relief and posterior palatal seal Flashcards
hard areas of relief in maxilla:
-median palatine raphe
-torus palatinus
-thin bony edges
hard areas of relief on mandible?
-torus mandibularis
-thin bony edges
-wiry ridges
describe the ideal outline of a relief area:
it should never have a clear outline ( no sharp lines) instead it should be round and flowy , merging into the surrounding fitting denture surface
what is depth of relief dependant on ?
compressibility of areas to be relived as well as tissue surrounding it
list the direct methods of relief
scraping the final impression
built on master cast
functions of posterior palatal seal
- retention of maxillary denture
-prevents food from getting stuck under denture
-constant pressure which reduces gag reflex
-compensate for polymerization shrinkage
what are the requirements of a post. dam (posterior palatal seal )
-lie on easily displaceable tissues
-touch soft palate during rest and function
which vibrating line is 2mm behind the focea palatina ?
posterior vibrating line (AH line ) , sperates from anterior vibrating line (valsalva maneuver) when patient says AH
how does the curvature of the soft palate affect the posterior palatal seal area?
class I: gentle curvature of soft palate : broad posterior palatal seal area
class II: medium curvature of soft palate –> medium width of posterior palatal seal
class III : sharp curvature of soft palate –> narrow posterior palatal seal area
average depth of post dam area:
methods to create post dam ?
1- scrapping method
-functional post-damming
what are the functions of relief?
-compensate for bone resorbtion
-compensate for technical discrepancies
-comfort for the patient
sensitive areas to be relived on maxilla and mandible ?
-incisive papilla
-prominent tuberosity
-mental foramen
-crest of thin ridge
depth of relief is dependent on :
compressibility of areas to be relived as compared with that of the surrounding tissue
posterior palatal seal should be on which part of the palate?
immovable part of the soft palate
how is the posterior palatal seal created in the lower arch ?
at each distal extremity by slightly compressing the retro molar pad (should be the final impression step)