Incarnation Flashcards
What is the incarnation?
When God took on the human condition to become Jesus.
Although there are some differences between the accounts in Luke and Matthew’s Gospels, they both make the same points: which are?
Mary was a virgin,
Jesus was the son of God
The angel Gabriel announced Jesus’ birth
God worked through human beings ti bring about his plan for humanity
Jesus was concieved by the power of the holy spirit
What meaning does the incarnation have for humans?
For Christians, the fact that God was prepared to experience being human shows how much God loves the human race.
God knows what it is like to be human, and so helps Christians value God’s love.
Where in the Bible does it tell the stories of the angel Gabriel’s visits to Mary and Joseph to announce God’s plan in sending his to into the world?
Luke 1:26-38
Matthew 1:18-24
Luke 1:32 quote on incarnation
He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High
Matthew 1:20-21 quote on incarnation
For the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people form their sins.
Luke’s account (7) points given.
Focuses on Mary’s role in the incarnation
Tells the story of when angel Gabriel visited Mary
Gabriels message (on concieving a child)
Jesus concieved throught the power of the Holy Spirit
Jesus is fully human and fully God
Gabriel’s message is for all believers, as through Jesus’ birth God is fulfilling his promise to the Jews
Important to God that humans have free will, so he gave Mary the choice
Matthew account (5) points given
Focuses on Joseph’s part of the incarnation
Story about Jospeh planning to break up Mary because she was pregnant before they were married
Angel visiting him in a dream, saying alright to marry Mary (because child was concieved by the Holy Spirit)
Angel calls Jesus by the name Emmanuel. Jewish name meaning ‘God is with us’, confirming that Jesus is the Son of God
Angel confirms that Jesus (meaning ‘God saves’) is being sent to Earth by God to save humanity from their sins
Name the three points about the relationship between the Word and God
Catholic Church teaches that God is three persons, together forming the trinity
The son of God (second person of the trinity) is also known as the Word of God
The Word of God became human in the form of Jesus, ‘the Word of God became flesh’.
Where in the bible are there quotes on the nature of the Word of God
John 1:1-4
Explanation and teaching of: ‘In the beginning was the Word’
Like God the Father, the word of God has always existed
The word of God is eternal
Explanation and teaching of: ‘the Word was God’
A word comes from inside a person and their expression (inside them). Same way for Gos, therefore his self-expression
The word of God is God
Explanation and teaching of: ‘The word was with God’
While the Word and God are united and co-exist, there is also a distinction between them
The word of God is also distinct from God
Explanation and teaching of: ‘What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people’
Word of Gos gives life, light and guidance to people
The word of God is how God expresses his love and power
What is the quote fron John 1:14 about Jesus as the Word of God
“And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth”
What can you interpret from the quote: “And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth”
Word came to Earth, guide people closer to God and teach how to share in his love
Grace meaning free gift. Jesus God’s free gift and shows God’s love for humans
This verse confirms that Jesus is the Son or Word of God. The Word has always existed but has just took on the form of human flesh to form Jesus.
Points on Jesus being the ‘Son of Man’
Christians believe that he was fully human (fully experienced a human life). His human nature emphasised throught the phrase son of man (reffered himself to, mostly about his suffering that he was going to endure). The phrase son of man has two meanings: title of some one that has been given power and authority by God or as a general title to refer to himself as a normal being.
“The son of man must undergo great suffering ,and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed”.
Mark 8:31
If he were not fully human than he would have nothing to worry about
Points of Jesus being “son of God”
When high priest asked him “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Mark 14:61
Jesus replied “I am” (aknowledging that he is the Son of God)
“You will see the son of man seated at the right hand of the Father” Mark 14:62
God is eternal has no beginning or end, meaning that Jesus could not become God after his death. So the ressurection proves that Jesus alwaysbwas God, but during lifetime on Earth limited himself to the human condition.