Midterm Flashcards
Age Related Changes: Cardiovascular
-Fibrotic changes result in abnormal cardiac impulse
-Heart pumps less effectively
-Blood vessels Not pumping effectively as when you were younger
•Overall reduced physical capacity and reserve
•Functional capacity needs to remain above functional threshold to perform day to day tasks
•MET: Metabolic equivalent
•1 MET = 3.5mL O2/kg of bodyweight per minute
•Aerobic = sufficient intensity, frequency, and duration
Age Related Changes:Muscle / skeletal
•Collagen fibers make up connective tissue of bone, tendon, ligaments, and cartilage
•Collagen becomes more dense and stiff
•Elastic decreases
•Decrease in water, decreased hydration, decreased elasticity, and increased fibrous growth all lead to stiff joints
•Peak bone mass 20s, declines in 30s
•Maximal muscles strength
•Sarcopenia = loss of muscle tissue as a natural part of the aging process.
•Disuse atrophy = decrease in the size of muscles in the body
•Increase fat and connective tissue results in decreased muscle quality
•LE muscle power predicts self reported disability (gait speed, chair rise time, stair climb time)
•Decline strength due to:
•Decreased innervations
•Decreased protein synthesis and increase in protein turnover
•Decrease in number of capillaries
•Hormonal and immunological alterations
Age Related Changes:Nervous system
Cerebral atrophy Frontal (cognition) Temporal (auditory) Occipital (vision) Parietal (sensorimotor) Decrease in number of dendrites Neurons shrink Decrease cerebral blood flow Plaque deposits and neurofibrillary tangles
Age Related Changes: Somatosensory
Minimal changes to touch and vibration senses
Minimal decrease in pain perception
Different people have different thresholds
Age Related Changes:coordination/proprioception
Slowing eye-hand coordination
Poor inter-limb coordination
Decreases in homolateral hand and foot movements
Decreases in motor coordination
Overall decrease in awareness of limbs in space
Medicare / CMS Rules & Regs:
Medicare Part A
paid by medicare payroll taxes, inpatient (hsp, snf), home health, hospice; paid by PPS; have to have a min of 3 days of a hsp stay- have access for 30 days; up to 100 days that they will cover 100%, 00 day can change if diagnosis changes ; requires a physician order
Medicare / CMS Rules & Regs:
•Medicare Part B
deductible they have to pay, medicare covers 80% 20% deductible; covers preventative, doctor services, home health, outpatient care, OT/PT/SPT, don’t have to be 65
Modes of treatment: Individual
Part A
Part B
- Treatment of one patient at a time by one therapist
- The patient is receiving the therapist’s full attention
•Part A & Part B: Treatment session minutes may be billed in full
Modes of treatment:
Part A
Part B
- Two different disciplines treat one patient as a “team” while focused on different treatments
- Part A: Both disciplines may bill the treatment session in full. The decision to co-treat a patient must be made on a case by case basis and each therapist must document the reason within the contact report
- Part B: Two therapists working together as a “team” to treat one or more patients cannot both bill for the same or different services provided at the same time to the same patient. The time must either be divided or one therapist may bill for the entire time. (CMS, 2019)
Modes of treatment: Concurrent
Part A
Part B
- Treatment of two patients at the same time who are performing different activities with one therapist
- The therapist is dividing attention between the two patients
- Part A: Treatment should be billed as concurrent when the above is true, if the patients are performing the same or similar activities then it should be billed under group
- Part B: Concurrent treatment is not an option, if the above is true it will be billed as group, this is true whether the patients are performing different activities or the same or similar activities
Modes of treatment: Group
Part A
Part B
- Treatment of 2-6 patients at the same time who are performing the same of similar activities with one therapist (Part A)
- Treatment of 2 or more patients at the same time who are performing either the same or similar activities or different activities with one therapist (Part B)
- Part A: Treatment should be billed as group when one therapist is treating 2-6 patients
- Part B: Treatment should be billed under group anytime the therapist is working with more than one patient at any given time
Supervision rules:
- Role of supervisor – professional, ethical, and legal responsibilities of own behavior and behavior of OTAs supervised
- Both gather data for assessments but only OT can interpret data and develop treatment plans and goals
Supervision rules:
OT to Aide
- Cannot provide skilled services
- Only time spent on setup can be included in MDS
- Must be under direct supervision of therapist or assistant
Supervision rules:
Utilization of an OT Student
•Vary depending on setting/ Regulations of Setting, and State
Supervision rules:
- Medicare Part A
- Medicare Part B
- Medicare Part A
- Line of site is not required. The appropriate manner of supervision should be determined based on state and local laws and practice standards.
- The time the student sees a patient in skilled services will be billed as if the supervising therapist provided the services (students time is not separately reimbursable).
- The supervising therapist may not be engaged in any other activity other than documenting. (CMS, 2018) (AOTA, 2016)
- Medicare Part B
- “Students can participate in the delivery of services when the qualified practitioner (OT) is directing the service, making the skilled judgment, responsible for the assessment and treatment in the same room as the student, and not simultaneously treating another patient. The qualified practitioner is solely responsible and must sign all documentation” (AOTA, 2016).
- Group
- Student does not count as group member
Understand: PDPM
Effective as of…?
IMPROVE Payment, what does this mean?
•PDPM- •Effective October 1, 2019
Improve payment
- Increase accuracy and appropriateness
- Reduce burden
- Increase access without a rise in costs
Understand: PDPM
Concurrent & Group therapy
There is a 25% combined limit per discipline (PT, OT, SLP), per patient, per Part A SNF stay.
Understand: PDPM
SNF PPS Assessments- what are the 3 assessments?
1) 5-day Assessment
2) Interim Payment Assessment (IPA)
3) the PPS Discharge Assessment.
Understand: PDPM
Define interrupted stay
Interrupted stay
•The patient returns to the same SNF (not a different SNF)
•The patient returns within 3 days or less (the “interruption window”)
Attention / Memory - various subtypes:
Attention: Selective attention
focus on one set of stimuli while ignoring other stimuli
Attention / Memory - various subtypes:
Attention:´Sustained attention
maintain attentional performance over time
Attention / Memory - various subtypes:
Attention:Alternating attention
shifts attention between multiple tasks
Attention / Memory - various subtypes:
Attention: Divided attention
respond to more than one task at a time
Attention / Memory - various subtypes:
Memory: Prospective memory:
remember future oriented tasks without external aide
Attention / Memory - various subtypes:
Memory: ´Procedural:
motor based skills, behaviors, habits, emotional associations
Attention / Memory - various subtypes:
Memory: ´Declarative
Semantic & Episodic
Attention / Memory - various subtypes:
Memory: ´Long term memory:
memory responsible for the storage of information for an extended period of time.
Attention / Memory - various subtypes:
Memory: ´Working memory
short term holding and manipulation of new information.
Attention / Memory - various subtypes:
Memory: ´Short term memory:
holding information for a short time without rehearsing