Relationships and Families💕 Flashcards
DEFINITION: fidelity
being faithful to one person
no sex until marriage
A commitment to staying sexually pure
cheating; a person who is married having sex with another person
DEFINITION: Cohabitation
Living together before marriage
key info about: civil partnerships
-since 2005
-legal service
-recognised as a lawful partnership, but it is not marriage
Why should people wait until marriage to have sex
– devoting your life to one person
– having a baby out of wedlock
– potentially no father for child
– unique experience meant for one person
– unwanted pregnancy/abortion is looked down upon
– less spread of STDs
– religious beliefs of virginity/purity
– reputation linked to promiscuity
– should be an emotional not just physical act
people should not wait until they are married to have sex
– Your body your choice
– it is natural
– experimentation
– not everyone gets married
– not everyone is religious
– making people rush into marriage can lead to divorce
– helps people learn what is okay and what’s healthy
– doesn’t have to be a deeply emotional act
– sex existed before marriage
– you can have a loving committed relationship without marriage
What is sex for? (christian view)
- reproduction (go forth and multiply)
-an expression of love between a married man and woman
two types of contraception
– Artificial contraception: methods for preventing pregnancy by using different drugs devices or other scientific techniques
– natural contraception: preventing pregnancy through monitoring of the menstrual cycle and fertility
what may the Catholic Church permit instead of divorce?
an annulment
why should women be allowed to be leaders of the church?
– The church needs to be relevant of the people they serve
– everyone is equal in gods image
– need female role models
why should women not be allowed to be leaders in the church?
– The apostles were chosen by Jesus and they were all male
– Jesus did not change to expectations: so the church shouldn’t adapt for the modern world
what do rings represent in marriage?
symbolic to being bound to one person: eternal love
what does a white dress symbolise in a wedding?
symbolic of purity
what do flowers symbolise in a wedding?
what is the difference between men and women’s vows?
The bride promises to obey her husband whereas the husband Only says love and honour
under what conditions would an annulment be permitted?
– You or your spouse Lied in your vows
– marriage wasn’t consummated
– you’re already married
– not in ‘sound mind’
DEFINITION: nuclear family
A family consisting of two parents and their child/children
QUOTE - divorce
“for ‘I hate divorce’ says the Lord to divorce your wife is to overwhelm her with cruelty”
QUOTE: equality
“there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus”
QUOTE- creating new life
“go forth and multiply”
“be fruitful and divide”
QUOTE- adultery
“thou shalt not commit adultery”
“the sexual act must take place exclusively within marriage”
QUOTE- homosexuality
“you shall not lie with a man as you do a woman for this is an abomination”
“None who are guilty of homosexual perversion may possess the kingdom of God”
QUOTE- Women
“The wife’s body does not belong to her alone, but also her husband”
“then the Lord God said ‘it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make a helper fit for him.’”
“Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection”
“wives submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do the Lord; for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church”
QUOTE- Children
“start children off the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it”