Reliability And Validity Flashcards
What is Internal Validity?
Looks at factors within the study so in an experiment can we be sure that changes in the DV are really due to manipulation of the IV and are not down to the effect of extraneous variables.
What is Face Validity ?
- If something looks like it will measure what it is suppose to measure.
- For Example is IQ measuring really measuring how intelligent somebody is
What is Construct Validity ?
- demonstrates that the test is actually measuring the construct it claims it’s measuring.
- If the measures relate to the assumed characteristics of what is being assessed
- For example does a driving test assess different aspects of driving skill
What is Concurrent Validity ?
When a test correlates well with a measure that has previously been validated
What is Criterion Validity?
- Can include concurrent validity and or predictive validity
- The extent to which a measure can predict the performance or behaviour of the measured thing
- For example the extent to which GCSE results can predict A Level Results
What is External Validity?
- Looks at factors outside of the study such as who the study is aimed at or to be representative of
- Where we can generalise the findings of behaviour
What is Ecological Validity ?
- Refers to whether a study reflect real life situations
- If it does its mundane realism
- If its low the results of behaviour cannot be generalised to what would occur in real life
What is Population Validity ?
- Whether a sample is representative of the wider target population of the study
- If its low you cant generalise the study’s results
What Extraneous Factors affect Validity and Reliability ?
- Participant
- Situational
- Experimenter
What is Internal Reliability ?
Asseses the consistency of results across items within a test
What research methods have high Internal Reliability?
- Experiments and controlled observations can have high internal reliability.
- Have controls, can be replicated and checked for consistency
- Field experiments tend to lack internal reliability due to lack of control
What is the key to replicating research ?
-Standardised procedures
What research methods are less reliable ?
- Case Studies, Semi and Unstructured interviews
- Impossible to replicate
- Cant see how consistent the results are
What is External Reliability ?
If the measurement/study was repeated it should get a similar result
What is Inter-Rater Reliability ?
To the degree to which different rates give consistent estimates of the same behaviour
If 2 independent observers/raters who are observing the same event using the same method have a high level of agreement it has high inter-rater reliability.
What is Split-Half Method?
Measures the extent to which all parts of the test contribute equally to what is being measured
Comparing half the questions from a questionnaire with the other half to check that they measure consistently
What is the Test-Retest Method ?
Measures the stability of a test over time 80% or more
What is Validity?
This considers whether the method used measures what it intended to measure