Relationships Flashcards
What are the three catholic teachings about sex?
What is marital?
• Sex and love is a
gift from God
• Marriage is the
What is unitive?
• Sex deepens the
love …. the couple
become closer and
more committed
• They give
themselves to each
What is procreative?
• God creates new
life through sex
• There is more
intensity in self-
giving when open
to new life.
Catholic quote for unitive
‘the two shall become one flesh’
(Mark 10:6-9)
Catholic quote for procreative
Be fruitful and increase in number
(Genesis 1:27-28)
Quote for marital
The sexual act outside marriage is a grave sin (CCC)
What is catholic teaching on sex before marriage?
• Sex before marriage is wrong – virginity is a gift in
marriage that makes both feel more special and loved.
• Sex before marriage (especially casual sex) trivialises
the act because there is no commitment.
Why is the catholic church against cohabitation?
• There is no commitment within the sexual union … which
can create insecurity (for the couple and children)
• It can lead to a more casual attitude … reduce the
need for faithfulness.
What are the marital vows?
• To have and to hold from this day forwards
• For better for worse
• For richer for poorer
• In sickness and in health
• To love and to cherish
• Until death do us part
What are catholic views on adultery?
• It breaks the marriage vows (have and to hold….love and
• Betrays trust - causes hurt/distress to whole family
• Can cause the break-up of the marriage (insecure for
• Goes against 10 Commandments (do not commit adultery),
Jesus says adultery is wrong
Catholic teachings on homosexuality
• It is not a sin to have homosexual feelings
• Homosexual sex is considered wrong because it is not pro-creative
What is catholic teachings about homosexuality?
• It is not a sin to have homosexual feelings
• Homosexual sex is considered wrong because it is not pro-creative
What is catholic teachings about same sex marriage?
• Legal in the UK
• Catholic Church teach it is not (sacramentally) marital (Adam and Eve) nor properly unitive/procreative….
• Therefore CC will not marry same sex couples.
• Church of England will not marry same sex couples either.
Definition of divorce
Divorce: the legal ending of a marriage. Not
recognised by the Catholic Church.
What is catholic teaching about remarriage?
• Catholics cannot re-marry in a Catholic Church (unless
the original partner has died or they have an annulment).
• If a Catholic does re-marry they should not receive Holy
What makes a valid catholic marriage?
Must be
(have sex)
Must marry of
own free will
(not forced)
Must give
consent and
be free to
Must be
willing to
Must not be
The five vows must be said
(in front of a Catholic
What is annulment?
Catholics can receive a statement that their
(Catholic) marriage was invalid
What are acceptable reasons for annulment?
•One/both was forced to marry
•One/both never intended to have a child
•The marriage was not consummated
•One/both never intended to remain faithful
•Couldn’t give consent (not understanding the vows)
What is the church of england views on divorce?
• Divorce IS accepted because it is sometimes human
nature that vows cannot be kept
• Re-marriage is a sign of God’s forgiveness and
willingness to give a new start
Catholic attitudes about contraception
• Artificial
contraception is
wrong because it
contradicts God’s
command to ‘be
fruitful and multiply’
…. and contradicts
the purposes of sex
– to be unitive and
to procreate
What are other christian attitudes about contraception?
• Virtually all forms of
contraception are a
responsible way of planning
your family.
• BUT the morning-after pill
is NOT acceptable.
• You should only have the
number of children you can
care for.
• God created sex for
uniting couples as well as
What is a nuclear family?
Nuclear family is ideal, e.g. married mother, father and
child who live together
Contrasting views about a perfect family
• A quarter of children in Britain have single
parents …
• There is growing acceptance of same-sex
parenting (20,000 children)
• Love and stability matters most
What are the four main responsibilities of parents?
- To pro-create
- To give children security
- To educate children
- To be the authority
What are roles/responsibilities within the family?
• Children should obey their parents
• Parents should show love and kindness to children
• Parents should bring up children in the Christian faith
• Husbands should love their wives so much they are
prepared to die for them
What are reasons for women to be priests?
The Church of England has allowed women priests since 1994 and women bishops since 2014.
Jesus lived in a patriarchal society but we live in an equal society
Women are equal when they enter the Church – in baptism –
so should have
What reasons are against women being priests?
Jesus chose only men to be his apostles only
The priest acts in the person of Christ – so must
be male
Mother Teresa had a
massive impact on people –
yet wasn’t a priest.