define relationships in communication and digital?
internet influences relationships and sociologists look for patterns and trends
what does Turkle argue
by communicating digitally we are acutally alone
people spend their time physically in the same room as one another but use technology to communicate with others
who argues through communicating digitally we are alone?
what does Gardner and Davis argue
internet enabled devices benefit individual’s and that it enables more relationships because they transcend geographical and temporal barriers and allows immediacy
who argues that internet enabled devices benefit individuals and it creates more relationships?
Gardner and Davis
AO2 for global relationships
Instagram, snapchat, tiktok
what does granovetter argue about relationships globally?
social ties and how strength of it can be tested by examining the amount of time spent together, emotional intensity, level of intimacy and the degree of reciprocity
what does granovetter suggest about social ties ?
the strongest ties are with family and friends and the weakest are acquaintances. but the weak tie are just as important as strong ones and can lead to new connections/networks
social media can be used for this
who argues about social ties?
what’s an AO2 for social ties
Zhao - connect with people have positive correlations to social ties
Feld - social network as a way of evaluating both themselves and others
who argues that connecting to people have a postitve correlation to social ties
who argues that social network is just a way of evaluating yourself and others?
Explain Zhao’s theory about connection and positive correlation further
email and messengers create positive connections but individual’s in their nature and don’t involve communication have negative correlations like online shopping
explain Felds theory about evaluating yourself and others in detail
an individuals identity is partly shaped but the creation and maintenance of friendship networks especially older people who are lonely and therefor the internet helps them to stay connected.
what’s does Kraut et al argue about relationships?
negative correlation found between internet use and social ties but these later disproved because people also maintained offline relationships.
Kraut argues online social ties is weaker than offline relationships