the quote for this?
1) God creates new life through sex
There is mare intensity in self-giving when open to new life
2) “ Be fruitful and increase in numbers “
what are the three reasons why sex before marriage is fine?
1) It is common for people to have sex before marriage so the church should except it is a part of modern life
2) Co-habitation can be sensible and important step towards marriage
3) It is fine as long as you are in loving, long term relationship because Jesus thought that love is the most important thing
what are the three reasons why sex before marriage is wrong?
1) Marriage gives children the most security
2) If both are virgins there is no chance of passing on a STI
3) Casual sex is wrong - sex should be with someone you love and trust. Can cause hurt to other
What are the catholic marriage vows?
To have and to hold from this day forth For better for worse For richer for poorer In sickness and in health To have and to cherish till death do us apart
1-3) what are the three reasons why all christians think adultery is wrong?
4) what is the quote for this?
1) It brake the vows to stay faithful to each other this commitment should be honoured
2) It is an act of betrayal and to causes great hurt
3) It can make the innocent partner feel rejected and a failure
4) “ Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart”
what are three reasons why people think adultery is fine?
1) Adultery is legal
2) personal happiness is the most important thing in life
What is the quote that is given to go agents adultery
“Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart”
That are 3 condition to have a valid chatholic marriage
Be free to marry
Make vows in the presence of a catholic priest
Willing to accept children from God
What is the acronym to remember 4 features of a catholic marriage
S - sacrament
P - permanent
E - exclusive
L - life giving
Why doesn’t the Catholic church accept divorce
Marriage is a sacrament- made before god cannot be broken
The covenant between the couple is everlasting
why is a catholic divorced person who gets into a new relationship considered to be adultery
because they are still married only death can part them
Jesus said “anyone who divorces and marries another woman commits adulitery
why does the church of England recognise divorce and accept remarriage
because it is human nature that vows can not be kept sometimes
because it is a sign of gods forgiveness and willingness to give people a new start
what are annulments
a statement that no valid marriage took place
what are 3 reasons that an annulments is given
1) one of both were forced to marry
2) one or both never intended to have a child
3) one or both parties did not understand the vows
how might Christians avoid divorce
by attending marriage preparation classes
3 reasons why Christians should attend marriage preparation classes
1) Teaches the importance of talking and listening
2) it maintains intimacy
3) teaches how to negotiate and solve difficult issues
what is the meaning of artificial contraception
unnatural method used to prevent pregnancy
what is the meaning of family planning
controlling how many children couples have and when they have them
what are some 3 artificial contraception
that are 3 catholic attitude to artificial contraception
1) artificial contraception is wrong
2) if goes against the command to “ be fruitful and multiply
3) it goes angst the sanctity of life
that is natural family planning
when couples have sex only at times the woman is least fertile time of the menstrual cycle
that are 2 catholic attitude to natural family planning
1) They allow this
2) the possibility of pregnancy remains if that is gods will
what are 3 other Christian attitudes to contraception
1) that all forms of contraception are acceptable
2) they believe that contraception are responsible way of family planning
3) they believe that god created sex to unite or bond couples not jest for procreation
what are 3 reasons for contraception
1) condoms reduce the risk of HIV or STIs
2) The bible does not forbid it
3) It helps economic growth in developing cauntries
What are two reasons against contraception
Some methods can cause an abortion
it can lead to promiscuous behaviour
What are 4 catholic teachings on homosexuality
It is not a sin to have homosexual feelings
Homosexual sex is wrong because it cannot be procreative
God intended marriage to be between a male and female shown by Adam and Eve
Homosexual should be treated with respect and compassion
What are three reasons for same-sex couples to be allowed to marry in church
It is legal and accepted by society
Same-sex couples can adopt children
Everyone should have the right to love, having sex with, and married the person they love even if they are a boy or girl
What are 2 reasons against same-sex couples to be allowed to marry in church
Homosexuals cannot naturally raise children
Nature has not designed our bodies for homosexuality
What is a bible quote about homosexuality
You shall not live with a man as one lives with a woman it is an abomination
What are 4 Christian beliefs about ‘The sanctity of life’
That life is sacred and precious
That life starts at conception
That the holy spirit lives in each place. We are all temples of God
That life is a gift from God and only God can take it away
What is Paul’s theology of the body
God loves every person and created both sexes to have dignity and value
True maternal love includes having only the number of children that they can lovingly care for
The full meaning of the body is appreciated through a deep relationship with the opposite sex and marriage
What are three reasons against extramarital sex
A sexual thought will lead the road to having sex with them
Got establish marriage to bring two people together as a form of communion of persons
Can damage the significance of the role of sex
What are three reasons to marry and then live together
Marriage is much deeper commitment than living with someone
Making now is publicly shows everyone you’re committed to each other
A relationship needs marriage in order to fully develop
What are three reasons to live together and then get married
Cohabiting is a good way to see if you want to commit for life
Marriage is no guarantee of happiness
The most important thing for children is that their parents are in a loving long-term relationship
What are three of the families fortasks
To form a community which is mutually supportive
To support the life and personal development of each individual
To share in the life of the church
What are three ways at a family provides security
Children need a stable and safe place
Parental support includes “Toughlove”
Allow children to experience hardship to develop
What are three ways that parents provides education
The church believes parents of the Childs first teachers
Parents have a duty to teach them what’s right from wrong
Have to live according to Christian principles
What are 2 ways that parents provide authority
Parents should carefully use their authority over
Authority should make the child into independent, balanced person with self-respect and respect for people and parents
What are 3 catholic views on parenting
other types of families are not encouraged by the church
Children need a mother and a father
Children with same-sex parents may be harmed by prejudice
What are 3 reasons for same-sex parenting
There is a growing acceptance of same-sex parenting
They have the same legal rights as other parents
Love between the child and the parent is what is important
What are 3 reasons for Single parenting
A quarter of children in Britain have single parent
A single parent may find it harder to support a child
Is it okay to be a househusband or a housewife
There is great dignity in the role of a housewife or househusband
Is it okay for both parents to be earning money
There is equal dignity in earning money to support the family
How can children help their parents
Children doing work around the house bring harmony
Why might someone believe that women are better with children
Some might believe that women are maternally so should stay at home to bring up children
What is the difference between gender prejudice and gender discrimination
Gender prejudice is where you prejudge a person because of their gender
While gender discrimination is acting upon a prejudice treating someone differently because of their gender
What are two examples of gender discrimination
There is a difference of 18% in average earnings between men and women in favour for men
Around 32% of MPs are women
What 3 causes of gender discrimination
Because women can become pregnant and it is cheaper to hire men
There are fewer women in top of jobs done then
Few businesses offer flexible working hours
What is the catholic viewpoint on discrimination
That it is wrong because it makes people feel they have less worth and value
Pope Francis who is the gender pay gap a pure scandal
Three reasons why All men and women are equal in Christianity
Because of the creation story
Husbands ought to love their wives as there own bodies -Saint Pauls
There is neither male nor female for you one in Jesus Christ - Saint Paul
Three reasons why All men and women are not equal in Christianity
I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man she must be silent- Saint Paul
Wives submit to your husband as to the Lord-Saint Paul
What are 4 reasons for women becoming priests
The church must modernise if people are going to continue to want to be part of it
Jesus lived in a patriarchal society but today we live in a equal society
Not allowing women priests is a form of gender discrimination
Men and women are equal on entering the church in baptism they should be treated equally afterwards
What are three reasons against Women becoming priests
Jesus chose men to be his 12 apostles so only should be the priest today
The priest acts in the person of Christ so the priest must be male
Saint mother Theresa made a massive contribution to the church and to needy people yet she was not a priest
Women can play many important roles in the Catholic Church