Regulations Flashcards
Currency requirements
1) biennial flight review
2) 3 TO/L in 90 days
3) at least 6 approach in 6 months
intercepting a course
Conditions that require IFR rating
Wx less than VFR
Class A
Comm rating with passengers at night or >50 miles
SVFR at night
IFR Equipment requirement (11)
All VFR night/day plus
G: generator (electrical power) R: radio A: altimeter B: ball C: clock with second hand A: attitude indicator R: rate of turn (turn coordinator) D: directional gyro D: DME (or GPS)
Oxygen requirments
> 12500 (MSL) for >30min
all times if >14000
all passengers if >15000
Class E floors
airport with IAP
airway - 1200 MSL
airport - 700 MSL
scan technique
view in 10deg intervals for several seconds
IFR mountain/normal min distances
at least 2000 feet within 4 miles of mountain
nonmountainous: at least 1000 above highest obsticle
Loss communication ROUTE and ALTITUDE
Route A assigned V vectored E expected F filed
Highest of:
A assigned
M min altitude
E xpected
If in a hold, leave at the EFC time (Expect Further Clearance)
Fuel requirement for IFR
If alternate is required: to alternate airport + 45 minutes
When is alternate airport required?
123 Rule
1 hour before/after ETA, predicted IFR at destination airport
2000 feet ceiling
3 mile vis
What Wx is required to list an alternate airport?
If precision approach, 600 foot ceiling and 2 mile vis
If nonprec, 800 and 2 miles
Cruise clarence
you can fly any altitude between IFR min to alt in clarence.
If flying VFR-on-Top, you must fly what alt and follow what regs
VFR altitudes and both IFR/VFR regs
MEA: Min enroute alt with signal coverage and ob clearance
MRA: Min reception alt
MCA: Min clarence alt
MOCA: Min obstruction clearance alt: ob clearance and sig with 22 miles of VOR
MSA: min sector alt : lowest alt to be used in an emergency. (CT only has these data)
all have normal obsticle/terrain clearance (1000/2000)
Land and Hold Short
landing and holding at some point other than runway or taxiway
pilot may accept or decline
airport specific procedures
pilot should know runway length, slope, etc
When vectored for an ILS, when can you start decent form assigned altitude?
At IAP or when established on any published segment
what is vert decent speed if GS=90, 3 miles to point, and 400 feet
Distx60/GS = 180/90= 2 min 400/2 = 200 ft/min
Visual approach requirements?
vis=3, ceiling is >500 foot above vectoring alt
pilot has airport or aircraft in sight
stay in VFR condition
may be assigned
What if one component of ILS (airport) in ususable?
What substitution for ILS glide slope is not working?
Use the highest min required by the component
What docs must be on the airplane?
ARROW A: Airworthiness cert R: Registration R: Radio license (international) O: owner's manual (POH) W: Wt & balance
Types of NOTAMs
(D) - distant, wide dissemination - nav items, airport info
(L) - local, taxiway closures, etc.
FDC - regulatory type, eg TRFs, amendments to Inst Approch Proc
Mins for IFR takeoff?
What’s best practice?
Part 91: None
Part 121 (comm, for hire): 1 mile = 1 engine
Good practice: use approach mins, or VFR mins (1000/3)
Two types of departure procedures?
1) Obstacle: in the chart book, flown with a clearance
2) SIDs (Standard Inst Departures): requires ATC clearance (and you are not required to accept)
Criteria for obstruction clearance during departure?
1) > 35 feet at the end of runway
2) > 400 feet before turn
3) > 200 feet per naut mile climb