rehab + management Flashcards
What are the 4 types of care?
- Inflammation
- pain
- hypomobility
- hypermobility
How to care for inflammation?
- ultrasound
How to care for pain?
- manipulation
- mobilization
- trigger point therapy
- ice
- cryotherapy
- acupuncture
How to care for hypomobility?
- stretch
- manipulation
- mobilisation
- myofascial release
How to care for hypermobility?
- casts
- brace
- strenghtening
- proprioception training
Therapeutics of ultrasound?
- deep tissue heating
- stimualte repair
- pain relief
- deep heating without superficial heating
What is the therapeutic ultrsound frequency?
- 0.75 to 3 MHz
What is thermal ultrasound?
- constant 1 MHz at intensity of 1 W/cm^2 takes 10 mins
conttant 3 MHz at intensity of 1 W/cm^2 takes 3 min to give thermal effects
What is non-thermal uultrasound?
- intensity at < 1 W/cm^2 fort less than 10 mins
Contraindications of ultrasound?
- acute
- thrombophlebitis
- pregnancy
- malignacny
- infection
Thermal ultasound benefits?
- diminished pain proprioception
- increase metabolism
- reduced oedema
- increased blood flow
- increased tissue elasticity
Non-thermal effects of ultrasound?
- tissue regeneration
- wound, connective tissue, bone healing
- cell membrane alteration
IFC contraindication?
- heart disease
- not over trans thorasic area
- sto pif skin irritation
How to apply IFC?
- criss cross formation over the area to be stimulated
IFC parameter for acute pain?
- 80 - 150 pps
- should feel tingling without contraction
IFC for chronic pain?
- 1 - 10 pps
- plesant tingling with mild contraction
IFC for muscle spasm?
- 4 pps
- moderate visible muscle contraction
When to use tens compared to IFC?
- smaller treatment area
- motor nerve stimulation
When to use IFC compared to tens?
- larger area
- deeper stimulation than tens
When to use NMES?
- muscle reducation
- preventing atophy
- decreasing odema
- decreasing muscle spasm
How to find NMES motor point?
- place of greatest contraction between the start and end of the muscle
- usually at the start of the muscle belly
NMES contraindications?
- heasrt problems
- over #
- over malignancies
When to use sensory tens?
- for acute pain
- 80 - 200 pps
- comfortable pins and needles
When to use motor tens?
- chronic pain
- 1 - 5 pps
intensirty higher than sensory tens - burning, needlingm muscle twitch
- looking for the twitch contraction
Tens contraindication?
- heart disease
- n oover trans thoracic area
- stop if skin irriation
When to use low level laser therapy?
- pain
- swelling
When to use shockwave theraphy?
- breakdown stones
- breakdown tendon, muscle, ligmaent adhesions
- analgesic
- anti-inflammatory
What effect does low energyu shockwave ahve?
- neoangiogenic effect
What effect does radial pulse shock wave provide?
- superficial effect
- no penetraiting effect on tissue