Rehabilitation Flashcards
Adaptive Behavior
The effectiveness and degree to which an individual meets standards of selfsufficiency
and social responsibility for his/her age-related cultural group.
ADL (Activities of Daily Living)
Routine activities carried out for personal hygiene and health and for
operating a household.
Include feeding, bathing, showering, dressing, getting in or out of bed
or a chair, and using the toilet.
Assistive Device
Any tool that is designed, made, or adapted to assist a person to perform a
particular task.
Assistive Technology
Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired
commercially or off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve
functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Examples are listening devices, speech
production equipment and low vision devices.
Assistive Technology Services
Any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in
the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device.
Factors in a person’s environment that, if absent or present, limit one’s functioning and
create disability. Examples are a physical environment that is inaccessible, lack of relevant assistive
technology, and negative attitudes of people toward disability. They include services,
systems, and policies that are either nonexistent or that hinder the involvement of people with a
health condition in any area of life.
A construct that indicates the highest probable level of functioning a person may reach.
Is measured in a uniform or standard environment, and thus reflects the environmentally
adjusted ability of the individual.
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
A private, non-profit organization
that establishes standards of quality for services to people with disabilities and offers voluntary
accreditation for rehabilitation facilities based on a set of nationally recognized standards.
Cognitive Rehabilitation
Therapy programs which aid persons in managing specific problems in
perception, memory, thinking and problem-solving. Skills are practices and strategies are taught to
help improve function and/or compensate for remaining deficits.
Counseling Process
A process that uses relationship and therapeutic skills to foster the
independence, growth, development, and behavioral change of persons with disabilities through the
implementation of a working alliance between the counselor and the client. It involves communication,
goal setting, and beneficial growth or change through self-advocacy, psychological, vocational, social,
and/or behavioral interventions.
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
A systematic process of assessing an individual’s physical
capacities and functional abilities. The evaluation matches human performance levels to the demands of a
specific job or work activity or occupation. It establishes the physical level of work an individual can
perform. It is useful in determining job placement, job accommodation, or return to work after
injury or illness. This can provide objective information regarding functional work ability in the
determination of occupational disability status.
The process by which a person with developmental disabilities is assisted in acquiring
and maintaining life skills to: 1) cope more effectively with personal and developmental demands;
and 2) to increase the level of physical, mental, vocational and social ability through services.
Persons with developmental disabilities include anyone whose development has been delayed,
interrupted or stopped/fixed by injury or disease after an initial period of normal development, as well
as those with congenital condition.
Inclusive Education
An educational model in which students with disabilities receive their
education in a general educational setting with collaboration between general and special education
teachers. Implementation may be through the total reorganization and redefinition of general and
special education roles, or as one option in a continuum of available services.
Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-PAI)
Is used to classify patients into distinct groups
based on clinical characteristics and expected resource needs. This determines the Case Mix
Group (CMG) classification.
1) Restoration of form and function following an illness or injury; (2) Restoration of
an individual’s capability to achieve the fullest possible life compatible with his abilities and
disabilities; (3) the development of a person to the fullest physical, psychological, social, vocational,
avocational and educational potential consistent with his/her physiological or anatomical impairment
and environmental limitations.
Rehabilitation Counseling
A specialty within the rehabilitation professions with counseling being at
its core. It is a profession that assists individuals with disabilities in adapting to the environment,
assists environments in accommodating the needs of the individual, and works toward full
participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of society, especially work.
Rehabilitation Counselor
A counselor who possesses the specialized knowledge, skills, and
attitudes needed to collaborate in a professional relationship with persons with disabilities to empower
them to achieve their personal, social, psychological, and vocational goals.
Rehabilitation Engineering
The field of technology and engineering serving disabled individuals in
their rehabilitation. Includes the construction and use of a great variety of devices and instruments
designed to restore or replace function mostly of the locomotion and sensory systems.
Rehabilitation Impairment Categories (RIC)
Represent the primary cause of the rehabilitation
stay. They are clinically homogeneous groupings that are then subdivided into Case Mix Groups
Rehabilitation Team
A group of health care workers with backgrounds in rehabilitation who work
together to provide integrated, patient-oriented care. A variety of specialists and other providers who
combine resources to address each client’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs in order to
minimize disability and resulting handicaps.
Universal Design
The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the
greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.
Vocational Evaluation
The comprehensive assessment of vocational aptitudes and potential, using
information about a person’s past history, medical and psychological status, and information from
appropriate vocational testing, which may use paper and pencil instruments, work samples, simulated
work stations, or assessment in a real work environment.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Cost effective case management by a skilled professional who
understands the implications of the medical and vocational services necessary to facilitate an injured
worker’s expedient return to suitable gainful employment with a minimal degree of disability.
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
A rehabilitation counselor, who specializes in vocational
counseling, i.e. guiding handicapped persons in the selection of a vocation or occupation.
Vocational Testing
The measurement of vocational interests, aptitudes, and ability using
standardized, professionally accepted psychomotor procedures.