Release Exterior Pt.1 Flashcards
What formulas release the Exterior?
Ma Huang Tang
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
Gui Zhi Tang
Xiao Qing Long Tang
Xiang Su San
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
Ge Gen Tang
Sang Ju Yin
Yin Qiao San
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang
Ren Shen Bai Du San
Zai Zao San
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang
Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang
These formulas are in which category?
Ma Huang Tang
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
Gui Zhi Tang
Xiao Qing Long Tang
Xiang Su San
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
Ge Gen Tang
Sang Ju Yin
Yin Qiao San
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang
Ren Shen Bai Du San
Zai Zao San
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang
Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang
Formulas that release the exterior
List the formulas that release the exterior
Ma Huang Tang
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
Gui Zhi Tang
Xiao Qing Long Tang
Xiang Su San
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
Ge Gen Tang
Sang Ju Yin
Yin Qiao San
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang
Ren Shen Bai Du San
Zai Zao San
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang
Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang
List the remaining formulas that release the exterior.
Ma Huang Tang
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
Gui Zhi Tang
Xiao Qing Long Tang
Xiang Su San
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
Ge Gen Tang
Sang Ju Yin
Yin Qiao San
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang
Ren Shen Bai Du San
Zai Zao San
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang
Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang
List the remaining formulas that release the exterior.
Yin Qiao San
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang
Ren Shen Bai Du San
Zai Zao San
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang
Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang
Ma Huang Tang
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
Gui Zhi Tang
Xiao Qing Long Tang
Xiang Su San
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
Ge Gen Tang
Sang Ju Yin
Ma Huang Tang is used for?
“Exterior Excess”
exterior excess syndrome due to exogenous attack of wind and cold. With the lung failing to disperse and descend
Which formula would we use for this?
Exterior excess syndrome due to exogenous attack of wind and cold. With the lung failing to disperse and descend
Ma Huang Tang
“Exterior Excess”
When would we use Ma Huang Tang?
“Exterior Excess”
Exterior excess syndrome due to exogenous attack of wind and cold. With the lung failing to disperse and descend
These are the actions for which formula?
Inducing sweating to relieve the exterior and dispersing LU to relieve asthma.
Ma Huang Tang
List the actions of Ma Huang Tang
“Exterior Excess”
Inducing sweating to relieve the exterior and dispersing LU to relieve asthma.
What are the functions for Ma Huang Tang
“Exterior Excess”
Inducing sweating to relieve the exterior and dispersing LU to relieve asthma.
Aversion to cold with fever without sweating, headache, body pain, asthma, thin and whitish tongue coating, with a floating tight pulse.
These are the manifestations for which formula?
Ma Huang Tang
“Exterior Excess”
What are the symptoms we would see when prescribing Ma Huang Tang?
“Exterior Excess”
Aversion to cold with fever without sweating, headache, body pain, asthma, thin and whitish tongue coating, with a floating tight pulse.
List the symptoms related to Ma Huang Tang
“Exterior Excess”
Aversion to cold with fever without sweating, headache, body pain, asthma, thin and whitish tongue coating, with a floating tight pulse.
Ma Huang Tang (Asthma and cough) has some modifications what are they?
Da Qing Long Tang (Fidgets)
San Ao Tang (Coughing Wheezing)
Hua Gai San (Coughing with Phlegm)
Induces perspiration to relieve the exterior and clears away heat to relieve fidgets.
These are the actions for which formula?
Da Qing Long Tang.
Disseminates lung Qi and relieves the exterior. These are the actions for which formula?
San Ao Tang
Hua Gai San
What are the actions of San Ao Tang and Hua Gai San
Disseminates lung Qi and relieves the exterior.
List the functions of San Ao Tang and Hua Gai San
Disseminates lung Qi and relieves the exterior.
Wind-Cold with body pain and head, nasal congestion with coughing and wheezing, copious white thing sputum. These are the indications for which formula?
San Ao Tang
What are the indications for San Ao Tang?
Wind-Cold with body pain and head, nasal congestion with coughing and wheezing, copious white thing sputum.
List the indications for San Ao Tang
Wind-Cold with body pain and head, nasal congestion with coughing and wheezing, copious white thing sputum.
Ma Huang Tang (Asthma and cough) has some modifications what are they?
Da Qing Long Tang (Fidgets)
San Ao Tang (Coughing Wheezing)
Hua Gai San (Coughing with Phlegm)
Wind-Cold attack of the Lungs with coughing and copious sputum and a sensation in the chest. These are the indications for which formula?
Hua Gai San
What are the indications for Hua Gai San
Wind-Cold attack of the Lungs with coughing and copious sputum and a sensation in the chest.
List the indications for Hua Gai San
Wind-Cold attack of the Lungs with coughing and copious sputum and a sensation in the chest.
Induces perspiration to rid dampness and clear away the interior heat. These are the functions of which formula?
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
More for Pain
What are the functions of Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
More for Pain
Induces perspiration to rid dampness and clear away the interior heat
List the functions of Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
More for Pain
Induces perspiration to rid dampness and clear away the interior heat
Exogenous attack of wind, cold and dampness manifested by chill, fever without sweat, pain of limbs, oral bitter feeling with slight thirst. Red Tongue…Feeble Pulse. These are the indications for which formula?
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
More for Pain
What are the indications for Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang?
More for Pain
Exogenous attack of wind, cold and dampness manifested by chill, fever without sweat, pain of limbs, oral bitter feeling with slight thirst. Red Tongue…Feeble Pulse
List the indications for Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
More for Pain
Exogenous attack of wind, cold and dampness manifested by chill, fever without sweat, pain of limbs, oral bitter feeling with slight thirst. Red Tongue…Feeble Pulse
What are the actions of Xiao Qing Long Tang?
Use for attack phase of Bronchitis also if you have wheezing on a regular use this formula.
Relieving the exterior and resolving fluid-retention to alleviate cough and asthma
Relieving the exterior and resolving fluid-retention to alleviate cough and asthma
These are the actions for which formula?
Xiao Qing Long Tang
Use for attack phase of Bronchitis also if you have wheezing on a regular use this formula.
List the actions of Xiao Qing Long Tang
Use for attack phase of Bronchitis also if you have wheezing on a regular use this formula.
Relieving the exterior and resolving fluid-retention to alleviate cough and asthma
Attack of wind and cold on the exterior with internal fluid-retention manifested by chill, fever, absence of sweat, asthma and cough with abundant thin expectoration; or cough due to fluid retention accompanied by difficulty in lying position; or heaviness and pain of body with edema of face and limbs, white and slippery coating, floating pulse.
These are the indications for which formula?
Xiao Qing Long Tang
Use for attack phase of Bronchitis also if you have wheezing on a regular use this formula.
List the indications for Xiao Qing Long Tang
Use for attack phase of Bronchitis also if you have wheezing on a regular use this formula.
Attack of wind and cold on the exterior with internal fluid-retention manifested by chill, fever, absence of sweat, asthma and cough with abundant thin expectoration; or cough due to fluid retention accompanied by difficulty in lying position; or heaviness and pain of body with edema of face and limbs, white and slippery coating, floating pulse.
What is Xiao Qing Long Tang indicated for?
Use for attack phase of Bronchitis also if you have wheezing on a regular use this formula.
Attack of wind and cold on the exterior with internal fluid-retention manifested by chill, fever, absence of sweat, asthma and cough with abundant thin expectoration; or cough due to fluid retention accompanied by difficulty in lying position; or heaviness and pain of body with edema of face and limbs, white and slippery coating, floating pulse.