Religion, Peace And Conflict Flashcards
What is violence?
• Violence rejects what God wants for the world
• Wrong thoughts can lead to wrong actions…
What did Jesus say about forgiveness?
• We should forgive 70 X 7 times
• God forgives us, so we should forgive others.
What is justice?
Fairness for all people
What is righteous anger?
Anger against an injustice
What are the rules about righteous anger?
- Jesus taught anger should be avoided … but showed
righteous anger (cleansing of Temple) - Most Christians believe righteous anger is acceptable if
it is because of an injustice - Must be positive action to improve a situation
What is an example of peaceful protests?
BLM peaceful protests against racial inequality - marches,
singing, dancing and speeches and taking the knee.
Is violence against protest acceptable?
Most Christians are against
violent protest because….
1. It is illegal
2. It is ineffective
3. Innocent people die
4. Peaceful protest works
e.g. MLK, taking knee
Is violence protest acceptable?
Contrasting views…
• It is sometimes
necessary - to make a
government take notice
• For example, the
suffragette movement
in Britain /Mandela etc.
What is the Just War Theory?
• Taking human life goes against ‘do not murder’ and Sanctity
of Life
• However, Catholic teaching is that it is sometimes necessary
to go to war e.g. to protect the innocent.
• The Catholic Church supports the Just War Theory…a set of
conditions (rules) that must be met for a war to be
What are just war principles?
- The war must be started and controlled by a
proper authority - There must be a just cause
- The war must be for the right reason
- The war must be a last resort
5.Proportionality - benefits of war must be
greater than the harm caused - There should be a reasonable chance of
Bibles quotes that support war?
- An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
- The Lord is a Warrior
- Do not worry… the Lord is on your side
4.God will destroy the nations before you
… and you’ll take possession of their
Bible quotes that seem to not support war
1.Love your neighbour as yourself
2. You shall not murder
3. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
4. Blessed are the peacemakers
Religous reasons for war
- A war fought for a religious goal
- Must be approved by a religious leader
- A belief that God is on your side
Catholic teachings about nuclear war
• The effects are indiscriminate– not a just war.
• Causes tension and fear in the world
• Causes severe damage to the environment etc
Catholic teachings about nuclear war
• The effects are indiscriminate– not a just war.
• Causes tension and fear in the world
• Causes severe damage to the environment etc
Contrasting views about nuclear war
• We need nuclear weapons to deter attacks (Britain’s
• We need them for self-defence because other countries
have them (India, Pakistan, Israel, North Korea etc.)
• They are a symbol of Britain’s role in the world
What are consequences of Modern Warfare?
• Refugees
• Civilian deaths / injuries
• Environmental damage
What is the catholic teachings about terrorism?
Opposed by the Catholic Church in any situation
What is a catholic quote about terrorism?
St Paul: we should never take vengeance’
What is a contrasting view about terrorism?
The Maccabees (ancient Jews) used terrorism against
authorities forcing them to give up Judaism– if they hadn’t,
Judaism might not have survived.
What is radicalisation?
Holding extreme views – a problem because it can lead to
What is catholic teaching about solving radicalisation?
Catholic teaching is we must solve INEQUALITY (have equal
opportunities to jobs, housing, education etc) in order to
solve radicalisation.
What is a martyr?
Martyr = someone who suffers violence or death for
refusing to give up their faith. Highly valued by the
Catholic Church
Examples of catholic martyrs?
Oscar Romero
St Stephen
St Alban etc
What is catholic teaching on torture?
Torture… is contrary to
respect for the person and
for human dignity.