Relationships and Families Flashcards
Name the three types of Christians
Roman Catholic
Why is the bible important?
Reveals God through the OT and NT
Tells us God’s laws on how to behave
Contains jesus’ teachings on leading a christian life
Good source (Bible)?
It’s Gods word
Teaches you about Jesus and his miracles
Shows his laws
Bad source (Bible)?
Out dated
Written in a male point of view
Doesn’t cover and help in every single situation
Why is your Conscience important?
Could be a sign God trying to communicate with you
Sometimes can be right
Good source (conscience)?
Provides your reaction on what is right
Some people believe that it is God trying to communicate with them.
Bad source (Conscience)?
Should not always follow it, as not always correct
It can be persuaded very easily
Why is the Church traditions and teachings important
You listen to the Pope and priest
The teachings are something verbal so easier to understand
Good source (Church traditions and teachings)
More up to date
More clear, can be explained if not understood
Bad source (Church traditions and teachings)
If you aren’t Catholic and therefore don’t support and believe the Pope as the successor of St Peter, then you may not think that the church is guided by God.
Couple live together but not married
To reproduce
Choosing not to have sex until marriage
Selfless love, taught by Jesus(non-physical)
Having a lot of casual sexual relationships
Within marriage
Sexual intercourse with someone you are not married to.
Bonding (uniting) people together
Completed or fulfilled (within a marriage)
What can we interpret from this quote:
“God created humans in his image, in the image of God he created him, male and female” Genesis 1:27
Shows how important human life is to God
Man and women and equal in Gods’ eyes
Catholic church believes that they are complimentary to one another (produce a harmony together).
How does the Bible present sex
A varied picture of sex is presented. In parts it should be controlled but in other parts such as Song of Songs sex is seen as something that should be celebrated and enjoyed.
What 2 quotes clearly prove that men and women were created for each other (to be united).
“Be fruitful and multiply” Genesis 1:27
“The two should become one” Mark 10:6-9
For Catholic what 3 things should sex be
Sex, love and commitment are all gifts from God.
Catholic marriage is a sacrament- in each God is a part of
Vows are made before God
Marriage consummated through sex
Unitive (in sex)
Sex bonds and unties the couple and deepens their love.
Become closer and more committed
Totally give themselves to each other
God creates knew life through sex
There is more intensity to self-giving when it is open to new life
how does the catholic church view sex
as exclusively marital (within marriage) as is unitive and procreative
where in the bible does it show the idea of equality between sexes
in genesis 2 God takes adam (humanity) and splits it into two complimentary parts, showing the idea of equality between sexes, as men and women compliment each other. Together they are able to fulfill each other and provide each other with what one may lack, producing a harmony that is not possible to complete in isolatiopn.
name the three natures and purpose of sexual intercorse
sex within marriage
quote on sex being unitive
the two shall become one flesh Mark 10 8
quote on sex being procreative
each and every marriage act must remain open to the transmission of life Humanae Vitae 11
what is pope john paul ll’s theology of the body mainly about
a summary of traditional Catholic teachings about the human body and sexual relationships
name main ideas he spoke about in the theology of the body
God loves everyone and created both sexes to have dignity and value
the full meaning of the body is appreciated through the deep relationship with opposite sex in marriage
sex is an essential part of marriage and should only occur within marriage
true mutual love includes having only the number of children that can be lovingly cared for
points from the theology of the body on MARITAL SEX (sex within marriage)
unities a couple in self giving and love
brings two people in a communion of persons (sharing together)
shows commitment, mutual love and respect and leads to greater intimacy
gives the possibility of new life ( no contraceptives allowed)
can make use of natural periods of infertility to reduce the chances of pregnancy. sometimes it is more loving to express fondness through non sexual acts
points on extramarital sex (sex outside marriage) from the theology of the body
form of exploration for personal pleasure
can make people selfish, dont care about the marriage partner only themselves
is a sin and distorts God’s original plan for human beings
adultery breaks the marriage vows and shows no commitment to a spouse
can lead people to think of others as sex objects rather than individuals with dignity and value
opposing views on sexual relationships and contraception
many christians view that using contraceptives as a responsible way of preventing sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies
whereas others believe it should treated with respect consideration and only take place within marriage (christians). also catholic teachings state that it should always be open to new life.
is homosexual sex acceptable to the catholic church
no, believe that it has to be between a man and women, within a marriage
quote on sex before marriage
and explanation on it
because love is so great, so sacred, and so unique, the church teaches young people should wait until they are married before they start to have a sexual relationship
sex before marriage devalues it or trivialises it
as there had been no sex before marriage there is no risk or danger of STI diseases
the gift of virginity makes a wife and husband feel special,privileged and loved.
voluntary sexual intercoarse between a married person and a person who is not there spouse