Regions of the Brain Flashcards
Name structure A
A - Posterior limb of the internal capsule
Name structures A and B
A - Tentorium cerebelli
B - Falx cerebri
Name structures at A
A - Sulci
Name structures A, B and C
A - Arachnoid mater
B - Dura mater
C - Pia mater
Name the tissue type at A
A - Grey matter
Name structure A
A - Anterior limb of the internal capsule
Name structure A
A - Caudate nucleus
Name structure A
A - Insula (insular lobe)
Name structure A
A - Internal capsule
Name structures A and B
A - External segment of the globus pallidus
B - Internal segment of the globus pallidus
Name the tissue type at A
A - White matter
Name structure A
A - Putamen
Name brain lobe A
A - Temporal lobe
Name structure A
A - Thalamus
Name structure A
A - Fornix
Name structure A
A - Central sulcus
Name structure A
A - Lateral ventricle
Name point A
A - Interthalamic adhesion
Name structure A
A - Periaqueductal grey
Name region A
A - Dorsal horn
Name structure A
A - Putamen
Name structure A
A - Globus pallidus
Name the tissue type at A
A - Grey matter
Name structure A
A - Genu of internal capsule
Name areas A and B
A - Broca’s area (speech production)
B - Wernicke’s area (speech comprehension)
Name region A
A - Anterior horn
Name structure A
A - Hippocampus
Name region A
A - Medulla oblongata
Name structure A
A - Cingulate gyrus
Name structure A
A - Hippocampus
Name structure A
A - Splenium of corpus callosum
Name structure A
A - Corpus callosum