Commercial > Regs Pertaining to pilot Commercial > Flashcards
Regs Pertaining to pilot Commercial Flashcards
Applicability and definitions
14 CFR § 61.1 - Applicability and definitions.
Requirement for certificates, ratings, and authorizations.
Medical certificates: Requirement and duration.
Flight review.
Recent flight experience: Pilot in command.
Eligibility requirements: General.
Aeronautical knowledge
Flight proficiency.
Aeronautical experience
Commercial pilot privileges and limitations.
ATC Instruction
Preflight Action
Safety belts
Flight crew at station
Careless or reckless operation
Dropping objects
Alcohol or drugs
Supplemental Oxygen
Fitness for flight
AIM Chapter 8, section 1
From Pave checklist
Experience Recent flight experience 61.57 Responsibility Authority 91.3 ATC Instructions 91.123 Preflight Action 91.103 Safety belts 91.107 Flight Crew at station 91.105 Cautions Careless or reckless operation 91.13 Dropping objects 91.15 Alcohol or drugs 91.17 Supplemental Oxygen 91.211 Fitness for flight AIM Ch. 8, Section 1(IMSAFE)
From PAVE Checklist
Basic 91.7 Flight Manuel Markings placards 91.9 Certification required 91.203 Instrument & equipment requirements 91.205 ELT 91.207 Position Lights 91.209 Transponder requirements 91.215 Inoperative Instrument & equipment 91.213 Maintenance Responsibility 91.403 Maintenance required 91.405 Operation after maintenance 91.407 Maintenance records 91.417 Inspections Annual, Airworthiness Directives, 100HR 91.409 Altimeter & Pitot Static System 91.411 Transponder 91.413 VOR Check 91.171 ELT 91.207
From PAVE checklist
Airports Markings AIM Ch 2 Section 3 Operation AIM 4-3, 91.126, 91.125 Traffic Patterns 91.126 Airspace Altimeter Settings 91.121 AIM 7-2 Minimum Safe Altitudes 91.119, 91.117 Cruising Altitudes 91.159, 91.179, AIM 3-1-5 Speed limits 91.117 Right of way 91.113 Formation 91.111 Types of Airspace AIM 3 Controlled Airspace AIM 3-2, 91.135,91.131,91.130,91.129 Class G AIrspace AIM 3-3 Special Use AIM 3-4, 91.133, 91.137, 91.141, 91.143, 91.145 Emergency Air Traffic Rules 91.139, AIM 5-6 Air traffic control and procedures Services 4-1 Radio Communications 4-2 & pilot control glossary Clearances 4-4 Procedures AIM 5 Weather Meteorology AIM 7-1 Wake Turbulence AIM 7-3
Legal requirements
FAA - H-8083-1B Aircraft weight and balance
FAA- H-8083-25B PHAK CH10
61.129 aeronautical experience
Log at least 250 hours of flight time as pilot that consist:
100 hours in powered aircraft of which 50 hours must be in the airplanes
100 hours of pilot in command flight time which includes at least50 hours in airplanes and 50 hours in cross country flight which at least 10 hours must be in airplanes
20 hours of training in part 61.127(b)
10 in instrument 5 of which must be in airplanes
10 in complex (technically Advanced airplane)
1 - 2hr cross country flight With more than 100 nautical miles
1 - 2hr cross country flight At night time with more than 100 nautical miles
3 hours with an instructor in the preceding 2 calendar months To the practical test
10 hours a solo flight time or 10 hours of pilot in command (can be credit to 61.127(b) if with instructor)
1 cross country flight no less than 300 nautical miles with three landing points, 1 of which must be 250NM
5 hours in night VFR with 10 take and 10 Landings
Preflight info required for IFR: (§91.103)
W- Weather reports and forecasts.
K- Known traffic delays as advised by ATC.
R- Runway length of intended use.
A- Alternatives available if flight cannot be completed as planned.
F- Fuel requirements
T- Takeoff and landing performance data.
VFR Day Instrument Requirements 91.205(b)
Night VFR instrument requirements 91.205(c)
IFR Equipment Required 91.205 (d)
A – airspeed indicator
T – tachometer (for each engine)
O – oil pressure gauge (for each engine using a pressure system)
M – manifold pressure gauge (for each altitude engine)
A – altimeter
T – temperature gauge (for each liquid cooled engine)
O – oil temperature gauge (for each air cooled engine)
F – fuel gauge
L – landing gear position indicator
A – anti collision lights (for aircraft certified after March 11th 1996)
M – magnetic compass
S – safety belts
F – fuses (one complete spare set)
L – landing light (only if you are flying for hire)
A – anti collision lights*
P – position lights
S – source of electricity (alternator, generator)
G-generator/Alternator R-radios (appropriate for flight) A-altimeter (sensitive/adjustable) B-ball C-clock (second hand sweep or digital) A-attitude indicator R-rate of turn D-directional gyro
§91.103Preflight action
Each pilot in command shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with all available infor-
mation concerning that flight. This information must include—
(a) For a flight under IFR or a flight not in the vicinity of an airport, weather reports and forecasts,
fuel requirements, alternatives available if the planned flight cannot be completed, and any known
traffic delays of which the pilot in command has been advised by ATC;
(b) For any flight, runway lengths at airports of intended use, and the following takeoff and landing
distance information:
(1) For civil aircraft for which an approved Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual containing takeoff
and landing distance data is required, the takeoff and landing distance data contained therein;
Each pilot in command shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with all available infor-
mation concerning that flight. This information must include—
(a) For a flight under IFR or a flight not in the vicinity of an airport, weather reports and forecasts,
fuel requirements, alternatives available if the planned flight cannot be completed, and any known
traffic delays of which the pilot in command has been advised by ATC;
(b) For any flight, runway lengths at airports of intended use, and the following takeoff and landing
distance information:
(1) For civil aircraft for which an approved Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual containing takeoff
and landing distance data is required, the takeoff and landing distance data contained therein;
Special use airspace: MCPRAWN
Military Operations Controlled Firing Prohibited Restricted Alert Warning National Security
Aircraft certification categories: TURN PALE
Transport Utility Restricted Normal Provisional Acrobatic Limited Experimental
NTSB Notification: P-FACTION
Property damage more than $25,000 Fire, in flight Accident Collision, in flight Turbine failure Illness of crew member Overdue aircraft No control: control failure of any sort
Preflight information required for flights away: RAW FAT
Runway lengths Alternates Weather Fuel requirements ATC delays Takeoff/landing distance data
Weather briefing: SACrED WiNd
Synopsis Adverse conditions Current weather Enroute forecast Destination terminal forecast Winds aloft Notams
Weather charts: CoPS WARS
Constant pressure Prognostic Surface analysis Weather depiction Area forecast (FA) Radar summary (SD) Severe weather outlook (AC)