Religion Flashcards
2 four eyed dogs guard this religions Chinvat bridge where souls are judged after death.
This religion places it’s dead atop towers of silence.
This religion emblems of the Khalsa which includes long shorts, a steel bracelet, a comb, a ceremonial dagger and uncut hair are known as the 5 ks
Visitors to this religion’s place of worship are able to eat free meals in langars.
When an adherent of this religion dies, their soul is taken to either the house of songs or lies
One leader of this religion taught the message of Ik Onkar in the Mul/ Mool Mantar, means “there is only one god”
This religion believes that every living being has the potential to become a god
This religion’s followers advocate an important prayer known as Namokar Mantra
2 sects of this religion are Svetambra (white- clad) and Digambra (skyclad)
Female nuns of 1 sect of this religion (Digambra) cannot obtain Apari-graha
A song sung during this holiday is “Dayenu” , meaning “it would have been enough.”
The youngest child asks “why is this night different from all other nights?” as a part of the 4 questions
this Jewish holiday that includes the seder feast and commemorates the Exodus from Egypt.
This religion claims that people have 2 inner forces the gros bon ange and ti bon ange (big good angle and little good angel)
This religion compares being possessed by a spirit to a horse being mounted
Followers ritually smoke marijuana and wear dreadlocks
This religion’s practices are referred to as livity and it’s dietary practices are called ital
This religion’s followers are prohibited from eating fish longer than 12 inches
The islamic form of this practice takes place between suhoon and iftar and is broken by Eid
In the Baha’i faith people perform this action for 19 days
In Jainism, Sallekhana is gradually doing this action at the and of 1’s life
This younger son of Amram threw a tree into the water of marah in order to make it drinkable
This figure aided the 7 daughters of the shepard Jethro in midian
This figure was nearly killed by god before his wife, Zipporah quickly circumcised his child
This figure’s staff turned into a snake
This religion was defended by it’s first and last guardian shoghi Effendi
Baháʼí Faith
The ten year crusade was launched to promote this religion
Baháʼí Faith
The founder of this religion was a follower of the bab and wrote the epistle to the son of the wolf.
Baháʼí Faith
Ahura Mazda is the god of this religion
The seven valleys is a central text to this faith
Baháʼí Faith
This Mahayana sect of Buddhism uses statements such as what is the sound of 1 hand clapping koans
Zen Buddhism
the concept of wu or mu is translated as “nothingness” and is essential to this branch originated from the flower sermon
Zen Buddhism
During this period, daybreak begins when the eye can distinguish a white thread from a black thread.
This figure is famous in the old testament for not having concubines.
Suhur and iftar mark the limits of daily personal restrictions during this holiday
the Night of Power occurs in this holiday, marking a revelation from the angel Gabriel.
This man is stooped from sacrificing his son Isaac by the last minute appearance of a sheep
This man had a debate with Babylonian king Nimrod after surviving being cast into a fire.
This man’s son was born by a handmaiden Hagar
In this book Jacob obtains Esau’s birthright by dressing in furs
book of genesis
In this book Joseph is sold to slavery to Potiphar by his siblings after his father gave him a colored cloak
book of genesis
In this book Jacob dreams of a ladder extending from Earth to heaven
book of genesis
In this book Ham and his generations are cursed for mocking his father in a drunken nudity while his brothers Shem and Japheth covered Noah
Book of genesis
In this book Lot’s wife turns into a pillar of salt after looking back at Sodom disobeying the angel’s commands
book of genesis
A ruler in this book ordered all newborn boys to be thrown in a river and led his army to drown in the red sea
book of exodus
In this book after receiving the 10 commandments, a golden calf cast by Aaron is idolized by the Israelites
book of exodus
One story in this book evolves a man who marries a daughter of Jethro
book of exodus
In this book the pharaohs heart was supposedly hardened when asked.
book of exodus
God kills the sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abishu in a fire in this book because they offered a strange fire.
book of leviticus
This book is set between the completion of the tabernacle and the Israelites departure from Mount Sinai.
book of leviticus
In this book Balaam’s donkey talks to Balaam when it was blocked by an angel and after getting beaten 3 times
book of numbers
In this book it tells how many members were in each of the 12 tribes of Israel
book of numbers
4th book of the old testament
book of numbers
In this book god does not allow the Israelites to reach the promise land after Moses send out 12 spies to the land of Israel
book of numbers