Regulations and disclosures & Securities Listing Regime Flashcards
What are disclosure requirements and why are they necessary?
In order to ensure that company investors can make investment decisions based upon same information and that no investors have more information than others, listed and other companies with publicly traded shares are required to publish price sensitive information as soon as possible and
to inform their market of any changes to existing forecasts, predictions or market expectations.
What is the minimum disclosure requirements for all companies?
All companies are under an obligation to disclose the following types of information:
constitution and any changes;
directors and company secretaries;
changes of registered details including company name, registered office or SAIL address;
share capital;
mortgages and charges;
and persons with significant control.
In addition, companies must notify the Registrar on the incorporation of the company and whenever there are any changes. Plus a confirmation statement annually.
All companies must comply with the business names disclosure requirements on all their business stationery, invoices, emails etc. requiring disclosure of their registered name, registered office address, place of registration and registered number.
What additional disclosure requirements are needed for listed companies?
The CA2006 advises that quoted companies (or listed in the UK) provide the following additional disclosures.
- Strategic Report
- Directors Report
- Directors Remuneration Report
- Auditor’s Report
- Summary information (in place of full statutory accounts) or accounts where applicable
- Directors remuneration policy
What information would you find in the strategic report?
Strategic report - in the annual report and accounts would include:
main trends and factors likely to affect future development, performance or position of the company;
environmental matters;
company employees;
social and community interests;
the company’s strategy;
the company’s business model;
the genders of its directors, senior managers and employees; and
those third parties with which the company has contracts or arrangements essential to its business.
What information would you find in the Directors report?
A listed company’s directors’ report must also include information on the company’s capital and holders of securities and agreements in relation to change of control/takeover.
The directors of a quoted company must include in the directors’ report to the financial statements details of the acquisition by the company of any of its own shares.
What information would you find in the Directors Remuneration report?
A statement by the chair of remuneration committee;
single total figure table of remuneration for each director;
details of any payments to past directors;
where the directors’ remuneration policy is not being put to a resolution at the AGM,
performance targets for the financial year;
details of remuneration committee including an assessment of independence;
a statement of voting on the remuneration report and remuneration policy in the previous year; and
a separate section on the remuneration policy.
A quoted company must put a resolution approving the directors’ remuneration report. The resolution is an advisory one and, if lost, does not invalidate the payment of directors’ remuneration (CA2006 s. 439).
What information would you find in the Auditor’s report?
Auditable sections of the directors’ remuneration report, strategic report, directors’ report and the corporate governance statement.
What is summary information and what does it replace?
Companies are permitted to issue the strategic report and supplemental
material to their shareholders in place of the full statutory accounts.
Any shareholder receiving the strategic report and supplemental material may require that the full accounts be sent to them.
Quoted companies must include, in addition to the material set out in CA2006 s. 426A, a copy of that part of the remuneration report which sets out the single total figure table (s. 426A(2)(e))
Where must quoted companies display their annual accounts and reports and for what time period?
Quoted companies to make available, on their website, their annual accounts and reports until annual accounts and reports for the next financial year are made available on the website.
Access to the website must be:
available to all members of the public (and not just to members of the
company) throughout the period; and be free of charge.
Any member or holder of debentures of a quoted company is entitled to be provided, on demand and without charge, with a single copy of the following documents:
last annual accounts;
last directors’ remuneration report;
last strategic report;
last directors’ report;
and auditor’s report on the accounts
(CA2006 s.432)
When must the Directors’ remuneration policy be received and what processes are in place in connection with this?
A quoted company must, at least every THREE years, put a RESOLUTION to the meeting held to receive the annual report and accounts and a
RESOLUTION to approve the directors’ remuneration policy or any
revisions to the directors’ remuneration policy (s. 439A).
Any changes to the existing, approved, directors’ remuneration policy are NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL APPROVED by the members.
What additional requirements exist in terms of filing for the Directors’ remuneration report in quoted companies?
CA2006 s. 447
Filing obligations of quoted companies includes a requirement to file the
directors’ remuneration report with the Registrar of Companies together with the auditor’s report on the auditable part of the directors’ remuneration report , in addition to the company’s annual accounts, the directors’ report and any separate corporate governance statement
What is required in traded companies around notice periods for general meetings?
For traded companies, the notice periods to convene a general meeting are:
general meetings where specified conditions (below) met: 14 days;
all other general meetings: 21 days.
In order for a general meeting to be held on 14 days’ notice, the circumstances are as follows:
the meeting is not an annual general meeting (AGM);
members are offered an electronic voting facility;
a special resolution has been passed to reduce the notice period to 14 days.
This must have happened at either the immediately preceding AGM or at a general meeting held since the last AGM. If all three conditions are met, the notice period will be 14 days.
In all other cases, 21 days’ notice will be required.
What is a PDMR?
A PDMR is a person discharging managerial responsibilities.
A PDMR is a natural or legal person in an issuer who is either (MAR 1(13) and (25)):
a member of the administrative, management or supervisory body of that entity;
a senior executive who is not a member of the administrative, management or
supervisory body of that entity, but who has regular access to inside information relating directly or indirectly to that entity and the power to make managerial decisions affecting the future developments and business prospects of that entity.
What is a PDMRs PCA?
A PCA is a person closely associated with a PDMR.
A PDMRs PCA includes:
spouse or partner considered equivalent to a spouse under national law;
dependent children of the PDMR;
a relative of the PDMR who has shared the same residence for at least one year;
any legal person, trust or partnership, the managerial duties and responsibilities of
which are carried out by the PDMR or PCA;
anyone directly or indirectly controlled by the PDMR or PCA;
anyone established for the benefit of the PDMR or PCA; and
anyone whose economic interests are substantially the same as the PDMR or PCA (MAR 3(1)(26)).
What are the disclosure requirements under the MAR 19 in connection with PDMR share transactions?
MAR 19 contains details of the requirement for PDMRs to notify any
transactions in shares undertaken by themselves or their PCAs.
In addition to notifying the company, PDMRs are now also required to notify
the FCA of any transactions (MAR 19(1)).
There is a prescribed template for the PDMR disclosure to the FCA (MAR 19(6))and this may be completed and submitted online from the FCA website.
Notifiable transactions must be disclosed within three business days:
by the PDMR or PCA to the FCA and the company; and
by the company to the market via an RIS (MAR 19(2) and (3)).
Companies must notify their PDMRs in writing of their obligations under MAR 19 and draw up a list of their PDMRs and PCAs (MAR 19(5)).
PDMRs must notify their PCAs in writing of their obligations under MAR 19 and keep a copy of that notification (MAR 19(5)).
Notifications by PDMRs need not be made until the aggregate of all
transactions in any calendar year exceeds €5,000 although notifications below this limit may be made on a voluntary basis (MAR 19(8)).
What is a closed period and what restrictions does this place on a PDMR?
A PDMR must not for themselves or for a third party, directly or indirectly,
conduct any transactions in the financial instruments of the company during a closed period (MAR 19(11)).
A closed period is the period of 30 days prior to an announcement of the company’s full or half year financial report.
For this purpose, a preliminary announcement of full year results will count as an announcement of the full year results provided the announcement contains
all the key information expected to be included in the full year end report.
What additional disclosure requirements do companies working in FOREST industries have?
Companies carrying out business in the extractive or logging of primary forest
industries are required to report annually on PAYMENTS MADE TO GOVERNMENTS
in each financial year (DTR 4.3A.4).
The report must be published within six months of the end of the relevant financial year and the reports must be available free of charge for at least the next 10 years (DTR 4.3A.5 and 6)
A copy of the report must be filed with the FCA by uploading a copy to the
National Storage Mechanism (DTR 4.3A.10).
Outline the key elements and purpose of the Data Protection Act 2018.
Data Protection Act 2018
Makes UK data protection laws fit for the digital age when an ever increasing
amount of data is being processed.
Empowers people to take control of their data.
Supports UK businesses and organisations through this change.
Ensures that the UK is prepared for the future and in particular makes provision for
the data protection regime to continue after Brexit.
The main elements are:
Data processing
Law enforcement processing
Intelligence services processing
Regulation and enforcement
Registration Regime
What is the PECR and how does this fit into the Data Protection Act?
PECR (Privacy and electronic Communication Regulations) sit alongside DPA2018 and GDPR and provides additional protection for individuals in relation to electronic communications which are out of scope of GDPR as follows:
electronic marketing including marketing calls, texts, emails and faxes;
use of cookies or similar technologies that track information about website or other
electronic service usage;
security of public electronic communications services; and
privacy of customers using communications networks or services as regards traffic and
location data, itemised billing, line identification services and directory listings.
Companies making use of electronic marketing techniques must ensure that these
comply with both GDPR and PECR rules.
The difference : PECR apply even in circumstances where personal data is not being
processed. Whereas GDPR focus is on providing protection to individuals PECR rules
give protection to companies as well as individuals.
What are the 7 key principles of GDPR?
GDPR only applies to personal data and has seven key principles:
1. Lawfulness, fairness and transparency;
2. Purpose limitation;
3. Data minimisation;
4. Accuracy;
5. Storage limitation;
6. Integrity and confidentiality (security)
7. Accountability
What information in connection with GDPR can employers keep around employees without their consent?
Companies must keep their employees’ personal data safe, secure and up to date. An employer is permitted to keep certain personal information about their employees without their consent including:
name and address;
date of birth; sex; education and qualifications;
work experience;
National Insurance number;
tax code;
emergency contact details;
employment history with the organisation;
employment terms and conditions; any accidents connected with work; any training taken; and any disciplinary action
What additional ‘sensitive’ information can only be kept be employers with the employees’ explicit permission?
race and ethnicity;
political membership or opinions;
trade union membership;
biometrics, for example if your fingerprints are used for identification;
health and medical conditions; and
sexual history or orientation.
What rights do employees have in connection to GDPR?
An employee has a right to be told by their employer:
what records are kept and how they are used;
the confidentiality of the records; and
how these records can help with their training and development at work.
If an employee requests details of the information an employer holds about them, the employer has 30 days to provide a copy of that information.
What regulators hold Investigation powers?
- Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Investment (BEIS)
- HM Revenue and Customs
- Financial Conduct Authority
- Prudential Regulation Authority
- Competition and Markets Authority
- The Panel on Takeovers and Mergers