Instruments Flashcards
How does warm air affect indicated altitude?
Will cause indicated altitude to be > true altitude (warm air increases press) [altimeter does not correct for nonstandard temp]
“from hot to cold, look out below”
Press change with altitude?
Change with temp?
Decrease as increase elevation at 1’ per 1000 feet
More rapid in colder air
Field elevation should read XX feet when baro is set to ATIS
= or - 75 feet
Standard rate turn
How to calculate for gyro?
2 min to complete 360 deg (or 3 deg/sec)
For gyro:
drop zero, add 7
eg 100 –> 17 deg, 110 –> 18 deg, 120 –> 19 deg
Dip/compass errors
- acceleration
- northern turning error
ANDS: Acceleration (on West-East headings) :
accel –> shows turn to the North,
decel –> shows turn to the South
UNOS: North turning error Undershoots (lag) north Overshoots south (if you turn while heading south, compress will show faster rate) or UNOS (undershoot N, overshoot S)
Blocked pitot
Blocked pitot and drain
Airspeed = constant and dropping, all else OK. Airspeed = reads high if climbing, low in decent*, all else normal
*Trapped press is making air speed act like an altimeter
Blocked static
altimeter -stuck at altitude when blocked
and VSI - stuck
airspeed - reads low during climb and vice versa (expected)
If you use the Alternate Static, what do you see?
press in cockpit is lower, so performances “improves”
Altimeter - higher; Airspeed - greater; VSI- climbs
VOR check
VOT (at airport, see AFD): turn TO, then FROM, must be +-4 deg
airborne: +-6 degrees
dual: tune to same VOR, max is 4 degree
VOR scale and full deflection
each dot is 2 deg
“30 Mile Rule” Each dot = 1 mile at 30 miles
ILS contains 4 elements
Outer, middle, inner markets
Glideslope, localizer, marker beacons, approach lites
Outer: 3-7 miles out; blue, hear dashes
Middle: 0.5 mile, 200 feet; amber, dash/dots
Inner: white, fast dot sound
Cold air altimeter effects
Indicated can be much lower than actual because cold air is extremely dense. See Correction Chart in AIM (7-2-3)
How does an altimeter work?
aneroid wafers expand or contract with changing atmospheric conditions
Limitations of altimeter with temp and nonstandard pressure?
Low standard press (or cold day) - reads higher than actual
Remember: High to low, or hot to cold - look out below
Errors of an airspeed indicator?
1) static port affected by air flow
2) density error: (change in altitude or temp not compensated)
3) Compressibility error: air packs in static at speeds > 180 kts