How Technology Changes Society Flashcards
Name three ways Literacy changed society?
- Distances the speaker from the listener - Introduces linear time and recordable history - Allows built upon knowledge
Name three ways Print changed society?
- Public Education becomes important - Price increases for producer and decreases for consumer - Science Flourishes - Mass communication is born
Name three ways Photography changes society?
- Challenged authority of written and spoken word - Gave people a visual identity (IDs) - Recorded history for the present
“When we communicate through the telephone, radio, television, or computer, where we are physically no longer determines where and who we are socially.”
Technological Determinism
Technology is the primary driver for cultural and social change.
“The medium is the message.”
Marshall McLuhan
-The fact that you are watching tv is more important than what you are watching.
“Extensions of Man”
Marshall McLuhan
- Humans use technology and change society - 2001: Space Odyssey
Martin Luther
Printed the bible in German for the general public to read.
Monopolies of Knowledge
Print creates monopolies of knowledge
- church and the bible - medical and legal terms
Time and Space Compression
Anything that alters the relationship of time and space
- communication (telephone, internet) - travel (trains, cars)
Mobile Privatization
Identity and comfort attached to a mobile device.
Paul Levinson
Evolution of Media
- Alphabet/Hieroglyphics - Monopolies of Knowledge - Science Flourishes - Public Education Becomes Important
Joshua Meyrowitz
Separation of Social and Physical
- Time/Space Compression - Print allows for segregation of situations (distances speaker from listener) - Para-social relationships