Relationships Flashcards


Explain the evolutionary explanations for partner preferences


- the difference between male and female sex cells
- male - small and many and require little energy to make a child
- female - large and limited and require a lot of energy to make a child
- fertile females are therefore a rarer resource

Inter-sexual selection
- between the sexes
- females are choosy about who they have sex with because they have a greater investment of time, commitment, and other resources
- therefore, females mating strategy is to select a genetically fit partner who is able to provide resources
- certain features of men are therefore selected, such as being tall, and this trait therefore increases over successive generations
- the sexy son hypothesis says that if you mate with a male with certain characteristics, the son will inherit these characteristics and they are then more likely to be selected by successive generations

intra-sexual selection
- within each sex
- the preferred way of the male, quantity over quality
- its advantageous for men to be bigger, less hairy, have money
- is advantageous for women to look young, shiny hair, large waist:hip ratio, as this indicates they are fertile

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Evaluation of the evolutionary explanations for partner preferences


research support for intra-sexual selection
- Buss carried out a survey of over 10,000 adults in 33 countries where he asked questions about partner preference
- he found that females placed greater value on resource related characteristics than males did, such as good financial prospects and ambition
- males valued physical attractiveness and youth more than females did
- this reflects consistent sex differences in partner preferences and supports the predictions from sexual selection theory

research support for inter-sexual selection
- Clark and Hatfield sent male and female psychology students out across a university campus. They approached other students individually with this question, “I have been noticing you around campus. I find you to be very attractive. Would you go to bed with me tonight?
- 0% of females agreed compared to 75% of males who did
- this supports that females are more choosy when it comes to selecting sexual partners and that males have evolved a different strategy to ensure reproductive success
- however, the idea that there is one strategy for each gender is very simplistic
- strategies may differ depending on the length of relationship, for example, when selecting a long term partner, both sexes may look for partners who are loving, loyal, and kind
- this may be a more complete explanation

social and cultural influences underestimated
- rapidly changing social norms of behavior have influenced partner preferences, such as the availability of contraception allows women to have more short term relationships, ie, one night stands
- women also have a greater role in the workplace and aren’t dependent on men to provide for them
- Bereczkei argued that social change has consequences for women’s mate preferences, which may no longer be resource orientated

sexual selection and homosexuality
- sexual selection theory does not explain homosexual relationships, as the people aren’t assessing the other for genetic fitness
- Lawson looked at the preferences of gay men and lesbian women and found that the preferences differ in homosexual as they do in heterosexual, with men looking for physical attractiveness and women looking for resources

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what are the three factors affecting attraction


self disclosure
physical attractiveness
filter theory

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describe self-disclosure as a factor affecting attraction


social penetration theory
- the gradual process of revealing your inner self and deepest thoughts and feelings to someone else
- a reciprocal exchange which builds trust between two people so that they feel they are able to reveal sensitive information

breadth and depth of self-disclosure
- as these increase, romantic partners become more committed to each other
- at first we reveal low risk information, ie, occuption, age, favorite color and breadth is narrow as many topics are off limits
- as the relationship progresses, breadth and depth increase and we are able to share more personal information, ie, past trauma and fears
- if we reveal too much information or information that is too deep, the relationship could be threatened before its even really started
- depenetration occurs when dissatisfied partners self-disclose less as they gradually disengage from the relationship

reciprocity of self-disclosure
- self disclosure must be reciprocated so that there is a balance of information being shared
- this increases feelings of intimacy and deepens the relationship, increasing our attraction to the other person

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who created the concept of social penetration theory


Altman and Taylor

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Evaluation of self-disclosure as a factor affecting attraction


Real world application
- Haas and Stafford found that 57% of homosexual men and women said that open and honest self-disclosure was the main way they maintained and deepened their relationships
- if less skilled partners learn to use self-disclosure in their relationship, it can deepen satisfaction and commitment, showing that self-disclosure can be valuable in helping people who are having problems in their relationship

Research support
- Sprecher and Hendrick studied heterosexual dating and found a positive correlation between satisfaction and self-disclosure for both partners
- men and women who used self disclosure in their relationship were more satisfied and committed to their relationship
- Sprecher also found that relationships are closer and more satisfying when partners take turns to self disclose
- this research increases the validity of the theory that reciprocated self-disclosure leads to more satisfying relationships
- however, this research is correlational, and correlation doesn’t mean causation
- it could be that the more satisfied a relationship is, the more they self-disclose, or that its the amount of time that the couple spends together that increases satisfaction instead of self-disclosure

Cultural differences
- Tang reviewed research into sexual self-disclosure and found that people in the US self-disclose significantly more sexual thoughts and feelings than people in china
- despite the lower levels of self-disclosure, the levels of satisfaction were no different
- therefore self-disclosure is a limited explanation as the theory is based on research from individualist cultures which means its not generalizable to other cultures

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Describe physical attractiveness as a factor affecting attraction


explaining the importance of physical attractiveness
- people with symetircal faces are rated as more attractive because it is an honest signal of genetic fitness
- baby-face features are also attractive, as they trigger a protective or caring instinct

the halo effect
- physically attractive people are consistently rated as kind, strong, sociable, and successful compared to unattractive people
- a self fulfilling prophecy, as the idea that good looking people have these traits makes them more attractive to us, and so we behave positively to them
- the halo effect describes how physical attractiveness has a disproportionate influence on our judgements of other peoples attributes

the matching hypothesis
- we try and find a partner that is a similar level of attractiveness to ourselves instead of choosing the most attractive person to limit our chances of rejection

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describe research into the matching hypothesis


Walster, the computer dance
- students were invited to a dance and rated for physical attractiveness by objective observers at the start
- they were also given a questionnaire about themselves to fill out, which was said to be how they were going to get partnered, however the partnering was completely random
- they found that the most liked partners were also the most physically attractive rather than taking their own level of attractiveness into account, disproving the matching hypothesis
- however, Berscheid replicated the study where each person was able to choose their own partner from varying degrees of attractiveness
- they found that participants tended to choose partners who matched them in physical attractiveness
- therefore, we tend to seek partners who match our level of physical attractiveness, as the choice is a compromise between rejection and trying to find the most attractive person

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Evaluation of physical attractiveness as a factor affecting attraction


Research support for the halo effect
- Palmer and Peterson found that physically attractive people were rated as more politically knowledgeable and competent than unattractive people, even when participants knew that these “knowledgeable” people had no particular expertise
- this therefore has implications in politics, as an attractive person could gain more voters than an unattractive person

Evolutionary explanation
- Cunningham found that women who had features of large eyes, prominent cheekbones, small nose and high eyebrows were rated as highly attractive by white, Hispanic, and Asian men
- therefore the standards of what is attractive is the same across different societies and this therefore makes sense at an evolutionary level

Research challenging the matching hypothesis
- Taylor studied the activity logs of a popular dating site and found that online daters sought meetings with potential partners who were more physically attractive than them
- this undermines the validity of the theory of the matching hypothesis, as it contradicts the central idea
- however, choosing someone to date versus choosing someone for a romantic relationship may be different
- Feingold carried out a meta analysis of 17 studies and found a significant correlation in ratings between romantic partners
- dating selection on dating sites may also be a “fantasy” much as it is in laboratory research
- there is therefore scientific support for the matching hypothesis from real world established romantic partners

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Describe filter theory as a factor affecting attraction

  • we have a pool of potential partners, but not everyone who is available to us is desirable
    Social demography (1st level of filter)
  • geographical location, social class, level of education, ethnic group, religion
  • we are more likely to meet someone who is physically close to us and shares many demographics, as it doesn’t take much effort to meet these people
  • homogamy
  • this filter significantly reduces our potential partners
    Similarity in attitudes (2nd level of filter)
  • partners share important beliefs and values, such as what type of music they like to listen to
  • this stage is important for the first 18 months of a relationship, as it promotes deeper communication and self-disclosure
  • if the beliefs do not match, the relationship will fizzle out
    Complementarity of needs (3rd level of filter)
  • two partners complement each other when they have traits that the other lacks
  • this is important in long term couples as it gives the feeling that together they form a whole, which adds depth to a relationship and makes it more likely to flourish
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who developed the filter theory?


Kerckoff and Davis

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Evaluation of filter theory as a factor affecting attraction


Research support
- researchers conducted a longitudinal study where both partners completed a questionnaire to assess similarity of attitudes and complementarity of needs
- closeness was then measure through a questionnaire seven months later
- they found that closeness was associated with similarity of attitudes only for couples who had been together less than 18 months, and for those in longer relationships, complementarity of needs predicted closeness
- however, Levinger pointed out that many studies have failed to replicate these findings
- this might have been due to social change and to problems determining the depth of a relationship in terms of length
- they assumed that the partners who had been together longer were more committed and in a deeper relationship, which is a questionable assumption and means that filter theory is undermined by the lack of validity of its evidence base

Problems with complementarity
- may not be central to all long term relationships
- Markey and Markey found that lesbian couples of equal dominance were the most satisfied and the sample of couples had been together for a mean of more than 4.5 years
- therefore similarity of needs might be more important than complementarity of needs in some long term relationships

actual versus perceived similarity
- a meta analysis of 313 studies by Montoya found that actual similarity affected attraction only in very short term lab based interactions. In real world relationships, perceived similarity was more important than actual
- partners may perceive grater similarities as they become more attracted to one another
- therefore perceived attraction may be an effect of attraction and not a cause

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Describe social exchange theory as a theory of romantic relationships


Rewards, costs, and profits
- we try to minimize losses and maximize gains
- because costs and rewards are subjective, they are applicable to everyone, such as words of affirmation may be highly appreciated by one person, but to another mean nothing
- furthermore, these can change over the course of a relationship
- rewards include sex and emotional support
- costs include time, stress, and energy
- we continue being in a relationship if the rewards outweigh the costs, ie, if the relationship is profitable
Comparison level
- the amount of reward we think we deserve to get
- based on previous relationships and social norms, such as movies and tv shows
- our comparison level changes as we acquire more data
- if our CL is high, we pursue relationships that require a lot of profit
Comparison level for alternatives
- could we receive more profits and less costs from another relationship or from being on our own
- we only stay in a relationship if the alternatives are not better
stages of relationship development
- sampling stage
- bargaining stage
- commitment stage
- institutionalization stage

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who developed the social exchange theory?


Thibualt and Kelley

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Evaluation of social exchange theory as a theory of romantic relationships


research support
- Kurdek asked gay, lesbian, and heterosexual couples to complete questionnaires measuring relationship commitment and SET variables
- they found that those partners who were most committed also perceived the most rewards and fewest costs and viewed alternatives as relatively unattractive. This demonstrated that SET concepts predicts commitment independently
- this confirms the validity of the theory in both straight and gay couples
- however, ignores equity, as its not only the balance that matters, but the perception that it is equal
- a limited explanation as it can’t account for this factor in much of its research

Direction of cause and effect
- we are supposed to measure the costs and rewards and then decide if we are dissatisfied, however, Argyle argues that we become dissatisfied and then monitor costs and rewards as well as considering alternatives
- this suggests that the SET may be reversed to what happens in real life

Vague concepts
- rewards and costs vary a lot from one person to another
- the concept of comparison levels is also very difficult to determine what the values of this must be before it threatens a relationship
- therefore the theory is difficult to test in a valid way

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Describe equity theory as theory of romantic relationships


the role of equity
- the levels of profit are about the same, but not the specific costs and benefits necessarily
- if under benefitted, you experience anger and humility and resentment, and if over benefitted you experience guilt, discomfort, and shame
- satisfaction is about perceived fairness
equity and equality
- not about the size of the rewards, but about the ratio of costs to rewards
- one person may work late so if unable to feed the kids dinner, however as a result drives the kids to their activities on the weekend
- the rewards are distributed fairly, not necessarily equally, between the two partners
consequences of inequity
- the greater the perceived inequity, the greater the dissatisfaction
- we are most dissatisfied when the level of inequity changes, for example, at the beginning of a relationship, giving more is acceptable, but becomes less acceptable as the relationship progresses
- the under benefitted partner tends to try and rebalance the equity if its possible and continue the relationship, however, the more unfair a relationship, the harder it is to repair
- or the person may begin to believe that previous costs are now the norm, such as abuse


Evaluation of equity theory as a theory of romantic relationships


research support
- Utne carried out a survey of 118 recently-married couples, measuring equity with two self report scales
- participants were aged between 16 and 45 years and had been together for more than 2 years before marrying
- they found that couples who considered their relationship equitable were more satisfied than those who found themselves over or under benefitting
- therefore equity is linked with satisfaction and is a major concern of romantic couples
- however, Berg and McQuinn found that equity did not increase over time as predicted by the theory, also, successful and unsuccessful did not significantly differ in levels of equity, and instead other variables were much more important
- this undermines the validity, as equity does not play a role in the dissatisfaction of relationships

cultural limitations
- Aumer-Ryan found that there are cultural differences in the link between equity and satisfaction
- individualist cultures were most satisfied when the relationship was equitable, whereas collectivist cultures were most satisfied when they were over benefitting, and was true of both genders, so cannot be explained by gender differences
- therefore this theory is only applicable to some cultures

individual differences
- Huseman suggests that some people are less concerned about equity than the norm
- benevolents are prepared to give more in a relationship than they get out
- entitleds believe they deserve to over benefit
- desire for equity therefore varies from one individual to another and is not a universal feature of romantic relationships


who created the investment model?


Describe the investment model as a theory of romantic relationships


Factor 1 : satisfaction
- are the rewards outweighing the costs?
- is the profit I’m making in line with previous experience and social norms?

Factor 2 : comparison with alternatives
- could my needs be better met outside my current relationship?

Factor 3 : Investment
- intrinsic investments, resources we directly put into the relationship, eg, time, energy, money
- extrinsic investments, resources that are closely associated with the relationship that were created, eg, car, kids, shared memories
- therefore, if we experience high levels of satisfaction, the alternatives are less attractive, and there are very large investments, we can confidently predict that partners will be committed to the relationship

satisfaction vs commitment
- commitment is the main factor that causes people to stay, and satisfaction is a by product
- therefore, unsatisfied people stay in a relationship because they are committed because of their investments that they don’t want to lose

relationship maintainence mechanisms
- accommodation
- willingness to sacrifice
- forgiveness
- positive illusions
- ridiculing alternatives


Evaluation of investment theory as a theory of romantic relationships


Explains abusive relationships
- rusbult and martz studied domestically abused women at a shelter and found that those who had reported having made the greatest investment and having the fewest attractive alternatives were more likely to return to an abusive partner
- these women were dissatisfied but still committed
- therefore, the model shows that one doesn’t have to be satisfied to stay in a relationship, and that commitment and investment are also factors

research support
- Le and Agnew conducted a meta analysis where they reviewed 52 studies from late 1970s to 1999, including 11,000 participants from 5 countries
- they found that satisfaction, comparison with alternatives and investment size all predicted relationship commitment
- those with the greatest commitment were the longest and most stable
- these findings were true for men and women across all cultures in the analysis, as well as homosexual and heterosexual relationships
- therefore, these factors are universally important features of romantic relationships
- however, correlation is not causation, and therefore don’t allow us to conclude that the factors cause commitment
- it could be that the more committed, the more of an investment we are willing to make, so the model may be reversed
- therefore, the model might not have identified the cause of commitment, nd instead just other factors associated with it

oversimplifies investment
- Goodfriend and Agnew say that there are also investments in future plans, and the partners are motivated to commit to each other because they want to see their plans for the future work out
- therefore, fails to recognize the true complexity of investment especially planning for the future


Describe Duck’s phase model of relationship breakdown as a theory of romantic relationships


Intra-psychic phase
- the cognitive process where the person mulls their thoughts over privately weighing up the pros and cons of the relationship
Dyadic phase
- series of confrontations between the partners where the relationship is discussed and leads to either a continued breaking of the relationship, or a renewed desire to repair it
social phase
- the relationship trouble then goes public and some friends may reveal new information to further break up the couple or act as a buffer between the couple
Grave dressing phase
- creating a story about the ending of a relationship that places you in the best possible light for future relationships


Evaluate Duck’s phase model of relationship breakdown as a theory of romantic relationships


Real world application
- different repair strategies are more effective in different stages of a break up
- thinking about the positive aspects of their partner in the intra-psychic phase is recommended
- further developing communication skills is useful in the dyadic phase
- however, this model is based on an individualistic culture, in which breakups are usually voluntary and temporary, whereas in a collectivist culture, relationships are obligatory and permanent

an incomplete model
- doesn’t include the resurrection phase, where ex partners apply the experiences gained from their previous relationship to their future one
- also, progression from one phase to the next is not inevitable, as its possible to return to any stage at any time and the processes within each stage are more important than the progression
- doesn’t account for the complexity of breakdown and its dynamic nature

early phases are less understood
- research is retrospective as participants report their experiences after the relationship has ended so the information may not be accurate or reliable
- partners can be in the intra-psychic phase for a long time so the recall of it may be distorted and may not explain the early part of the breakdown process as well as its later phases


Describe virtual relationships in social media


reduced cues theory
- online we lack cues such as physical appearance or tone of voice, which leads to deindividuation and then disinhibition
- people then become blunt or aggressive and the other person is less likely to share information
- reduces levels of self disclosure
the hyper personal model
- increases level of self-disclosure
- you have greater control over what to disclose, so there is selective self-presentation
- self disclosures can then be hyperhonest or hyperdishonest
- anonymity allows people to feel less accountable for their behavior and therefore cause us to self disclose more to a stranger then someone very well known
absence of gating
- a gate is any obstacle to forming a relationship, such as physical unattractiveness or a stutter
- the virtual relationship can develop quicker and deeper as their aren’t barriers to prevent further development by focusing on only self disclosure
- however, people can also then create fake personas so you may not be actually learning anything about the other person


Evaluation of virtual relationships in social media


lack of support for reduced cues
- cues may simply be different rather than absent, as style and timing of messages as well as emojis and acronyms can be used as effective substitutes for facial expressions and tone of voice
- therefore, the cues may not be reduced, simply different and as a result relationships online can be just as personal

lack of support for the hyperpersonal model
- Ruppel carried out a meta-analysis of 25 studies that compared self disclosures in FTF and virtual relationships and found that frequency, breadth, and depth were all greater in FtF relationships
-experimental studies though showed no significant difference
- however, the type of self disclosure could be different
- researcher have found that virtual relationships have very direct probing and intimate questions, whereas FtF interactions feature small talk

support for absence of gating
- good for shy, lonely, and anxious people, as researcher have found that these people were more able express their true selves in virtual relationships rather than FtF situations
- 71% of shy people survived at least 2 years in a virtual relationship, compared to 49% in the offline world
- because gating is absent, people are able to better understand shy people


Describe parasocial relationships


Levels of parasocial relationships
- entertainment-social, celebrities are viewed as a source of entertainment and fuel for social interaction
- intense personal, greater personal involvement, for example, having frequent obsessive thoughts and intense feelings about the person, or considering them to be their soulmate
- borderline pathological, uncontrollable fantasies and extreme behaviors, including spending large amounts of money on celebrity related objects, or willing to perform a criminal act at their will

the absorption addiction model
- due to low self esteem and lack of fulfilment in everyday relationships
- provide an escape from reality
- absorption, seeking fulfilment in the celebrity motivates them to focus their attention on the person to get as close as possible, to become preoccupied and identify with them
- addiction, dose needs to be increased to gain satisfaction, which leads to stalking a celebrity because they believe the celebrity feels the same way, however is unable to communicate this due to management interference

attachment theory
- attachment difficulties in childhood lead to parasocial relationships
- insecure resistant are most likely, as they seek to have unfulfilled needs met, without the rejection, breakup and disappointment of a real relationship
- insecure avoidant prefer to avoid all relationships


Evaluate parasocial relationships


research support for levels
- McCutcheon used the celebrity attitude scale, CAS, to measure the level of parasocial relationships and also assessed problems in the participants intimate relationships
- participants who scored borderline pathological or intense personal tended to experience a high degree of anxiety in their intimate relationships, whereas entertainment social level generally did not
- therefore, can be classed into three categories and are predictive of actual behavior

support for absorption addiction model
- maltby assessed boys and girls aged 14-16 years, particularly interested in girls who reported an intense personal parasocial relationship with an adult female celebrity whose body shape they admired
- they found the girls tended to have a poor body image and that this may contribute to the development of an eating disorder
- supports the association between poor psychological functioning and the level of parasocial relationship

universal tendency
- Dinkha compared collectivist to individualist culture and found that people with insecure attachment type were most likely to form intense parasocial relationships with TV personalities in both cultures
- therefore, forming a parasocial relationship is independent of culture and as a result attachment may be a universal explanation for why parasocial relationships form
- however, McCutcheon measured attachment types and celebrity related attitudes in 299 amercan participants and found that attachment security did not affect the likelihood of forming a parasocial relationship
- parasocial relationships are not necessarily a way of compensating for attachment issues