Religion in War Flashcards
Horace, Odes 3.6 - Moral Decadence.
You will continue to pay for the sins of your forefathers (…) until you repair the crumbling temples and shrines of the gods.
Horace, Odes 3.6 CARD II
The capital has been almost destroyed by the Ethiopian, the former a menace with her fleet.
Augustus, Res Gestae
I rebuilt eighty-two temples of the gods, omitting none which at that time stood in need of repair.
In Pisonem, Cicero (55 BC)
He (Piso) plainly thought he had found in the Greek not a professor of ethics but a master of the art of love.
In Vatinium, Cicero (56 BC about 59 BC)
What madness led you to show contempt for the auspices under which this city was founded.
In Vatinium (II)
To declare to the Senate (…) that the pronouncements of the augurs (…) would be no obstacle to your undertakings.
Cicero, De Domo Sua (1)
Difficult to quote to the central line of argument is that if they remove the decisions of Clodius it proves the ancient college right.
Suetonius, Life of Julius Caesar (20) - Bibulus
He brought forward an agrarian law too, and when his colleague announced adverse omens, he resorted to arms and drove him from the Forum.
Suetonius, Life of Julius Caesar II
Caesar’s conduct drove him to such a pitch of desperation, that from that time until the end of his term he did not leave this house.
Suetonius, Life of JC III
From that time he managed all the affairs of state alone (…) done in the consulship of Julius & Caesar.
Plutarch, Life of Cato the Younger.
Plutarch states that Pompey prevents the election of Cato as tribune through (pretending) to hear thunder.
Santangelo 2013 (complex rules)
Complex rules governed the interaction between politics and religion in the last century of the Republic
Cassius Dio sib
The Sibylline Books in relation to the reinstatement of Ptolemy Auletes. (statue of Jupiter on the Alban Mount hit with lightning bolt.
Santangelo, 2013 - the events of 44
Antony uses his position as an augur to prevent the proceedings of the election for Dolabella.
Santangelo - key quote.
Tight integration between the political and religious dimensions.