Religion And Early Life Flashcards
Define adoption
To legally take on a child that is not your own
Define blessing
In the context of children being a blessing, a child can be seen as a gift from God the the parents
Define conception
Where the sperm meets the egg in fertilisation
Define fostering
To temporarily look after a child that is not your own. It is still legally it’s mothers
Define miracle of life
The idea that becoming pregnant is so special it’s a miracle
Define pro-choice
Arguments focusing on the mothers right to choose an abortion
Define pro-life
Arguments focusing on the rights on the unborn child
Define quality of life
What a person’s life should be like for it to be worth living
Define sanctity of life
Life is special and sacred
Define 1967 Abortion act
The UK law on abortion - had to be before 28 weeks on pregnancy with conditions
Define 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act
The law that reduced the abortion limit to 24 weeks
What is the 1967 abortion act
Abortion can be carried out in specific circumstances where two doctors agree:
- theres is danger to the woman’s mental or physical health
- that the foetus will be born with severe mental or physical disabilities
- that the welfare of existing children may be affected
- the abortion must take place before the 28th week of pregnancy
- the procedure must be done by a registered doctor in a hospital or clinic
Pro-Life views of Abortion
- the foetus must have someone speaking for it
- all life has potential and should be given a chance
- abortion is murder - murder is wrong
- all life is sacred and must be protected
Pro-Choice views of abortion
- where rape has occurred then abortion has to be an option
- a woman has the right to decide what happens to her body
- if the woman’s life is at risk she should have the right to abortion
- women would have abortions anyway, just not safe ones
Christian views and teachings on abortion
- All life is sacred to God
- Only God has the right to take life; after all he created it
- God planned all our lives
- The Ten Commandments say that it is wrong to kill
Sikh views and teachings on abortion
- Sikhs should not harm others
- Seen as morally wrong as life begins at conception
- God fills us with light so we can be born
- Sikhism does not agree with abortion as it interferes with God’s creation
Define abortion
Deliberate expulsion of the foetus from the womb to terminate the pregnancy