Religion Exam Flashcards
Differences between the old testament and new testament
The Old Testament contains the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, while Christianity draws on both Old and New Testaments. The New Testament comes after and documents how the world is saved through what Jesus did for his people and Jesus is the main focus of the New Testament. Whereas the Old Testament focuses primarily on the history of Israel and God’s law.
How many books are in each
There are 46 books in the old testament and 27 books in the new testament making a total of 73 books.
What are the principles of Truth Found in Scripture
2. Inerrancy
3. Revelation
4. Infallibility
Human writers were the true authors of Scriptures, in full command of their minds and writing skills, while at the same time they were inspired by God to be instruments of God for the communication of God’s word to all humankind.
Scriptures are fundamentally free from error in knowledge concerning spiritual or religious matters. This is true because the human authors only wrote that which God wanted to communicate to us.
The truth revealed to humankind by God. The main source for God’s revelation is the sacred Scriptures as encompassed in the living Tradition of the teaching and worship community known as the Church.
The Church always teaches the truth of God’s message. The Church is free from error in teachings on matters of faith and morals as they are passed down through sacred Scripture and by the living Tradition of the Church.
What are the 6 Kinds of Truth Found in Scripture
1.Scientific Truth: Observations regarding the universe we live in
2. Historical Truth: Records and Stories of past events
3. Moral Truth: Lessons and rules about good behaviours
4.Proverbial Truth: Short sayings of common sense wisdom
5. Symbolic Truth: Poetic language used to emphasize a lesson
6. Religious Truth: Belief and faith in God’s actions in our life
What are the literary forms found in the bible
Prophecy, Law, myth, sermon, letter, parable, history, proverb, pslam, list
what is a prophacy
a prediction of the future made under divine inspiration
what is a law
A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority.
what is a myth
an ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that tell a story with meaning for all God’s people.
what is a parable
a story (especially in the Bible) which is intended to teach a lesson
what is a pslam
A sacred song; a hymn
what is a sermon
a serious talk, especially one given in church based on or discussing a passage in the Bible
what is a letter
written communication directed to another person
what is a history
a record or account of past events and developments
what is a proverb
a well-known saying that gives good advice or expresses a supposed truth. Ex. don’t count your chickens before they hatch
what is a list
A series of names, words, or other items written, printed, or imagined one after the other
What are the first 5 books of the Bible called?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
What is the Good News?
the good news is the coming of Jesus Christ
What are the acts of the apostles
The Acts of the Apostles recounts the stories of the spread of the Christian faith from the disciples in Jerusalem, to most of the world. It shows the transformation that happens to Jesus’ followers as they come to terms with the reality of his resurrection. When they receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, they gain the strength, and wisdom to carry their new faith beyond the communities of their own people. This new faith was not for a specific people, but was to be shared with all the world
What are the letters
21 letters in the New Testament (most of which are attributed to St. Paul or his followers).These letters were written to early Christians and Christian communities.Letters were written to encourage faith and to teach the meaning of Jesus. Evangelists like Paul founded Christian communities, lived with them for some time while teaching and healing and then travelled on to the next destination
Literal Approach vs. Contextual Approach
Literal Approach:
* Literal means “every word”
* Reading the Bible word for word
* Every sentence is taken to mean exactly what it says.
Contextual Approach:
* The words are put in context.
* We consider the culture, time, and place.
* This approach tries to determine what the authors were saying to the people of their own time.
Truths of the Creation Stories -Genesis 1
- There is only one God. (Only God is responsible for creation)
- God planned creation. (Everything God did was deliberately done)
- God Made Everything Good. (All of creation has goodness because it is by God’s design)
- God Made the Sabbath Day Holy. (God establishes the Holiness of Creation in the day of rest Sunday)
- Humanity is made in the image of God. (God’s goodness is in all of Creation. The beauty of creation reflects the beauty of the Creator)
Truths of the Creation Stories -Genesis 2
- God Cares for Humanity and Seeks Intimacy With Us. (God give us free will to choose relationship with God.)
- God Cares for Creation and Shares Power and Responsibility with Us. (With the God given free will, we have a responsibility as part of ongoing creation. We are beloved children of God who are chosen by God to reveal God to the world. Choosing this responsibility helps us to truly be free.)
- God Values the Equality of Humans and our Relationships with One Another – Male and Female, Nations to Nations, etc. (God affirms and blesses humanity and all of creation. God wants to recognize the dignity of humanity. God calls us to use our free will to realize this dignity and be stewards of the earth and to care for each other)
What is sin?
SIN is
1. the name we give in to the actions in our lives and in the lives of others that harm our relationships is sin.
2. against our efforts to become holy, healthy, and happy. We fail to love God and neighbour, to love as Jesus loved us.
3. has 2 main parts - 1. breaking rules and 2. harming/breaking relationships.
4. is a part of us. We are reminded of the story of Adam and Eve. Sin is part of our human make-up from our origins. That’s why Adam and Eve’s first sin is called original sin
-because of this we become slaves to
these choices and make others slaves too because we can cause loneliness, fear, frustration and anxiety in the
lives of those we meet and live within our own lives.
Sin has 2 main parts - 1. breaking rules and 2. harming/breaking relationships.
When sinning we can break rules such as the law or even the ten commandments. Doing this we are actually breaking a law that was put in place for a reason. When we harm relationships by sinning, we are not necessarily breaking the rules but we are harming the relationship we have with others.
Definition of Covenant
a Covenant is like a religious contact. Some characteristics or a Covenant: is like a treaty or alliance, has conditions, is sealed with a ceremony, and is celebrated with both parties present.
Gods Covenant with Noah
God tells Noah to to make an arc of cypress wood; make rooms init and coat it with pitch inside and out. Because God was going to bring floodwaters on Earth to destroy all life under the heavens, and every living, breathing thing will perish.However God made a covenant with Noah that he would never curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will destroy all living creatures.
God’s covenant with Abraham
The covenant is made between sar’ai & Abram who is then renamed Sarah& Abraham by God. And God made a covenant with Abraham that he would:
1. be the father of a multitude of nations
2. The covenant will extend through Abraham and his descendants.
3. He is giving him land for him and his offspring.
4. He will bless Sarah and give them a son.
5. People will keep the covenant through the descendants and their generations.
The outward sign of the covenant is circumcision
God‘s covenant with Moses
Through Moses, God expands the covenant with Abraham descendants to include all the Hebrew people. since God had helped the Israelites to escape the slavery of the Egyptians, God makes a covenant with them, saying that they were the chosen people therefore, if they obey his voice and keep his covenant, then, out of all of the nations, they will be his treasured possession. although the whole earth is his, they will will be for a kingdom of priest and a holy nation. These are the words they shall speak to the Israelites. One of the ways to help them keep the covenant is the 10 Commandments.
God’s covenant with David
God promises that messiah would come from king David’s descendants. The outward sign of this covenant is Jesus.
Why is Jesus the paschal lamb?
He is seen as the ultimate sacrifice, similar to the lambs sacrificed during the passover.
Identify and explain the 10 Commandments
The ten commandments are rules that God put in place for his people to live by and follow. They are:
1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. You shall have no idols
3.You shall not take the name of the Lord our God in vain
4.Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy
5.Honour your father and mother.
6.You shall not kill.
7.You shall not commit adultery.
8.You shall not steal.
9.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10.You shall not covet your neighbors goods.
Identify and explain the three parts of Exodus (The Call, Covenant/Freedom & Test)
The call is when Moses was tending to the flocks of Jethro and Moses saw a burning bush. the burning bush was god and he told him to go the Pharaoh and to lead the Israelites out of slavery. Freedom is when Moses lead his people through the red sea and lead them away from their oppression in Egypt. The test is when God had his people stranded in the desert for forty years. During this time he would test their faith in them to see if they would be worthy.
Identify the three Conditions for Sin
- Sufficient knowledge or reflection.
- Full consent / Free will.
- Serious matter—causes real evil to myself or another person.
Identify the Categories of Sin
Mortal Sin, Venial Sin, and Social Sin
What is Mortal Sin
A complete break in one’s relationship with God (For example, murder) We make a conscious decision to turn completely away from God’s offer of love. We don’t commit mortal sins by accident. Mortal sins are not usually single, isolated acts (although they can be).
What is Venial Sin
Does not completely separate us from God but represents a ‘cooling’ in the relationship. Examples might include a failure to be honest, or crude behaviour.
What is Social Sin
Describes human-made structures when they offend human dignity by causing people to suffer oppression, exploitation, or marginalization. Sin begins in the hearts and minds of individuals but it then creeps into the systems that we set up in society. Social sin leads its victims to do evil in their turn.
What is ‘true’ freedom?
true freedom is responsible to, and respectful of, the freedom and others. It is a gift—the purpose of which is that we may seek God and respond to God’s invitation to love
Identify the two types of Freedom
Internal – Freedom for – internal to self
External – Freedom from – outside control
What are the threats that exist for each type of freedom
-Passions: short-term pleasure, self-deception
-Vices: Addictions, Low Self-esteem, etc.
-Oppression from others
Pharoah’s Oppression
The Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, starts worrying that the Jews living in Egypt will outnumber his own people and if war was to happen, they would join their enemies, fight against Egypt, and leave the country. His response: forcing them into slavery which only made them spread out and multiply more.To deal with this problem the Pharaoh asked the Hebrew midwives to see if it is a boy or a girl and if it is a boy, kill it. though they feared god more then they feared him so they didn’t so he decreeing that every son born to the Hebrews should be drowned in the Nile.Though one Hebrew woman would not let this happen to her newborn son so she put him into a basket and shipped him down the Nile river.
The Call of Moses
While Moses was tending to the flock of Jethro he saw a bright light flash and when he went to inspect it he saw that it was a bush on fire but not burning. Then the bush spoke to him saying that the god of the Israelites have heard their cries for to long and that he is to lead them from slavery. He knew that the pharaoh would not let them go so the LORD will strike the Egyptians with all the wonders and after that, he will let them go.
the passover
God passes through the land of Egypt and kills the firstborn of every household. But the Jews have been told to mark their doors with the blood of a lamb they’ve sacrificed — the Passover offering — and so God “passes over” their homes.
Ten plagues in order
1.Turning Nile water into blood
3.Gnats and lice
5.Disease and dying of livestock
7.hail and fire
10.Death of the firstborn males (Passover)
Journey through the Wilderness
After the Israelites pass through the red sea they wander through the dessert for 40 years on their way to the promise land. Though through this time their faith in god would waiver but god would prove to them that he was with them every single time.
The Covenant at Mount Sinai + The Ten Commandments
As they traveled through the wilderness they came across a mountain called mount Sinai. Moses climbed to the top and spoke with the lord and god wanted to speak with them. So smoke filled all around and God spoke to the Israelites through it and spoke to them and gave them commandments. Though they were afraid and wanted Moses to go back up to speak with the lord and find out what he wanted. He stayed up their for forty days though while he was up their the people grew impatient and got Aaron to build them a golden calf statue for them to worship. While Moses was up their god put the commandments on placks though when Moses came back down he was enraged with what they had done and smashed the placks. He begged god for forgiveness and made them repent. So god made a new covenant with the ten commandments.
what is prayer
Prayer is our living relationship with God. God answers our prayers in God’s own way. Prayer helps provide us with the Grace we need for the weekly culmination of our prayer in the Eucharist.
What does prayer require
Prayer takes time. Prayer takes discipline (practice). Prayer needs to be done daily. Prayer is focused on God, not ourselves
What are the 5 Forms of prayer
Blessing and Adoration, Prayer of petition, Prayer of Intercession, Prayer of Thanksgiving, and Praise
What is Blessing and Adoration
We express praise and honour to God. We praise God for giving us life, the world, and the greatness of the lord who made us. We give adoration in respect, reverence, admiration, and love to God.
What is prayer of petition
When you spend this prayer time asking God for things we need though asking and praying are not the same when we pray. In this prayer we are asking and giving our wants and desires over to God, and ask that God’s will be done.
what is prayer of intercession
We pray of behalf of others. This can be the source of blessing upon others, the church, and our world. This prayer can bring us great strength and courage and also great peace of mind and heart. It leads us to pray as Jesus did for others. This prayer lifts the need of the world to God for blessing and help.
What is prayer of Thanksgiving
Helps us be grateful for Gods many blessings, both spiritual and worldly, and help us recognize and appreciate all the good things god gives us. As a result of a grateful heart, we are grateful for Jesus Christ, the joys and wonders of life, the gifts we have and for everyone in our life.
What are the three sacraments
Initiation, Healing, Vocation
What is praise
Praise gives God glory simply because HE is. Praise is the form of prayer which recognizes most immediately that God is God. Praise embraces the other forms of prayer and carries the toward God.
What are the Seven Sacraments
Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, matrimony, holy order
What symbols or signs of the sacrament are involved
Baptism-pouring of water
Communion-bread and wine
Confirmation- laying on of hands on a person’s head, most often by a bishop, and the anointing with oil.
Anointing of the sick-Person is anointed with oil and receives the laying on of hands from a priest
Matrimony-couple and wedding rings
Holy order-laying on of hands and anointing with oil by the bishop.
Define the term Beatitude
The term “beatitude” means a blessing or a promise of happiness. The beatitudes are 8 blessings for different groups of people.
Identify the 8 Beatitudes.
1.Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
2.Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted.
3.Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land.
4.Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill.
5.Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
6.Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God.
7.Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
8.Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Explain blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
People who are aware of both their strengths and weaknesses.
Explain Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted.
People who mourn feel sadness and are able to feel empathy for those around them.
Explain Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land.
People who are meek dont try to get their way by pushing others around. They dont use physical, emotional, or verbal abuse. They respect and listen to those around them
Explain Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill.
Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are people when they see that something is unfair or unjust they speak out and take action.
Explain Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Those ho are merciful are willing to forgive those who have done wrong. They recognize that we all make mistakes and accept others even when they don’t necessarily accept their actions.
Explain Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God.
People who are genuine and committed. they are good people who have a strong foundation and direction in their life.
Explain Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Peacemakers are people who will help others. People who will do their best to ensure that people have good relationships. They seek the common ground and try to bring people together.
Explain Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Their moral beliefs matter more to them than any other things.
Prophet Biographies Isiah
He immensely believed in the power of God and said that the world belongs to the Almighty and that He would destroy it as well. Isaiah advised people to turn to God for everything in life and was immensely displeased by the lack of faith. God called Isaiah through a dream and said that he would be a messenger of God. God gave him prophecies and an angle put coal on his lips and told him that he would be able to speak through him. He anointed Isaiah to speak on his behalf to tell people to repent their sins and if they don’t repent their city would be destroyed if they don’t turn to God. He also prophesied that there will be a new king, the prince of peace, Jesus.
Prophet Biographies Jonah
God came to Jonah through a vision and told Jonah to go preach and save the city of Ninavah and if they don’t then their city would be destroyed. Though due to the cities reputation Jonah went the opposite direction and took a boat that would take him far away. While at sea the ocean got really bad so he was thrown off the boat and when he was the ocean settled. Then a giant whale swallowed him and he stayed in there for 3 day and God talked to him telling him to actually listen.
Prophet Biographies Daniel
One of the great four prophets though the Jewish people didn’t think of him as a true one because he talked to angels instead of God. Also Daniel spoke to the future and wrote letters warning them and ‘true’ prophets speak to people of their generation. He was an interpreter of dreams of the king. Though the people who worked with he king grew jealous of Daniel and made the king create a law that if they caught anyone praying to anyone but the king they should be punished. So when they found Daniel praying to God they through him into a pit with hungry lions. Though God make the lions not attack him and he was able to survive the night.
Prophet Biographies Elijah
Elijah struggled with people worshiping and building statues for a false God called Baal. So he challenged the king and the other worshipers to see who’s God was actually real. In the end God pulled though and Elijah was able to steer the worshipers of Baal back to God.