Religion Flashcards
Descartes said all humans were born with knowledge through the higher power of God
how did Greeks influence medicine
natural approach/ treatment of diseases, highlighting the importance of understanding the patient’s health, of mind, need for harmony between the individual, social and natural environment
Old Testament
God will raise his friends from the dead to everlasting life. occurs first and shows us how the world began and how the people of Israel came to be
New Testament
comes after and documents how the world is saved through what Jesus did for his people
must have meaning. Otherwise, arguments that oaths are meaningless themselves.
argued that if people would free themselves from prejudice by bad education and return to their natural feelings, they would make much better ethical judgments.
Foucault’s ‘‘clinic’’ refers to the scientific, pathological approach to medicine that emerged between the Enlightenment and the establishment of university clinics in the nineteenth century. The problem with Foucault’s clinic was that it was born without a soul. Patients came to feel like scientific specimens rather than human beings. Iatrogenic conditions
2 myths (Illich),
one, that physicians could replace the clergy; the other, that with political change society would return to a state of original health.’
Book of Sirach, who wrote it to whom:
‘The Wisdom of Ben Sira,’’ also variously known as ‘‘The Proverbs of Ben Sira,’’ ‘‘Liber Ecciesiasticus,’’ ‘‘Ecclesiasticus,’’ and ‘‘Sirach,’’ probably was composed around 180 BCE. 1 The text originally was composed in Hebrew (as corroborated by textual evidence from Qumran and other archeological sites) and later was translated into Greek, Syriac, and eventually Latin. The author’s full name was Joshua (or Jesus) ben Eleazar ben Sira. As part of their response to Hellenistic influence, Jewish authors created a category of ‘‘inspired learning’’ in which wise men acquired prophetic features and prophets came to be regarded as wise men.14 Jewish wisdom literature arose in this perio
what was Alexandria like
Yet Jews often were educated through the Greeks at Alexandria during the time of the Ptolemies, especially in medicine. Greek medicine being practiced at the time in Alexandria.
is the 18.19th and first half of the 20th century—also the age of reason. It was meant to get rid of religion and philosophy and that we would only believe what we could prove by reason or science—kind of regretted the revelation.
We live in a culture where we can’t agree on what is true and not true. There is no universal agreement on what is true or not true or what’s right and what is wrong.
secular humanism
we live in a culture where religion is pushed to the side. Humans are at the top of the ladder.
we as Americans pride ourselves they decide what they do for life and its no one’s concern with what they do. The fact of the matter is whether you want it to be true or not what I choose does affect other people.
humans are naturally good. The reason we are messed up is because of society.
The Clinic:
the illness was being treated, but the person was ignored
Original sin
born broken, when we are born, we inherit a broken condition.We keep having wars because we are broken on the inside, and we never fix it.
lived about 300 years before Jesus. wrote the Nicmachean ethics. what is important is virtue ethics
German philosopher, disagreed with Hume. too vague. He meant the Ten Commandments. however really not so much obey the law that is heteronomous
I know what is right and wrong by the laws. observing something because the law says we should do something
categorical imperative-
Kant said how do we know what we should do. We should ask ourselves. If I’m going to do something, would I want everyone to do this? If not, then I shouldn’t do this.
positivism (Legalism)-
Says I decide what is right or wrong based on civil law.
Divine Command theory-
protestant idea/teaching. that laws makes something wrong
Catholics vs Protestants on understanding the human person:
Protestants- teach that human beings are fundamentally corrupt. We have no natural goodness. Everything we touch turns into shit.
, you can’t trust them to make human decisions.
-Catholics would say no, even though we are broken, we can make good decisions.
Natural Law
we know if things are right or wrong simply by being human. if something is wrong, it is wrong for a reason. Reality makes something terrible. -Important because it is common for all people whether you are religious or not you can know the natural law. It is older than cicero
means you ask the purpose of something. How do I know what the right thing to do?
St. Paul:
He says that natural law is the law written at the human heart. we know the natural law no matter what your background is, whether you are jew or gentile (a non-Jew).
lived a little bit before Jesus he was a Roman lawyer/senator ,brilliant writer said natural law is what is common to all people.
means the finis operis, What am I doing?
desperate to make money bc I have 2 kids, and my situation is I am about to be thrown out of the street.
Given the circumstances- she may not be committing a sin
finis operis
simply means what am I doing?