What is Adultery
Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone who is not their spouse
What is Divorce
To legally end a marriage
What is Cohabitation
To live together in a sexual relationship without being married or in a civil partnership
What is Contraception
Methods used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant during or following sexual intercourse
What is Conception
The moment the egg meets the sperm and, for Christians life begins
What is the Complimentarian belief of Genesis 2
Men are the providers and protectors and Women have domestic responsibilities
What is the Egalitarian interpretation of Genesis 1
Anything can do anything!
What do Liberal Christian accept as they say it shows a committed relationship
What are Catholic Church views on cohabitation
They do not agree with cohabitation
What is a nuclear family?
Two parents having one or more children
What is an extended family?
A number of adults and children who are related, this could be cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents all living together.
What is a reconstituted family?
This is where a divorced adult raises one or more children alone, creating a new family, with step-children and step-parents.
What is a childless family?
Where a married or co-habiting couple don’t have children.
What is a single parent family?
Where one adult raises children alone.
What does patriarchal mean?
When men are leaders of the family.
What does matriarchal mean?
When the women are the leaders of the family.
Describe ways in which families are important in a faith community [5]
1) Religion gets taught to children in a family
2) Religious traditions happen within a family, like Christmas and Easter
3) Religious routines are performed within a household, like praying
4) They believe family is God given.
5) Parents are expected to raise their children well.