Religion Flashcards
Mountain which Noah’s ark came to rest as the great flood receded, in present day Eastern Turkey, Turkey’s highest peak
Mount Ararat
husband that David sends off to battle so he can have Bathsheba
Uriah the Hittite
2nd to Satan in Paradise Lost, “Prince of Devils”
hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified
Calvary (Golgotha)
jealous King before David, gave him permission to fight Goliath, killed himself after a prophesied defeat by the Philistines
King Saul
prophet who opposed the worship of idols (e.g. Baal), Jezebel tried to kill him
went up to heaven in a chariot of fire
she introduced the worship of Baal to King Ahab and Israel
Queen Jezebel
holiest Jewish day of the year, marks the end of 10 days of penitence, 10 days after Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur
Jewish New Year
Rosh Hashanah
queen of Persia who (along with her cousin Mordecai) stops a plot to massacre the Jews in Persia (celebrated by Jews as the feast of Purim)
three gifts that the wise men brought to infant Jesus
gold, frankincense, and myyrh
Noah’s son who was cursed when he saw his father drunk and naked but refused to turn away as his other 2 brothers did, curse was darker skin (and for all his descendants)
Noah’s 3 sons
Shem, Ham, and Japheth
responsible for the Massacre of the Innocents
Herod the Great
killed John the Baptist at the request of his stepdaughter Salome
Herod Antipas
Jacob’s brother, trades his inheritance to Jacob for bowl of stew, Jacob tricked his father by impersonating him at the request of their mother Rebecca
wrestled with God and forced God to bless him, God gave him the name Israel
ladder seen in a dream which allowed angels of God to ascend/descend from heaven to Earth
Jacob’s ladder
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
Jehovah’s Witnesses
another name for Jeusalem, Mount ____ is also the hill that the city was built on
received a coat of many colors from his father Jacob, other sons were jealous
his brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt, became second in command after interpreting a dream for the pharaoh, forgives his brothers later when they come to egypt seeking grain for a famine
brought Israelites into the promised land after Moses died, destroyed Jericho by telling everyone to blow their trumpets and shout, the walls collapsed
price for Judas turning in Jesus
30 pieces of silver
a man brought back to life by Jesus after being in the tomb for 4 days
these people liberated Judea from Syrian rule, also honored by Hanukkah
food that God gave Israelites during the Exodus after food had run out
oldest man in the bible at 969 years old, grandfather of Noah
guardian angel of the Jews, led Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in Paradise Lost, lead the celestial armies in Revelation
Michael the archangel
Michaelmas (the Feast of Saints ___, ___, ____, and ____) the main archangels
Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael
brought by a dove to noah’s ark to signify the end of the flood, signifies peace, in the eagle’s right talon in the seal of the US
olive branch
denied being a follower of Jesus three times before his crucifixion
people of Samson, also of Goliath
group of teachers among the Jews, critizied for their hypocrisy
second wife of Jacob, sterile for many years, but eventually had Joseph and Benjamin (she died after giving birth to him)
first wife of Jacob, tricked Jacob into marriage
wife of Isaac, infertile for first 20 years, mother to twins Jacob and Esau
great grandmother of David, not an Israelite but married one who came to her country, after he died she went back with her mother-in-law Naomi, married Boaz
stepdaughter of Herod Antipas, requested the beheading of John the Baptist
man with powerful hair has girlfriend trick him, destroys banquet hall anyway after captured
Samson and Delilah
A queen in biblical times famous for her beauty, splendor, and wealth. Travels from afar to visit King Solomon and praised his wisdom.
Queen of Sheba
dynasty of Ethiopian rulers claim they are descendents from this pair
King Solomon and Queen of Sheba
the apostle who doubted the Resurrection of Jesus until he got to see and touch Jesus’ wounds
Latin translation of the bible by Saint Jerome, used in the Western world until the Reformation
Vulgate Bible
After the Last Supper, where Jesus went to pray, the place where Judas kissed Jesus before he was captured and crucified
Garden of Gethsemane
Wife of Abraham, Mother of Isaac (had him when she was 91 and he was 100), most mentioned woman in the bible
Biblical prophet who talked to a donkey/ass
Balaam (Balaam’s ass)
religion of Japan, means “way of the gods” in Chinese and Japanese
Amaterasu Omikami (the Kami) is a major deity in this religion, she is the goddess of the sun (red circle on flag) and universe, said to be the ancestor of Japan’s imperial family
Jesus’ apostle that was a tax collector
Babylonian king who constructed the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Ishtar Gate
Nebuchadnezzar II
He calls in Daniel to interpret the handwriting on the wall during his feast, he’s the king after Nebuchadnezzar
cast Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the fiery furnace
Nebuchadnezzar II
Babylonian king who destroyed the first temple of Jerusalem
Nebuchadnezzar II
wife of Osiris, chief goddess of Egyptian mythology, Cleopatra claimed to be the new ___
Egyptian God of the Underworld, husband of Isis
older brother of Moses, and sister of Miriam, known for his eloquent and persuasive speech, was Moses’s mouthpiece when dealing with the Pharaoh
God turned his rod into a snake and it ate all the Pharaoh’s magicians
Sister of Moses and Aaron, she led the women in song after the Israelites passed through the Red Sea
Eldest son of Abraham, mother was Hagar, through which Muslim Arabs trace their descent
Abraham’s first wife and mother of Ishmael
prophet who wrote the first five books of the old testament (Jewish Torah) c. 13th century BC, encouraged the belief of monotheism
top/bottom of Hindu caste system
Brahmin (priest) at top, Shudra (servants) at bottom
her story is told twice in Judges, the only female to judge Israel, she won an important battle against the Canaanites
one of the great Hindu Gods, the “Preserver”, has appeared as Krishna and as the Buddha
unleavened bread resembling a large cracker, used by Jews I place of yeast bread during Passover (God told Jews to eat unleavened bread, rather than delay their departure from Egypt by waiting for bread to rise)
matzo (or matzo balls)
prophet & author of Lamentations (he was the one doing the lamenting)
his wife gazed back at Sodom against orders and was turned into a pillar of salt
2nd holiest city of Islam, houses the tomb of Muhammad, Muhammad fled from Mecca to here to escape persecution
Holiest city of Islam, Muslims are required to travel here at least once, birthplace of Muhammad
The coming of Jesus (either in the Incarnation of biblical times or in the 2nd coming at the end of the world); also a time observed in December to prepare for Christmas
group of churches historically based in the Church of England, combines Catholic and Protestant elements (e.g. they have bishops, but don’t accept the authority of the pope)
Anglican Communion
the incarnation of a Hindu God (the Buddha is a ___ of the god Vishnu)
religion which advocates universal peace and spiritual unit of humankind, founded in Persia in 1863, main hub in Haifa
Bahaism (followers of Baha’i faith)
Jewish ceremony marking the beginning of religious responsibility for Jewish boys of 13 (and the less popular version for girls is called ___)
bar mitzvah (male) / bat mitzvah (female)
___ is an established church in England, ___ in Scandinavian countries, ___ in Scotland
Church of England, Lutheran Church, Presbyterian Church
list basic tenets of kosher foods
animals have to have hooves and chew their cud (excludes pork), no mixing of dairy products and meat, no shellfish
In Juadism, a house of worship