Medical Flashcards
Brain Disorder
A loosely used term for a neurological disorder or syndrome indicating impairment
or injury to brain tissue.
Brain Injury
Any damage to tissues of the brain that leads to impairment of the function of the
Central Nervous System.
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
The name given to the symptoms that occur when the nerves and
tendons running through the carpal tunnel of the wrist are compressed by tissue or bone or become
irritated and swell. The carpal tunnel itself is a narrow passage in the wrist comprised of bones and
ligaments through which nerves and tendons pass into the hand. Also referred to as “Cumulative
Trauma Injury/Disorder,” “Repetitive Motion Injury,” and “Repetitive Stress Syndrome.”
Case Mix Complexity
An indication of the severity of illness, prognosis, treatment difficulty, need
for intervention, or resource intensity of a group of patients.
Case Mix Group (CMG)
Has a relative weight that determines the base payment rate for
inpatient rehabilitation facilities under the Medicare system.
Case Mix Index (CMI)
The sum of DRG-relative weights of all patients/cases seen during a 1-year
period in an organization, divided by the number of cases hospitalized and treated during the same
Catastrophic Case
Any medical condition or illness that has heightened medical, social and
financial consequences that responds positively to the control offered through a systematic effort of
case management.
A preexisting condition (usually chronic) that, because of its presence with a specific
condition, causes an increase in the length of stay by about 1 day in 75% of the patients.
An unexpected condition that arises during a hospital stay or healthcare encounter
that prolongs the length of stay at least by 1 day in 75% of the patients and intensifies the use of
healthcare resources.
Concurrent Review
A method of reviewing patient care and services during a hospital stay to
validate the necessity of care and to explore alternatives to inpatient care. It is also a form of
utilization review that tracks the consumption of resources and the progress of patients while being
Core Therapies
Basic therapy services provided by professionals on a rehabilitation unit. Usually
refers to nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology,
neuropsychology, social work and therapeutic recreation.
Deaf (Deafness)
Defined as a condition in which the auditory sense is not the primary means by
which speech and language are learned and the sense of hearing is so lacking or drastically reduced
as to prohibit normal function as a hearing person.
Developmental Retardation
A term that has been suggested as a replacement for mental
retardation. Removes confusion with mental health and mental illness.
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
Equipment needed by patients for self-care. Usually it must
withstand repeated use, is used for a medical purpose, and is appropriate for use in the home setting.
Emotional Intelligence
The ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and
acumen of emotions as a source of energy, information, connection, and influence. It also is the
ability to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustration; control impulse; regulate one’s mood;
and keep distress from swamping the ability to think, empathize, and hope.
Hearing Impairment
Loss of or compromised hearing.
A general term indicating injury, deficiency or lessening of function.
A condition that is medically determined and relates to the loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or function.
Disturbances at the level of the
organ and include defects or loss of limb, organ or other body structure or mental function, e.g. amputation, paralysis, mental retardation, psychiatric disturbances as assessed by a physical.
Mental Retardation
A broadly used term that refers to significantly sub-average general intellectual
functioning manifested during developmental period and existing concurrently with impairment in
adaptive behavior.
The ability to move about safely and efficiently within one’s environment.
Occupational Disease
Any disease or specified disease that is common to or a result of a
particular occupation of specific work environment.
Sensory Aphasia
Inability to understand the meaning of written, spoken or tactile speech symbols
because of disease or injury to the auditory and visual brain centers.
Sentinel Event
An unexpected occurrence, not related to the natural course of illness, that results
in death, serious physical or psychological injury, or permanent loss of function.
Visual Impairment
Educationally defined as deficiency in eyesight to the extent that special
provisions are necessary in education.
A “holistic system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education that organize(s) the whole body in gravity”.
A burning pain, often with trophic skin changes, due to peripheral nerve injury.