Relationship And Progress Within School Flashcards
What is setting
Students are sorted into classes according to ability but on subject by subject
Mixed ability
Students are sorted into classes not based on ability
What are the disadvantages of streaming
Students are likely to be better at some subjects them others so some bottom stream students won’t be challenged enough and some top stream students will struggle.
Bottom stream and set can also have low self-esteem and not work as hard as they could.
Advantage of setting and streaming
Setting and streaming mean that children can work at their own level and pace
Mixed ability disadvantages
Mixed ability classes avoid worsening gaps in pupils achievement but teachers still hold low expectations for low ability pupils which means the higher students won’t be challenged
What is a subculture
A group who share ideas and behaviour patterns which are different from mainstream culture.
Examples of subculture within school
Sporty students, academic achievers or lads
Willis study on social class
Studied a group of boys who formed an anti-school subculture. They disrupted lessons as a way to gain respect from others in the subculture. They also believed school was pointless as they were likely to get working class manual jobs.
Practice questions page 23
What is the hidden curriculum?
How can teachers labels lead to self-fulfilling prophecies?
Define the term subculture and give two examples of subcultures which could appear in school
What is streaming
Students are sorted into classes according to ability and they stay in that group for all of the subjects