Reinforcing Learning, chainging, remidiation approaches Flashcards
Remedial/Restoratice/Transfer of Training
Focuses on restoration of components to increase skill
Deficit Specific
Targets Cause of Symptoms
Emphasizes performance components
Assumes improvements in perforememnce compontents will result in increased skills
Utalizes tabletop and computre activities such as memory drills, block designs, as treatment modalities
Involves repetitive practice of fx’l tasks.
Emphasizes modification
Activity chosen driven by tasks the person needs or wants to perform
Emphasizes intact skill training
Treats Sx not the cause
Utalizes techniques of environmental adaptation
Information Processing Approach
Provides information on how the individual approaches the tasks.
Focuses on cueing
Dynamic Interactional Approach
Emphasizes transfer of information from one sitatuon to the next.
Quadraphonc Approach
Based on Remediation
Neurofunctional Approach
Based on learning theory
Tx focuses on training specific functional skills in true contexts
Cognitive Disabilities Model
1-6 Allen
Interventions for impaired alertness
- Increased environmentl stim
- Use gross motor activities
- Increase sensory stim
Interventons for motor/ideomotor apraxia
- Utalize general verbal cues as opposed specific
- Decreased manipulation demands
- Provide hand over hand tactile-kinestetic input
- Utalize visual cues
Interventions for ideational apraxia
- Provide step by step insturctions
- Use hand over hand for guiding techniques
- Provide opportunities for motor planning & execution
Interventions for Perservation
- Bring it to a concious level
- Redirect attention
- Engage the individual in tasks that require repetative actions
Interventions for Spatial Neglect
- Provide graded scaning activities
- Grade activities from simple to complex
- Use anchoring techniques to compenste
- Utalize manipulative tasks in conjunction w/ scanning activities
- Use external cues (ie. colored markers)
Interventions for Body Neglect
- Bilateral activites
- Guide the affecrted side through the activity
- Increase sensory stim to the affected side.
Interventions for Aphasia
- Decrease external stim
- Give individual increased response time
- Use visual cues and gestures
- Use concise sentences
- augumentative communication devices
Interventions for sequencing
- use external cues like written directions
2. Grade tasks and their number steps
Interventions for spatial relations
- Utalize activities that challange underlying spatial skils
- Utalize taks that require discrimmination of L/R
Intervemtions for memory loss
- Use rehersal stratagies
- Chunk informaiton
- memory aids
- temporal tags.