Rehab Precautions Flashcards
What rehab precaution is described below?
- Post surgical Spinal precautions
- Do not cross knees while in sitting/standing
- Do not twist trunk while performing any activity
- Do not bend forward at the waist more than 90 degrees
- Always log roll out of bed with pillow between knees
- Maintain normal curve of your back
Spinal precautions
What rehab precaution is described below?
- Do not lift more than 8 pound
- Do not push or pull with your arms
- Do not flex shoulders over 90 degrees
- Avoid reading too far across body
- Avoid twisting or deep bending
Sternal Precautions
What rehab precaution is described below?
- no extension past neutral position
- no adducation (crossing legs)
- no external rotation
Total Hip Replacement Anterolateral:
What rehab precaution is described below?
- No adduction
- No bend past 90
- No internal rotation
Total Hip Replacement
What rehab precaution is described below?
Caring for your incision Keep incision dry and clean Use only soap and water to clean Do not apply ointments, oils, salves or dressing unless MD ordered Do not soak incision May shower when staples or stitches are removed/ or cover area Warning signs Increased draining or oozing Increased opening Redness/warmth
Incision precautions
What rehab precaution is described below?
Borg Scale not higher than 13 Low METs Be careful of extremes Monitor Vitals For 6 weeks after surgery: DO NOT: • Lift, push, or pull anything that weighs more than 10 pounds. • Raise your elbows higher than your shoulders. The only exception is if you raise both arms together in front of your body. • Reach behind your back.
Cardiac precautions
What rehab precaution is described below?
No specific Precautions unless specified by Surgeon
Rotation of the knee – not encouraged
•Nothing to cause pain or twisting, no kneeling encouraged in general
•May specify knee immobilizer until able to complete straight leg raises (per MD or PT to d/c)
•No pillow underneath knee (prevents full extension of knee)
•Do not give AE unless necessary, as they should be reaching and bending knee
•No Weight Bearing precautions unless stated
Total Knee replacement
What rehab precaution is described below?
- Non Weight bearing: NWB
- Touch down or Toe Touch weight bearing: TTWB
- Partial Weight bearing: PWB
- Weight bearing as tolerated: WBAT
- Full weight bearing
Weight bearing precautions
What rehab precaution is described below?
- Hand hygiene
- Gloving
- Mouth, nose eye protection
- Gowning
- Device handling
- Laundry handling
Standard precautions