Rehab 2 Vocab Flashcards
Anaerobic energy system in which ATP is manufactured when phosphocreatine is broken down
Submaximal, rhythmic repetitive exercise of large muscle groups, during which the needed energy is supplied by inspired oxygen
Exercise that occurs without the presence of inspired oxygen
Overall shortening of the muscle occurs as it generates tension and contracts against resistance
Overall lengthening of the muscle occurs as it develops tension and contracts to control motion against the resistance of an outside force; negative work is done
Active resisted
A type of stretching exercise in which there is reflex inhibition and subsequent elongation of the contractile elements of muscles
Closed chain
Exercise in which the distal end of the segment is fixed to a supporting surface as the trunk ad proximal segments move over the fixed part.
Manual resistance exercises
Type of active exercise in which resistance is provided by a therapist or other health professional to a dynamic or a static muscular contraction
Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness; Exercise-induced muscle tenderness or stiffness that occurs 24 to 48 hours after vigorous exercise
“Explosive-reactive” power trainingHigh-intensity, high-velocity resistance exercise characterized by a resisted eccentric muscle contraction and designed to increase muscular power and coordination; also known as stretch-shortening drills
Ability to resist fatigue
(General, total body) Diminished response of a person during prolonged physical activity, such as walking or jogging, tha may be due to a decrease in blood sugar (glucose) levels, decrease in glycogen stores in muscle and liver, or depletion of potassium, especially in the elderly
Maximal Aerobic Power/ Max VO2; Maximum volume of oxygen consumed per unit of time
Change that takes place in cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and metabolic functions as a result of prolonged bed rest or inactivity
Ratio of work output to work input
Stress Testing
Multistage test that determines the cardiovascular functional capacity of the individual
Overload principle
Stressing the body or parts of the body to levels above that normally experienced
Specificity Principle
Principle underlying the development of a training program for a specifc activity or skill and the primary energy systems involved during performance
Exercise Duration
Total number of days, weeks, or months during which an exercise program is performed
Exercise Frequency
Number of times exercise is performed within a day or within a week
Progressive Resistance Exercise; Approach to exercise whereby the load or resistance to the muscle is applied by some mechanical means and is quantitatively and progressively increased over time