Relationships and family Flashcards
What are Christian’s general attitude towards sexual relationships?
- The Christian church teaches that sex expresses a deep, loving, life-long union that first requires the commitment of marriage
- All are against unfaithfulness
- The bible teaches that het relationships are part of God’s plan for humans
- Genesis 1:28 and 2:24 say that a man and a woman should be united together and ‘increase in number’
What are Buddhist’s general attitude towards sexual relationships?
- Buddhism does not favour one form of sexuality over another, or teach that sex before marriage is wrong
- For Buddhists the most important principle is to not harm others through sexual activity
What are Christian’s views on homosexual relationships?
Some Christians oppose homosexual relationships because they believe this goes against God’s plan
The Catholic Church teaches that homosexual sex is a sinful activity
‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable’
The Church of England welcomes homosexuals living in committed relationships but does not allow same-sex marriage in church.
Some Christians think loving, faithful homo relationships are just as holy as het ones
What are Buddhist’s views on homosexual relationships?
Buddhist teachings do not oppose homo relationships or marriage
They believe homo relationships are not morally different to het ones
Consent and respect are important, regardless of gender
Homos should have the same rights as hets
Reflected in the fact that same-sex marriage was made legal in the UK
What are Christian’s attitudes towards sex outside of marriage?
For many Christians, sex expresses a deep, lifelong union that requires commitment of marriage.
Should not be considered as a casual, temporary pleasure
Anglican and Catholic churches teach that sex before marriage is wrong
Liberals think that sex before marriage is a valid way to show love, especially is the couple are intending to get married or/and are in a committed relationship
Christians believe it is wrong to use people for sex, to spread stis or to risk pregnancy outside of marriage
What are Buddhist’s attitudes towards sex outside of marriage?
Buddhism teaches that sex before marriage is acceptable and that it is no different or any less moral then sex after marriage
What is wrong is to cause harm to others through sex
Some Buddhists wait until marriage to have sex but this is likely to just be a personal thing rather than for religious reasons, and influenced by local cultural practices
What are Christian’s views on sexual relationships outside of marriage
Christians are against adultery as it breaks the marriage vows they made before God and threatens the stable relationship needed for their children’s security
- Jesus once forgave a woman caught committing adultery, but ordered her to leave her life of sin (John 8:1-11
- Adultery is forbidden in one of the Ten Commandments
What are Buddhist’s views on sexual relationships outside of marriage?
Most Buddhists would say that adultery is unskilful because it involves deceit and is also likely to cause harm
What are Catholics’ attitude towards contraception and family planning?
- Artificial contraception goes against natural law and the purpose of marriage
- Sex should always be open to creating new life
- Family planning should only involve natural methods of contraception
What are Anglicans’ and non-conformists’ attitude towards contraception and family planning?
- Contraception is allowed for couples to develop their relationship before having children, to space out pregnancies, to avoid harming the mother’s health, or to limit the number of children in a family so they can all be cared for
- In 1930 the Church of England approved artificial contraception used ‘in the light of Christian principles’
- Christians who believe life begins at the moment of conception are against methods that prevent the fertilised egg from developing, as this is seen as causing an abortion and a form of murder
What are Buddhists’ attitude towards contraception and family planning?
- Most Buddhists believe is is acceptable to use contraception that prevents conception
- Some believe contraception that prevents a fertilised egg from developing is a form of killing and breaks the first moral precept, so is not acceptable
- However they might make exceptions eg if the birth threatens the mother’s like or if she would struggle to care for the child
- Having children is not considered an obligation; it may even be considered better not to have children if one wants to lead a spiritual life
What is British societies’ attitude towards contraception and family planning?
- There is widespread acceptance of artificial contraception to help family planning
- Many people think it is responsible to use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies, control population growth and prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases
What are non-religious views on the purpose and nature of marriage?
A legal union between two people in a relationship
A serious, life-long commitment made in public to another person
Provides legal and financial benefits
What are Buddhist views on the purpose and nature of marriage?
A social contract rather than a religious duty or sacred act
A civil ceremony (monks may bless the marriage but can’t conduct the ceremony itself)
Can be between two people of the same sex
Helps the wellbeing of a community and society as a whole by cementing strong, trusting relationships that provide support, protection and happiness
What are Christians views on the purpose and nature of marriage?
A gift from God and part of the natural law
A covenant before God in which the couple promises to live faithfully together till death
A unique relationship between a man and a woman that allows for the possibility of creating new life (‘Be fruitful and increase in number’)
‘Sex has been devalued in British society’
Christians believe sex expresses a deep, lifelong union and casual sex does not represent this
The acceptance of contraception and legal abortion has made casual sex more common
‘It is not always wrong to have sex before marriage’
It can be a valid expression of love for each other
Buddhism teaches that sex before marriage is no less moral than sex after marriage
‘It is not always wrong to have sex before marriage’
‘Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit’
Anglican and Catholic Churches teach that sex requires the commitment of marriage. The Catholic Church also teaches that sex should be open to the possibility of creating new life and having sex before marriage risks pregnancy
What are the different religious beliefs about cohabitation?
Catholic and Orthodox Churches oppose cohabitation as they believe sex should only take place within marriage
Many Anglican and Protestant Christians accept that although marriage is best, people may cohabit in a faithful, loving and committed way without getting married
Buddhist teachings do not go against sex before marriage and cohabitation
‘Marriage gives more stability to society than cohabitation’
Marriage is a legal contract
Society is more stable if the rights of all people ate protected
‘The Church sees marriage between a man and a woman, as central to the stability and health of human society’
‘Marriage gives more stability to society than cohabitation’
Many marriages end in divorce
Relationships between cohabiting couples can be just as stable and loving
What are some reasons for divorce?
Addiction Adultery Illness or disability Immaturity Work and money pressures Inability to have children Domestic violence Lack of communication People changing and growing apart
What are Christians views on divorce and remarriage? Part 1 (Against divorce)
Some Christians believe the sanctity of marriage vows means they must be kept no matter what
The Catholic Church teaches that marriage is a sacrament that is permanent, lifelong and cannot be dissolved by civil divorce. Catholics can separate but not remarry while their partner is alive
Jesus taught that anyone who divorced and remarried was committing adultery (Mark 10:11-12)
What are Christians views on divorce and remarriage? Part 2 (For divorce)
Other Christians believe that sometimes divorce is the lesser of two evils and should be allowed for compassionate reasons
Protestant Churches accept civil divorce and allow remarriage in church under certain conditions. Divorced Anglicans can remarry in church with the bishop’s permission
These Christians think that the Church should reflect God’s forgiveness and allow couples a second chance for happiness
Matthew 5:32 says ‘if a man divorces his wide for any cause other than unchastity (unfaithfulness) he involves her in adultery’
What are Buddhists beliefs on divorce and remarriage?
In Buddhism there is no teaching that states divorce or remarriage are wrong
But societies where Buddhism is prevalent tend to disapprove of divorce, which is seen as a last resort. This means couples put more effort into mending their relationship when it goes wrong
However clinging on to an attachment that produces suffering goes against the Buddha’s teachings
Most Buddhists would therefore consider divorce when it is not possible to reconcile the relationship and it is the only way to reduce the couple’s suffering
Many Buddhists see remarriage as an opportunity to commit to a new, healthy relationship that increases people’s happiness
What are Christian responses to couples having marriage problems?
Christian churches may offer counselling, prayer and sacraments to support the couple
They may refer the couple to outside agencies such as Relate and ACCORD
Describe a nuclear family
A mother, father and children
The most common family type in the West
For Christians, it fulfils God’s plan for a man and a woman to be united together and increase in number (Genesis 1:28 and 2:24)
Describe an extended family
Includes grandparents and other relatives as well
In Biblical times, many people lived in extended families for extra support
Extended families are still common in Buddhist countries such as Thailand and Sri Lanka
Describe families with same-sex parents
When a homosexual couple raise children together
Some Christians disapprove of same-sex parents as they believe children should grow up with a male and female role model as parents
Other Christians and most Buddhists think it is more important for children to be in a secure and loving family regardless of the gender of their parents
Describe polygamous families
When a man has two wives
Illegal in the UK
For Christians, it goes against God’s plan for marriage to be between one woman and one man and can lead to sexual immorality (Corinthians 7:2)
Not the favoured family model in Buddhism as it is considered likely to cause suffering to those involved
What is the role of parents?
Encourage positive morals and values
Love and care for their children
Educate their children about their faith
Teach their children right from wrong
What is the role of children?
Support and care for their parents in their old age
Love and respect their parents
‘Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord’ (Colossians 3:20)
Preserve the traditions of the family (Buddhism
‘Children should grow up in a loving, secure family whatever the gender of their parents’
Same-sex couples can pass on religious belief and morals to their children
Same-sex parents can be just as loving as other parents
Same-sex parents who adopt are probably more committed to being good parents than other people
‘Children should grow up in a loving, secure family whatever the gender of their parents’
Children with same-sex parents will not grow up with a male and female role-model
Same-sex couples cannot pass of religious faith if their religion disapproves of their relationship
Children of same-sex couples may be teased and bullied at school
What are the views on a purpose of families being procreation?
Mainly takes place within the family
There is more emphasis in Christianity (and especially Catholicism) on procreation as a purpose of the family
In Buddhism there are no religious pressures of expectations to have children
What are the views on a purpose of families being stability and the protection of children?
Families provide secure, stable environment for children to grow up in
Families offer mutual support and protection for their members
‘Children thrive, grow and develop within the love and safeguarding of a family. Within the family we care for the young, the old and those with caring needs
What are the views on a purpose of families being educating children in faith?
Christian parents are expected to be good role models and teach their children Christian values
They should teach children about the faith and nurture their spiritual live which they may do through daily prayer
Some parents send their children to faith schools or groups run by their church for religious education
What are the views on a purpose of families being educating children in faith?
Most Buddhist parents teach their children Buddhist beliefs and practices and how to show devotion and respect towards the Buddha
They will teach their children good morals and values (such as the five moral precepts)
They will usually involve their children in religious ceremonies and gatherings
Some may send their children to monasteries to be educated
What are some examples of gender prejudice and discrimination?
In the UK, some women are paid less than men for doing the same job
In the UK, women make up roughly half the workforce but men hold a higher proportion of senior positions
In Theravada Buddhism, nuns are generally seen as subservient to monks
In Catholicism, women are not allowed to be ordained as priests
Describe gender discrimination and prejudice in the UK
In the past, men had more power and rights than women
Traditional roles involved men working to support the family and women caring for the home and raising children
Today, most people in the UK are against gender prejudice and discrimination but it still occurs
The roles of men and women have become more flexible and childcare is often shared more equally between parents
Who takes on what role in a family may be decided by financial considerations or the different skills of the parents
Describe Christian views on gender discrimination and prejudice
Christians believe all people are created equal in the image of God (Genesis 1:27)
‘There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus’
The command to love one’s neighbour means discrimination is wrong
Jesus treated women with respect and welcomes them as disciples
Some traditional Christians think husbands should rule over their wives based on a literal interpretation of Genesis 3:16
Describe Buddhist views on gender discrimination and prejudice
In the Buddha’s time women were seen as inferior to men
The Buddha ordained women as nuns, although was reluctant to do so at first
The Aparimitayur Sutra suggests women must be reborn as men before they can reach enlightenment
In contrast, the Lotus Sutra teaches that men and women are equal in their ability to attain enlightenment
Many Buddhists today believe men and women should have an equal status and that gender discrimination expresses a lack of loving kindness