reinforcement - cc2 Flashcards
Ethanol impairment unit
%wt/vol or mg/dL
Alcohol legally intoxicated
3-4 ounces or 100 mg/dL
10% contamination with 5% dextrose increase glucose
500 mg/dL
Site for blood collection
Median, cephalic, basilic
Intramuscular injection increases
Turbid serum
Triglycerides 400 mg/dL
Indicative of jaundice
Bilirubin 2 mg/dL
Icteric sample
Bilirubin 25 mg/dL
Normal hemoglobin
2-3 mg/dL
Hemolyzed sample
25 mg/dL
Diurnal variation
ACP, iron, cortisol, ACTH, aldosterone, GH, insulin, thyroxine, prolactin
Body amount of blood
5-6L or 7% body weight
Ethanol testing antiseptics
Benzalkonium chloride or Zephiran
LDH greatest increase
Pernicious anemia
Lancet length
1.75 mm
NaF/mL inhibits glycolysis
2 mg
NaF/mL anticoagulant
10 mg
Preferred amount - Oxalate
1 to 2 mg/mL
Preferred amount -Citrate
3.2 to 3.8 g/dL
Preferred amount -EDTA
1 to 2 mg/mL
Preferred amount -Fluoride
10 mg/mL
Preferred amount -Heparin
0.2 mg/mL or 15-30 units
LD labile at cold
LD 4 and 5
Increase reactivity at low temperature
Photosensitive analytes
Bilirubin, B-carotene, folate, porphyrin, vitamin A and B6
Analytes that require chilling
NH3, blood gases, catecholamines, gastrin, lactate, renin, PTH and pyruvate
Sample for electrolyte testing
Heparinized plasma
Tubes and color - Thrombin
Orange, yellow, gray
Tubes and color -EDTA
Pink, white, royal blue, purple
Tubes and color -Citrate
Blue, black, light blue, tan
Tubes and color -None
Red, royal blue, brown, pink
Tubes and color -Heparin
Green and gray, light green
Tubes and color –SPS
Sodium Polyanethnol Sulfonate
Patient with fever
Decrease pO2 7%, increase pCO2 3%
Storage, memory, keyboard device
Horizontal centrifuge
Vertical at rest, horizontal during centrifugation - 3000 rpm - slower due to air resistance
Angle centrifuge
Less air friction, more speed
CV in lipid analysis - HDL
CV in lipid analysis -Cholesterol
CV in lipid analysis -Triglycerides
CV in lipid analysis -LDL
Serum cholesterol cut off
Moderate 170 to 260 mg/dL high risk
Male 33-212 mg/dL, female 38-204 mg/dL
CV formula
CV = SD / mean x 100
Westgard rules systematic error
2 2s, 4 1s, 10x
Westgard rules random error
R4s, 1 2s
Main cause trend
Deteriorating reagents
Main cause shift
Improper calibration
Non laboratory personnel error
29% error
Sharp container color
Material Safety Data Sheet
MSDS blue
MSDS red
MSDS yellow
Reactivity / stability
MSDS white
Fire type 3
Puncture site cleanser
70% alcohol, gauze, benzalkonium chloride
No therapeutic drug value
IDDM characteristics
Brittle diabetes, juvenile, dependent, C peptide negative, pre-diabetes, presence of autoantibodies (GAD65) and insulin autoantibodies (IAA)
Absorbing molecules in fluorescence
Increase light exposure = increase excited molecules = increase light output
Fluorometry disadvantage
Dilution formula
C1V1 = C2V2
Whole blood glucose is lower than serum glucose
Glucose metabolism
7 mg/dL/hr
Diabetic serum sodium
Serum osmolality
1.86 Na + Glu / 18 + BUN / 2.8
more than 12 mOsm/kg
DKA, drug overdose, renal failure, ethanol poisoning
ISE quality control
Anion gap
T3 and T3U increased
T3 and T3U decreased
Hyperthyroidism TBG
N or decreased
Hyperthyroidism TSH
N, decreased, undetectable
Hypothyroidism TBG
Hypothyroidism TSH
Normal value TT4
4.5 to 12 ug/dL
Normal value FT4
0.7 to 1.9 mg/dL
Normal value T3U
25 to 35%
Normal value T3 direct
105 to 195 mg/dL
Normal value TSH
Up to 5.5 uIU/mL
Test analyte that confirm conflicting thyroid results
rT3 - reverse T3
Deiodination of T4 to rT3 is in the
Synthetic function of liver
Albumin, protein, PT, coagulation factors
Dehydration associated analytes
Detoxification function of liver
Most important patient preparation for ammonia analysis
NO smoking
Bilirubin 1
Unconjugated, water insoluble, non-polar, indirect, hemobilirubin, free bilirubin, slow reacting, pre-hepatic , nonregurgitating
Bilirubin 2
Conjugated, water soluble, polar, direct, cholebilirubin, prompt reacting, post-hepatic, regurgitating
Immediately report bilirubin
20 mg/dL
SI unit for creatinine
Increased alkaline phosphatase
Unanticoagulated tube for ACP
No effect
Direct rectal examination
Physiologic ACP increase
Most specific for thyroid disease