Regulation & Ownership Flashcards
Talk about Regulation of the Press.
Freedom of speech protects journalists from state control of the press (they can say whatever they want)
State Censorship Boards
Each state regulated the content of movies
- KKK movie outlawed - censorship of a lot of content in movies
The Hays Production Code
Movie regulation
- censored a lot of things - interracial marriage - nude scenes - adultery - during a time when women were emerging in different, exciting roles
Rating System
G PG PG - 13 R NC - 17
Talk about Regulation of the Airwaves.
The commons - radio belongs to the public
FCC - Federal Communication Commission
Telecommunications Act of 1934
Enabled the FCC
Fairness Doctrine
- Broadcast important things for the public
- No Biases
“Make available so far as possible, to all the people of the United States, without discrimination of the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or sex, rapid, efficient, Nation-wide and world-wide wire and radio communication services with adequate facilities as reasonable charges.”
“The ether is a public medium and its use must be for a public benefit. The use of a radio channel is justified only if there i public benefit.”
Herbert Hoover
- ended fairness doctrine
- is ending media diversity
- is promoting media consolidation
Telecommunications Act in 1996
Promoted deregulation to allow “anyone to get into the communication business”
Media Cross Ownership
Fewer individuals and organizations own mass media.
Company that owns multiple companies in mass media
A market dominated by a small number of sellers.
Vertical Integration
- Owning businesses across industries (Harry Potter Franchise)
- Synergy - multiple elements interact to create something more than the product of each individual element
Horizontal Integration
- Owning competitors within the same market (Viacom and Music Broadcasting Channels)
- Illusion of Choice
1942 Local Radio Ownership Rule
Broadcaster cannot won television stations that reach more than 35% of the nation’s homes.
1946 Dual television Network Rule
A major network cannot buy another major network.
1970 Radio/TV Cross Ownership Restriction
Prohibits a broadcaster from owning a radio station and a television station in the same market.
What are three impacts of media consolidation?
- Fewer Jobs for Media Workers
- More homogenization of content
- Less community-oriented programming
- Loss of local control over programming decisions
- Less independently-produced programming
- Increased censorship of divergent views
- Less political discussion
- Inadequate emergency/disaster warnings
- Fewer minority-owned broadcast stations
- Lack of meaningful competition and diversity
Herbert Schiller
Marketing of the Culture Industry
- start marketing at a young age (2 years olds) - Consolidation and Conglomeration - horizontal and vertical integration
Michelle Hilmes
- Digital Divide
- Problems with Media Consolidation
- concentration of media power and control in the hands of fewer owners
- skewing of news and information to reflect corporate interests
- reduced diversity of voices
- driving out localism
- decline in creativity and originality in programming
Bill Meyers
- FCC and deregulation - minority radio station