Religion and Life Issues - Hinduism Key Terms and Definitions Flashcards
ahimsa (ahinsa)
Not killing. Respect for life, not being violent.
atman (atma)
Self. Can refer to the body, mind or soul depending on context. Usually the inner, or
real, self.
Bhagavad Gita
The Song of the Lord, sung by Krishna and part of the Mahabharata. Considered an
Upanishad. Most famous and popular Hindu scripture.
Hindu deity responsible for creative power.
The ultimate reality from which everything comes and into which everything will return.
Religion. The right conduct and laws which uphold order and harmony in society.
Four Aims of Life
Dharma, Artha, Karma, Moksha.
Action. The law of cause and effect.
A Hindu temple.
A short prayer/chant repeated as an aid to meditation.
moksha (moksa)
Final freedom from the cycle of life and death.
Image or deity used as a focus of worship and offerings.
- Paying respect to a deity as an honoured guest.
2. Ways to worship in the home or temple.
Being reborn again in another form.
samsara (sansara)
The world, where the cycle of birth, death and rebirth takes place.
triad of Gods
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva – also known as the Trimurti. They represent and control the
three functions of creation, preservation and destruction.
- A union of the soul with the deity and the process taken to reach this.
- A form of self-discipline and meditation.