Religion , Peace And Conflict Flashcards
How did Jesus change Moses laws
Moses said “do not commit adultery”in reply Jesus said “Even looking at a person lustfully is wrong”
Moses said “do not commit murder” in reply Jesus said “you must not get angry with anyone or insult them”
Moses said “an eye for an eye”in reply Jesus said “do not take revenge”
Our bible teachings on violence
God made the world very good but human turned against God and each other
Jesus teaches that anger and violence should be avoided
“My peace I give you”
Anger and jealousy should be controlled from the start
What does the story of Cain and Abel tell us
Wrong thoughts can turn into actions
What are the effects of bullying
Destroys a persons self-esteem
Living in a state of fear
Feel powerlessness
What are the Bible teachings about forgiveness
We should forgive 70×7 times
Forgive us our trespassers as we forgive those who trespass against us
Jesus said love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
What arethree reasons for forgiveness
Hurt anger and bitterness is bad for your mental health
Wanting revenge can lead to stress
You can move on to a happier life
What are the three reasons against forgiveness
Forgiveness must be earned
Forgiving to quickly can make it more likely you will be Hurt again
We can’t forgive a crime committed against other people
What reconciliation bring
A stronger relationship
Respect for others religions and beliefs
An opportunity to live without fear
Appreciation and acceptance of each other
What are examples of injustices
The apartheid
The USA in the 1950s
What did Jesus and Christianity teach about righteous anger
Jesus taught anger should be avoided
Christians believe that righteous anger is acceptable and could help create justice
Jesus showed righteous anger when he drove the sellers from the temple
Why just anger should be controlled and must positively change your situation
The person who showed this is Jesus Martin, Luther King and Rosa Parks
Are violent protest ever right
It is illegal in the UK
Some say it is in effective and innocent people can die
However it may be necessary
For example the suffragettes
What is the just war theory
A set of conditions that will need to meet before it can be justified
Who created the just war theory
Saint Thomas Aquinas was a Christian monk who lived in the 19 century and devised a lot of conditions that are made to going to war justifiable
What are the conditions needed for just war
Proper authority-one must be declared in control by a proper Authority
Just cause-there must be a good reason for going to war it should not be for greed
Right intentions-the reason for going to war must be to do good and overcome evil
Last resort-peaceful methods of sorting out the problem should have been tried first
Proportionality-the benefits of going to war must be greater than the harm it will cause
Reasonable chance of success-it must be possible to win. War must not be fought against an opponent who is obviously more powerful
What are the contrasting views of the just war theory
It is so much better if war can be avoided by working together including with the United Nations to avoid conflict
We should only support award that meets the just war criteria as only then can it be justified
The army should only go to war when there is a major abuse of power or there is a serious threat to security of Britain
Are Catholics opposed to weapons of mass destruction
They are completely indiscriminate and have long-term effects
They are totally disproportionate to any possible success that may follow
The probability of success is small-“there are no victors only victims”
The cost of building and maintaining these weapons are high
Possession of these weapons increased tension and fear making the world less safe
What are the contrasting beliefs about weapons of mass destruction
Many people believe that nuclear weapons are necessary for defence. Many other countries are armed with nuclear weapons
Even though a country might not intend to use them, they can still act as a deterrent from the other countries
What are the consequences of modern warfare
Civilian casualties -
the catholic church teaches that it is wrong for civilians to be attacked or threatened, instead they should be protected
Refugees -
many civilians are forced to flee the fighting either because their homes have been destroyed or because they face serious risk of death
Most flee with few possessions and have difficulty in finding somewhere safe to rebuild their lives
The catholic church believe that refugees should be welcomed and protected by all countries. The church actively campaigns for governments and individuals to help
Environmental damages -
The problem is that modern warfare can do great damage to the environment- destroys huge areas of land. The catholics church response to this is that as stewards of the earth, people have the responsibly to limit the damage done to the environment
The problem is that using chemical weapons can affect the vegetation for decades after a war has ended. The catholic church response to this that popes have condemned the use of practices that ruin the environment such as the use chemical weapons
What are the contrasting views to the consequences of Modern warfare
Some people believe that it is acceptable to use powerful destructive weapons as although they may cause more civilian deaths and environmental damages, they can end wars more quickly
Some people argue that britain has not got enough resources to support lots of refugees or asylum seekers
Other people believe that providing asylum is the humane thing to do and that they can positively contribute to the country
What are some causes for wars
To gain land
To gain resources
What are some bible quotes that seem to support war
The lord is a warrior
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
The lord is on your side
What are some bible quotes that seem not to support war
You shall not murder
Blessed are the peacemakers
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
What is the context behind the violence in the old testament
It is the story of the Israelites fight to establish themselves in the promised land
People had a limited understanding of god
Many other passages. Show that peace is what god wanted
“Nations will never again go to war
What are holy wars
For christians holy wars must be approved by a religious leader with great authority such as the pope
The purpose to the war should to be to defend the Christian faith from attack
Believe that those who take part will gain a spiritual reward
What was the crusades
Was the fight by chiristians to regain Jerusalem and the holy land from Muslims. considered to be an holy war
in the eleventh and fifteenth centuries Muslims had captured Jerusalem- the most holy place for Jews, Muslims and Christians
there were 9 crusades over 200 years. the battles were brutal and treatment of prisoners were very cruel
the people taking part in it believed they would straight to heaven
were authorised by various popes who believed it was gods will
the bottles where unsuccessful
what are conscientious objectors
their conscience tells them to object to war
what are some bible quotes to support pacifism
if someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also
all who take the sword will perish by the sword
what are some catholic views on pacifism
the early Christians left armys
MLK refused to use violence
the Quakers promote pacifism and acted as stretcher bearers in WW1 and in WW2 they where part of the friends ambulance unit
after WW2 some founded pax Christi to try to reconcile war-torn countries
what are the teachings of the Catholics church
The CC believe that everyone and every nation has the right to protect itself but they need to try, peaceful methods first
what are some contrasting views to pacifism
force is sometimes necessary to solve disputes
peace can only be built on mutual respect which is unlikely if one part isn’t prepared to defend itself
sometimes all negotiations fail and war is necessary to bring about justice for the weak or to defend against attacks
what effects did the pope have in conflicts
pope Francis urged people to pray for peace in eastern Ukraine
pope Francis organised a meeting of prayer between the presidents of Israel and Palestine
pope Francis organised a football match in rome’s Olympic stadium
what effects do the work of catholic agencies have
after the civil war in sierra Leone they set up orphanages and habitation programmes to help children who had been forced to child solders
Aid to the church in need
after the war in Syria, they provided shelter, blankets, medicine and food both inside and outside Syria
what is the biblical perspective of terrorism
Paul thought that everyone should obey the authorities as they have been put in charge by God
Paul commanded never to take vengeance suggests that violence and terrorism is always wrong
why does the catholic church oppose torture
It is illegal
international laws does not allow it even in war
it denies the victim their basic human rights
what are some views on radicalisation
the CC focus on mutual respect and as it can make people unwilling to accept any alternative views.
tends to take place among younger people who feel rejected by their society or religion
some people think that it is a threat to the unity and stability of society
some people believe it is the fault of individuals or groups
how can we preventing radicalisation
schools now have a legal duty to stop people from this
prevent people from feeling left out by using the education system ,tackling inequalities and ensuring that nobody feels rejected.
what is martyrdom
Christion martyr = person willing to suffer violence or death for refusing to give up there faith
the CC do not accept that suicide bombers who die in the name of their faith are martyrs
what are the biblical and Christion teachings on conflict resolution and peace making
The bible teaches that at an end to wars, it will be a sign of gods kingdom having come to earth so people should work. And that living in harmony shows that god is present.
the CC encourage that everyone work toward a lasting peace built on mutual respect and trust
what catholic originations are working for peace
Catholics are encouraged to help with peace-making within their families and local communities
The church also believe in working for peace on a global scale
Pax Christi works in over 50 countries . it aims to get involved at the early stages of an conflicts
Justice and peace commission - works in each diocese in England and wales. it raises awareness of stations
what are some examples of nonviolent resolutions