Definitions Flashcards
Receptive Aphasia (wernikes)
Loss of comprehension
Nominal aphasia (Anomial/amnestic)
Inability to name objects
Global Aphasia
All forms of aphasia
inabilit to identify objects by touch
Visual agnosia
Inability to recognize people and objects
Inabilit to carry out motor tasks
Inability to perform repidly alternating movements
Ideational Apraxia
A breakdown in the knowledge of what is to be done or how to perform.
Lack of knowledge regarding object use
Motor Apraxia/Ideomotor Aprazia
Loss of access to kinestetic memory so that purposeful movement cannot be achieved due to ineffective motor planning.
Body Scheme Disorder
Loss of awarness of body parts as well as the relationship of the body parts to each other and other objects.
Spatial Relations
Diminshed awarness of body structures and a faliure to recognize ones body parts.
Unilateral body neglect
Failure to respond or or report unilaterall stim presented to the body side contrallateral to the lession
Unilateral Spatial Neglect
Inattention to or neglect of stimuli presented in the extrapersonal space
An unawareness of motor deficits
Continual repitition of a motor act of task
Inability to name objects or people
Brocas Aphasia
oss of expressive language