Religion And Life Issues Key Words Flashcards
Define embryo
Fertilised ovum at 12-14 days when implanted into wall of the womb
Define abortion
The deliberate termination of a pregnancy, usually before the foetus is 24 weeks old. Unless the mothers life is at risk or the baby has a severe disability abortion is allowed after 24 weeks.
Define abortion act (1967)
First law of making abortions legal in England Scotland and Wales
Define abuse
Misuse of the world and environment
Define acid rain
Rain made acid by contamination through pollution in the atmosphere as the results of emissions from factories, vehicles and power stations
Define adoption
Legal process of a child being taken into the family as a son or daughter
Define ageism
Prejudice against someone because of their age leading to discrimination
Define animal experimentation
Testing on animals either for medical or cosmetic purposes to ensure product is safe for human use
Define animal exports
Selling of animals to other countries
Define animal rights
The belief that animals have a dignity just as humans do and should be given care and protection
Define Assisi declarations
Statements about the need to protect animals and the environment made on behalf of different major religions
Define awe
A feeling of respect; insight into meaning greater than oneself
Define Big Bang
Scientific theory that the universe began through a massive explosion
Define biodegradable
Able to be broken down by bacteria in the environment
Biological weapons
Weapons that have living organisms or infective materials that usually lead to disease
Passing down a birth canal and living outside the mother
Idea that God has favoured a couple with a child