Religion In A Global Context Flashcards
Identify two characteristics of religious fundamentalism.
The strict literal adherence to scripture; tradition; compulsory, unquestioning lifestyle.
According to Castells, what is the difference between a resistance identity and a project identity?
Resistance identity is the response of those who retreat defensively into fundamentalism;
project identity is the response of those who become involved with forward‐looking social
Identify two policies to which the New Christian Right are opposed.
Abortion; gay marriage; gender equality; secular education.
Give one example of Secular Fundamentalism.
Give one example of secular fundamentalism. Nationalism; cultural racism
According to Huntington, why is a ‘Clash Of Civilisations’ increasingly likely?
Because of increased contact through globalisation, and the increasing importance of
religious identity, following the decline of political differences.
Suggest two criticisms of the view that there is a ‘Clash of Civilisations’.
Hostility is based on political issues rather than religion; it does not take account of divisions
within ‘civilisations’; the theory itself promoted hostility and stereotyping.
Over what type of values are Western and Muslim societies most likely to disagree?
Values concerning self‐expression, such as diversity and gender equality.
According to the Lehmann, what were the main two stages in the globalisation of religion?
Religion spread by colonial conquest; evangelical and fundamentalist religion driven by mass
What is meant by the term ‘Hindu ultra-nationalism’?
Hindu belief that India is superior to other nations because of its Hindu values.